Front cover image for Report of the Neutrality laws commissioners; together with an appendix containing reports from foreign states and other documents

Report of the Neutrality laws commissioners; together with an appendix containing reports from foreign states and other documents

Print Book, English, 1868
H.M. Stationery Off., G.E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, printers, London, 1868
80 pages 33 cm
Appendix[es]: I. British foreign enlistment act
II. United States foreign enlistment act
III. Historical memorandum, by Mr. Abbott
IV. Reports from foreign states, declarations of neutrality, &c
V. British proclamations of neutrality
VI. Regulations and instructions pub. by Her Majesty's government during the civil war in America
VII. Memorial from Liverpool shipowners suggesting an alteration in the Foreign enlistment act
"Reasons given by Mr. Vernon Harcourt for dissenting from certain portions of the report": pages 7-11