THE PUBLIC STATUTES OF NEW BRUNSWICK, PASSED IN THE YEAR 1854, TOGETHER WITH THOSE UNREPEALED BY THE REVISED STATUTES. VOLUME II. PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE. J. SIMPSON, PRINTER TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. 1854. L13945 FEB 13 1938 FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK: PRINTED BY JOHN SIMPSON, AT THE ROYAL GAZETTE OFFICE, KING STREET. PREFACE. In preparing the Second Volume of the Provincial Statutes, my first object was, as directed by the Publication Act, to separate the Public from the Local and Private Statutes, not only as regards those passed last Winter, but those which remained unrepealed by the Revised Statutes, and introduce none but of a public nature. The two great Railways of the Province," European and North American," and "Saint Andrews and Quebec,"-although both originating with private Companies, I have considered and treated as public, the Government having since become bound to take Stock therein, and being entitled by Law to assist in their management. The Statutes passed contemporaneously with the Revised Statutes, not having been printed and circulated in the usual manner, have, for that reason, although last enacted, the first place in the Volume. Order of time, in arranging the unrepealed Statutes, had also, in some measure, to be sacrificed to their classification. The whole arrangement of this Volume has been made to harmonize as closely as possible with that of the Revised Statutes. It may occasion some surprise that so large a Volume of Public Acts should issue after the revision of such a mass of Statutes; but it will be remembered that besides those of last Winter's Session, which were passed contemporaneously with the Revised Statutes, this Volume contains all such as relate to the practice of the Law, passed from the earliest period, in the room of which the Law Commissioners proposed their amendments, the consideration of which was postponed from that Session. Besides these were all the Acts relating to the Ordnance, Elections, Savings' Banks, College, and Grammar Schools, Railways, &c., which could not, from their peculiar character, safely undergo revision. The only Acts omitted by the Law Commissioners were four or five of a brief and comparatively unimportant nature. |