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THE following table exhibits the comparative prices of leading
articles of produce in the New-York market on the 31st day of
December for the last six years:

[blocks in formation]

Lime Common Rockland,.......


Domestic Whiskey,..


Cuba clayed,

Naval Stores-Spirits Turpentine,

Common Rosin....

Oils-Crude Whale,......

do. Sperm...........



Refined in bond, S. W.,.
Provisions-Pork, mess,.
do. prime,..

Beef, plain Western,

do. prime mess,...............
do. hams, ex...................
Hams, pickled,.

Shoulders, pickled,.
Lard, Western....
Butter, Western,

do. prime State,..

Cheese, fine factory,......

Rice, good,...

Salt-Liverpool, ground,..



.13.12 11-16


.quintal, 5.75



6.00 6.12/2


bbl. 18.00



19.00 20.00 20.00,







[blocks in formation]

Seeds, clover,



[blocks in formation]

Sugar, Cuba, raw,..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



do. refined hards,.

Wool, Ohio fleece,

[blocks in formation]





[blocks in formation]





[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

* Gold.


ARGENTINE Republic.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with,
pages 147, 175, 178.

Arrival of Emigrants at the Port of New-York, page 194.

Articles, Leading.-Imported into and Exported from the Port of New-York,
pages 144, 145.

of Produce, Prices of, in the New-York Market, page 237.
Assay Office in New-York.-Operations of, page 216.

Austria.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, pages 147, 175,

Bacon and Hams.-Exports of, pages 137, 145, 166.

Prices of, page 237.

Banks of the City of New-York.—Condition of, as shown by the Clearing House
statement, page 224.

City and State of New-York, National.-Their condition, as shown by the
Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, pages 225, 226.

United States, National, page 227.

City and State of New-York, incorporated under the laws of the State of
New-York. Their condition, as shown by the Report of the Superintendent
of the Bank Department, pages 228, 229.

Savings, in the Cities of New-York and Brooklyn.-Comparative statement
of the number of Depositors and the amount of Deposits, page 230.
Beef and Pork.-Exports of, pages 137, 145, 167.

Prices of, page 237.

Belgium.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, pages 147, 175,
177, 178, 180.

Bolivia.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, page 175.

Boot and Shoe Trade of New-York, page 95.

Exports of, pages 96, 136.

Brandies, Cognac and La Rochelle.-Imports of, page 113.

Brazil.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, pages 147, 175,
177, 178, 180.

Breadstuffs.-Exports of, pages 134, 145.

British Columbia.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, page


Brooklyn.-Debt of the City of, page 206.

Population of, page 207.

Real and Personal Estate of, page 206.

Bullion and Specie.-Exports of, pages 123, 135, 145, 160, 161, 162.

Imports of, pages 123, 128, 144, 160, 161, 162.

Re-Exports of, pages 139, 160, 161, 162.

Butter and Cheese Trades of New-York, page 115.

Exports of, pages 137, 145, 166.

Prices of, pages 116, 117, 237.

Canals of the State of New-York.-Receipts and Expenditures of, page 193.
Transportation on the, page 192.

Carrying Trade of New-York.-Foreign, page 146.

Central American States.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with,

pages 147, 175, 178, 180.

Champagne.-Imports of, page 114.

Cheese and Butter Trades of New-York, page 115.

Exports of, pages 137, 145, 166.

Prices of, pages 116, 117, 237.

Chemicals and Drugs.-Imports of, pages 82, 83, 130.

Exports of, page 135.

Chili.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, pages 147, 175, 178.
China.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, pages 147, 175,
177, 178.

Cigars.-Imports of, pages 132, 144.

Clearing House of New-York.-Transactions of, page 221.

Coastwise Trade of the United States.-Statement of the Number and Tonnage
of Vessels engaged in, which have Entered into and Cleared from the Port

of New-York, page 186.

Coffee Trade, page 27.

Consumption of, pages 29, 30.

Exports of, page 134.

Imports of, at New-York, pages 27, 128, 144, 152.

Prices of, at New-York, page 34.

Stock of, at New-York, January 1, 1878, page 29.

Coin and Bullion.-Exports of, pages 123, 135, 145, 160, 161, 162.

Imports of, pages 123, 128, 144, 160, 161, 162.
Re-Exports of, pages 139, 160, 161, 162.

Coinage of the United States Mint and Branches, pages 208, 209, 210.
Commerce.-Foreign, of New-York, pages 146, 147, 173.

United States, pages 146, 147, 173.

Commissions.-Rates of, established by the Chamber of Commerce, page 199.
Corn, Indian.-Exports of, pages 134, 145.

Prices of, page 237.

Cotton Crop of the United States, page 56.

Consumption of, page 62.

Exports of, from the Port of New-York and from the United States, pages
69, 135, 145, 163.

Manufactures, Imports of, pages 130, 144, 157.

Prices of, at New-York, pages 71, 237.

Receipts of, at New-York, page 69.

Customs.-Receipts of, at New-York, pages 126, 172.

Danish West Indies.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, pages

147, 175, 178, 180.

Debt of the State of New-York, page 203.

[blocks in formation]

Denmark.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, pages 147, 175,


Domestic Exports from the Port of New-York, pages 123, 134, 145, 171.

Drug Trade of New-York, page 81.
Drugs.-Consumption of, page 87.

Exports of, page 135.

Imports of, pages 82, 83, 130.

Dry Goods Trade of New-York, page 97.

Imports of, pages 98, 125, 130, 144.

Dues.-Tonnage, at New-York, page 197.

Dutch East Indies.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, pages
148, 176, 179, 180.

Dutch West Indies and Dutch Guiana.-Commerce of New-York and the United
States with, pages 148, 176, 179.

Duties on Imports received at New-York and other leading Ports of the United
States, pages 126, 172.

Earthen, Stone and China Ware.—Imports of, pages 130, 144.

East Indies, British.-Commerce of New-York and the United States with, pages
175, 178.

Emigrants.-Arrival of, at the Port of New-York, page 194

England and all British Possessions.-Commerce of New-York and the United
States with, pages 148, 175, 177, 178, 180.

Entrances and Clearances of Vessels at the Port of New-York, pages 173, 174,
175, 176, 177, 178, 180.

Exchange, Foreign, at New-York.-Rates of, page 235.

Exports from the Port of New-York for the calendar year 1877, page 123.

for the fiscal year 1877, pages 134, 145, 171.

Argentine Republic to, page 147.

Articles, Leading, page 144.

Bacon and Hams, pages 137, 145, 166.

Beef and Pork. pages 137, 145, 167.

Belgium to, page 147.

Boots and Shoes, pages 96, 136.

Brazil to, page 147.

Breadstuffs, pages 134, 145.

Bullion, pages 123, 135, 145, 160, 161, 162.

Butter and Cheese, pages 137, 145, 166.

Cheese, Bacon and Hams, pages 137, 145, 166.

Chemicals, page 135.

Chili to, page 147.

Coin and Bullion, pages 123, 135, 145, 160, 161, 162.

Corn, Indian, pages 134, 145.

Comparative, page 171.

Cotton, pages 69, 135, 145, 163.

Manufactures, pages 130, 144, 157.

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