| Scotland - Railroad law - 1898 - 578 pages
...the undertaking are willing to treat for the purchase thereof, and as to the compensation to be made to all parties for the damage that may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the works.3 1 As to meaning of "take," see Spencer v. Metr. Board of Works (1882), 22 Ch.D. 142. 8 For... | |
 | Scotland - Law - 1900 - 516 pages
...the undertaking are willing to treat for the purchase thereof, and as to the compensation to be made to all parties for the damage that may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the works. 18. SERVICE OP NOTICES ON OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF LANDS. — All notices required to be served by the... | |
 | Arthur Jepson - Compensation (Law) - 1900 - 650 pages
...the undertaking are willing to treat for the purchase thereof, and as to the compensation to be made to all parties for the damage that may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the works. 1. Lands which may be taken. In order that lands may be taken, it is necessary (i) that they shall... | |
 | 1903 - 1054 pages
...for the purchase of the land, and as to the compensation to be made to all parties interested in it for the damage that may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the intended works. This document is known as a Notice to Treat. It has to be served personally, if possible,... | |
 | Transvaal (Colony) - Law - 1904 - 552 pages
...that the Secretary is willing to treat for the purchase thereof, and as to the compensation to he made to all parties for the damage that may be sustained by them by reason of such purchase or the carrying out of the purposes for which the land is required. Limitation of 7.... | |
 | Sidney Wrangel Clarke - Real property - 1908 - 324 pages
...the undertaking are willing to treat for the purchase thereof, and as to the compensation to be made to all parties for the damage that may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the works. (For Form of Notice to Treat, see p. 117, ante.) 19. Service of notices on oivners and occupiers of... | |
 | 1909 - 684 pages
...the promoters are willing to treat for the purchase thereof and as to the compensation (c) to be made to all parties for the damage that may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the works (a). Such notices are known as notices to treat. These notices must either be served personally on... | |
 | Frederick Pollock, Robert Campbell, Oliver Augustus Saunders, Arthur Beresford Cane, Joseph Gerald Pease, William Bowstead - Law reports, digests, etc - 1911 - 978 pages
...in respect of their interest in the said lauds and hereditaments, and for damage sustained and which may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the works of the said railway, or the exercise by the said Company of the powers of the said Act, the sum of... | |
 | Clarence Albert Webb - Evaluation - 1913 - 374 pages
...promoters are willing to treat for the purchase of the lands, and as to the compensation to be made to all parties for the damage that may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the works. The service of the notice to treat establishes a semi-contractual relationship. The company, on the... | |
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