32 1 of Federal agencies principally affected by such program 2 have been adequately considered. 3 GUIDELINES, RULES, AND REGULATIONS 4 SEC. 503. (a) The Executive Office of the President 5 shall issue guidelines to the Federal departments and agencies 6 to assist them in carrying out the requirements of this Act. 7 Before issuing such guidelines, such office shall consult with 8 the Secretary, the heads of Federal departments and agencies, 9 and representatives of State and local governments. Such 10 guidelines shall be issued not later than the date six months 11 after the date of enactment of this Act. 12 (b) Not later than nine months after the date of enact13 ment of this Act, the Secretary, after consultation with repre14 sentatives of State, and, where appropriate, representatives of 15 local governments and upon the advice of the interested de16 partments and agencies shall promulgate rules and regula17 tions to implement the requirements of this Act. 18 (c) An opportunity shall be afforded to the public for 19 hearings, with adequate notice, on guidelines proposed pur20 suant to subsection (a) and rules and regulations proposed 21 pursuant to subsection (b) prior to their final promulgation 22 or subsequent revision. 23 (d) No guidelines to Federal agencies or rules or regu24 lations proposed under this section shall take effect until they 25 have been submitted to the Congress, and sixty days during 33 1 which the Congress is in session have passed without the 2 adoption by both Houses of a concurrent resolution disap 3 proving such guidelines, rules, or regulations. 4 5 6 RECOMMENDATIONS AS TO NATIONAL POLICY SEC. 504. (a) The Secretary is authorized and directed to investigate and study the need for, and form of, national 7 land use policies. 8 (b) Not later than three years after the date of 9 enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall report to the 10 Congress the results of the investigation and study conducted 11 under this section, together with his recommendations for 12 such legislation as he deems appropriate or necessary to 13 establish national land use policies. Such report shall be 14 based upon the suggestions of representatives of States and 15 local governments and upon consideration of the views and 16 recommendations of the heads of all Federal agencies which 17 conduct or participate in construction, development, assistance, or regulatory programs significantly affecting land use. 18 20 SEC. 505. The Secretary shall report biennially to the 21 President and the Congress on land resources, uses of land, 22 and current and emerging problems of land use. Such report 23 shall include the Secretary's evaluation of the effectiveness 24 of each State program for carrying out the policies of this 25 Act, and shall include an assessment of the economic, social, 34 and environmental costs imposed in each State by inappro2 priate use and development in areas of critical State concern, 3 and the effects of land use controls on the rights of property 4 owners. The report also shall include a summary of public in5 volvement and participation by officials or representatives of 6 local governments in all aspects of State and Federal activi7 ties pursuant to this Act. 8 9 AUTHORIZATIONS; REVIEW SEC. 506. (a) There are authorized to be appropriated 10 to the Secretary of the Interior (1) for grants to the States not more than $50,000,000 for the first complete fiscal year, $75,000,000 for each of the second and third fiscal years, and $100,000,000 for each of the fourth, fifth, and sixth fiscal years after the date of enactment of this Act, such funds to remain available until expended; (2) for grants to the States under section 201 (b), not more than $5,000,000 for each of the three complete fiscal years occurring immediately after the date of enactment of this Act; (3) for conduct of the study pursuant to section 205, such sums as may be necessary; and, (4) for administration of this Act, such sums as may be necessary for each of the six complete fiscal years 1 2 3 35 occurring immediately after the date of enactment of this Act. (b) After the end of the third fiscal year occurring im4 mediately after the date of enactment of this Act, the Sec5 retary shall review the programs established by this Act and 6 shall submit to Congress his assessment thereof and such 7 recommendations for amendments to the Act as he deems. 8 proper and appropriate. 9 10 ALLOTMENTS SEC. 507. (a) Grants to any one State made under 11 title II shall not exceed, during any fiscal year, 75 per 12 centum of the cost, for such fiscal year, of developing and 13 administering the land use program in such State. 14 (b) Grants under title II shall be allocated to the 15 States on the basis of regulations of the Secretary which 16 shall take into account all relevant factors, including but not limited to the amount and nature of each State's land 17 18 resource base, population, pressures resulting from growth, 19 landownership patterns, and financial need. 20 (c) Grants under title II shall increase, and not re21 place, State funds presently available for State land use 22 planning. The remaining share of the cost shall be borne 23 by the State in a manner, and with such funds or services, as may be satisfactory to the Secretary, 24 36 1 (d) Considering, among other factors, the degree of 2 responsibility assumed, a State may allocate a portion of 3 its grants funds to a participating unit of government when a State utilizes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (1) a local government for planning and review purposes associated with the development or amendment of State land use policies, standards, and criteria, (2) general purpose local governments for implementation under section 204, or (3) an interstate agency under section 206 in developing or implementing its land use program. (e) No funds granted pursuant to this Act may be ex13 pended for the acquisition of any interest in real property. 239 14 15 FINANCIAL RECORDS SEC. 508. (a) Each recipient of a grant under this Act 16 shall (1) make reports and evaluations in such form, at such times, and containing such information concerning the status, disposition, and application of Federal funds and the development and administration of a comprehensive land use planning process as the Secretary may require, and (2) make available such records as may be required by the Secretary for the verification of such reports and evaluations. |