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1832 siring thereby to strengthen with the said Government the bonds of that harmony, not hitherto disturbed; the said Government of the United States and his aforesaid Majesty, the King of the' Kingdom of the Two Sicilies have with one accord, resolved to come to an adjustment; to effectuate which they have respectively named and furnished with the necessary powers, viz, the said Government of the United States, John Nelson Esquire, a citizen of said States, and their Chargé d'Affaires near his Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and his Majesty his Excellency D. Antonio Maria Statella Prince of Cassaro Marquis of Spaccaforno Count Statello etc. etc. etc. his said Majesty's Minister Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs etc. etc. who after the exchange of their respective full powers found in good and due form, have agreed to the following articles:

ART. 1. His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies with a view to satisfy the aforesaid reclamations, for the depredations, sequestrations, confiscations and destructions of the vessels and cargoes of the marchants of the United States, (and for every expense of every kind whatsoever incident to, or growing out of the same) inflicted by Murat during the years 1809, 1810, 1811, and 1812, obliges himself to pay the sum of two millions, one hundred and fifteen thousand Neapolitan ducats to the Government of the United States; seven thousand six hundred and seventy-nine ducats, part thereof, to be applied to reimburse the said Government for the expense incurred by it, in the transportation of American seamen from the Kingdom of Naples, during the year 1810, and the residue to be distributed amongst the claimants by the said Government of the United States in such manner, and according to such rules as it may prescribe.

ART. II. The sum of two millions one hundred and fifteen thousand Neapolitan ducats agreed on in article the Ist. shall be paid in Naples, in nine equal instalments of two hundred and thirty five thousand ducats and with interest thereon at the rate

legami di buona armonia non mai turbata per lo addie- 1832 tro, la prelodata Maestà Sua il Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, ed il Governo degli Stati Uniti hanno concordemente risoluto di venire ad un aggiustamento. a terminare il quale hanno nominati, e muniti delle necessarie Plenipotenze, cioe:

Sua Maestà il Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie, Sua Eccellenza D. Antonio Maria Statella Principe di Cassaro, Marchese di Spaccaforno. Conte Statella, etc. etc. ed il Governo degli Stati Uniti di America il Signor Giovanni Nelson, Suo Incaricato di Affari presso questa Real Corte; i quali dopo il cambio delle respective lore Plenipotenze, e queste trovate in buona e debita forma hanno convenuto dei seguenti Articoli:

ART. I. Sua Maestà il Re del Regno delle Due Sicilie ad oggetto di far tacere le succennate reclamazioni per le prede, sequestro, confische, e distruzione dei bastimenti e dei carichi dei negozianti degli Stati Uniti recate da Murat, negli anni 1809, 1810, 1811. e 1812 (e per qualunque altra spesa incidente o derivante dalle anzidette cagioni) si obliga di pagare la somma di Ducati Napolitani, due milioni cento quindici mila, al Governo degli Stati Uniti; cioe, settemila seicento settanta nove Ducati, a titolo di rimborso al detto Governo, per ispese da esso fatte per trasporto di diversi marineri Americani nell' anno 1810, dal Regno di Napoli nell' America, ed il remanente da dividersi ai reclamanti dal succennato Governo degli Stati Uniti, nel modo, e secondo che esso stimera opportuno di determinare.

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ART. II. La somma dei due milioni cento quindici mila Ducati Napolitani, convenuta nell' Articulo I. sara sodisfatta in Napoli, in nove rate equali, ciascuna de Ducati dugento trenta cinqua mila, coll' interesse a scalare del quattro per cento, da percepirsi dall'

1832 of four per centum per annum, to be calculated from the date of the interchange of the ratifications of this Convention, until the whole sum shall be paid. The first instalment shall be payable twelve months after the exchange of the said ratifications, and the remaining instalments, with the interest, successively, one year after another. The said payments shall be made in Naples into the hands of such person as shall be duly authorized by the Government of the United States to receive the same.

ART. III. The present convention shall be ratified and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged in this capital, in the space of eight months from this date or sooner if possible.

In faith whereof the parties above named have respectively subscribed these articles, und thereto affixed their seals. Done at Naples on the 14th day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

John Nelson. (L. S.)

Acte de ratification du Président des Etats


Whereas, a convention between the Government of the United States of America, and his Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, to terminate the reclamations of said Government for the depredations inflicted upon American commerce by Murat, during the years 1809, 1810, 1811, and 1812, was concluded and signed at Naples, on the fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, which convention is word for word as follows (Suit le texte de la convention)

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And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at Naples, on the eighth day of June one thousand eight hundred and thirtythree, by Auguste Davezac on the part of the United States, and the Prince of Cassaro on the part of the King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies;

Now therefore be it known, that J. Andrew

epoca del cambio delle ratifiche di questa Convenzione. 1832 sino all' estinzione dell' intesa somma. Il primo pagamento sara fatto dodici mesi dopo il cambio di dette ratifiche, ed i rimanenti successivamente un anno dopo l'altro. Questi pagamenti saranno fatti in Napoli nelie mani di chi sara all uopo autorizato dal Governo degli Stati Uniti.

ART. III. La presente Convenzione sará ratificata. e le ratifiche saranno cambiate in questa Capitale, nello spazio di otto mesi da questa data, o piu presto se fia possible.


En fede di che, le Parti di sopra accennate, hanno rispettivamente firmato questi Articoli, e vi hanno apposte i loro suggelli.

Data in Napoli a di 14. di Ottobre mille ottocento trenta due.

Il Principe di Cassaro. (L. S.)

Jackson, President of the United States, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the-end that the same and every clause and article thereof may be observed and fullfied with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this twentyseventh day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three and of the Independence of the United States the fifty-eighth. (L. S.) ANDREW JACKSON.

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Traité de navigation et de commerce
conclú à St. Petersbourg entre la Rus-
sie et les Etats-unis de l'Amérique
septentrionale, en date du 6 (18) Dé-
cembre 1832.

In the name of the most Holy and Indivisible

The United States of America, and his Ma-
jesty the Emperor of all the Russias, equally ani-
mated with the desire of maintaining the rela-
tions of good understanding, which have hitherto
so happily subsisted between their respective Sta-
tes, and of extending and consolidating the com-
mercial intercourse between them have agreed to
enter into negotiations for the conclusion of a treaty
of navigation and commerce: For which purpose
the President of the United States has conferred
full powers on James Buchanan, their Envoy Ex-
traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near his
Imperial Majesty; and his Majesty the Emperor
of all the Russias has conferred like powers on the
Sieur Charles Robert Count de Nesselrode, his
Vice Chancellor, Knight of the Ordres of Russia,
and of many others, etc. and the said Plenipoten-
tiaries having exchanged their full powers, found
in good and due form, have concluded and signed
the following articles:

ART. I. There shall be between the territories of the High Contracting Parties, a reciprocal li berty of commerce and navigation. The inhabitants of their respective States shall, mutually, have liberty to enter the ports, places, and rivers of the territories of each party, whereever foreign commerce is permitted. They shall be at liberty to sojourn and reside in all parts whatsoever of said territories, in order to attend to their affairs, and they shall enjoy, to that effect, the same security and protection as natives of the country whe

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