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" Neither the debts due from individuals of the one nation to individuals of the other, nor shares, nor monies, which they may have in the public funds, or in the public or private banks, shall ever in any event of war or national differences be sequestered... "
Niles' National Register - Page 300
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Treaties and Topics in American Diplomacy

Freeman Snow - Diplomatic and consular service - 1894 - 536 pages
...Treatise, XXIII. ARTICLE IX.—(Debts not to be confiscated.) "Neither the debts due from individuals of the one nation to individuals of the other, nor shares, nor monies, which they may have in public funds, or in the public or private banks, shall ever, in any event of war or of national difference,...
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Treaties and Topics in American Diplomacy

Freeman Snow - Diplomatic and consular service - 1894 - 536 pages the individuals of the other, nor shares, nor moneys, which they may have in public funds, nor in public or private banks, shall ever, in any event of war or of national difference, be sequestrated or confiscated." ARTICLE XXV. — Most favored nation principle...
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A Treatise on International Law

William Edward Hall - International law - 1895 - 836 pages
...provided that in no case should ' debts duo from individuals of the one nation to individuals of tho other, nor shares, nor monies which they may have in the public funds or in tho public or private banks,' be sequestrated. (Article x.) PART III. upon debts 1 ; at the commencement...
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The International Cyclopedia: A Compendium of Human Knowledge, Rev ..., Volume 8

Harry Thurston Peck - Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1898 - 954 pages
...between the United States and Great Britain stipulates that " neither the debts due from individuals of the one nation to individuals of the other, nor shares nor moneys which they may have in the public funds or in the public or private banks, shall ever, in any...
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Congressional Serial Set

United States - 1899 - 810 pages
...nation, to the individuals of the other, nor shares nor money which they may have in public funds, nor iu public or private banks, shall ever in any event of war or national difference be sequestrated or confiscated. ART. 27th. Both the contracting parties being desirous of avoiding all...
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Compilation of Treaties in Force: Prepared Under Act of July 7, 1895 by ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations - 1899 - 820 pages the individuals of the other, nor shares, nor money which they may have in public fifhds, nor in public or private banks, shall ever in any event of war or of national difference be sequestered or confiscated. ARTICLE 29th. Both the contracting parties being...
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Compilation of Treaties in Force: Prepared Under Act of July 7, 1898

United States - United States - 1899 - 850 pages the individuals of the other, nor shares, nor money which they may have in public funds, nor in public or private banks, shall ever in any event of war or of national difference be sequestered or confiscated. ARTICLE 29 th . Both the contracting parties...
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The Elements of International Law

George Breckenridge Davis - International law - 1900 - 648 pages individuals of the other. nor shares, nor moneys which they may have in the public funds, or in public or private banks, shall ever, in any event of war or national differences, be sequestered or confiscated."' " Some writers have drawn a distinction between debts...
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National Documents: State Papers So Arranged as to Illustrate the Growth of ...

Adelaide Louise Rouse - United States - 1904 - 508 pages
...remedies incident thereto, be regarded as aliens. ARTICLE x Neither the debts due from individuals of the one nation to individuals of the other, nor...banks, shall ever in any event of war or national differences be sequestered or confiscated, it being unjust and impolitic that debts and engagements...
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International Law as Interpreted During the Russo-Japanese War

Frederick Edwin Smith Earl of Birkenhead, Norman Wise Sibley - International law - 1907 - 568 pages
..."neither the debts due from individuals of one nation to individuals of the other, nor shares, nor moneys, which they may have in the public funds, or in the public or private banks, shall ever, in any court of war, or national differences, be sequestered or confiscated." In the controversy which arose...
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