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1831 to fix, in a clear and positive manner, the rules which shall in future be religiously observed between both, by means of a Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation. For which important object, the President of the United States of America has appointed Anthony Butler, a Citizen of the United States, and Chargé d'Affaires of the United States of America near the United Mexican States, with Full Powers; and the Vice-President of the United Mexican States, in the exercise of the Executive Power, having conferred like Full Powers on his Excellency Lucas Alaman, Secretary of State for Home and Foreign Affairs, and his Excellency Raphael Mangino, Secretary of the Treasury; and the aforesaid Plenipotentiaries, after having compared and exchanged, in due form, their several Powers as aforesaid, have agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. There shall be a firm, inviolable, and universal, peace, and a true and sincere friendship, between the United States of America and the United Mexican States, in all the extent of their Possessions and between their People and Citizens respectively, without distinction of persons or places.

ART. II. The United States of America and the United Mexican States, designing to take for the basis of their agreement the most perfect equality and reciprocity, engage mutually not to grant any particular favor to other Nations, in respect of Commerce and Navigation, which shall not im mediately become common to the other Party, who shall enjoy the same freely, if the concession was freely made, or upon the same conditions, if the concession was conditional.

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ART. III. The Citizens of the 2 Countries respectively, shall have liberty, freely and securely to come with their Vessels and Cargoes to all such Places, Ports, and Rivers, of the United States of America and of the United Mexican States, to which other Foreigners are permitted to come, to enter into the same, and to remain and reside in any part of the said Territories respectively; also, to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of their Commerce, and to

una manera clara y positiva las reglas que han de ob- 1831 servarse en lo sucesivo religiosamente entre ambas, por medio de un Tratado de Amistad, Comercio, y Navegacion. Para cuyo importante objeto, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América ha conferido Plenos Poderes al Ciudadano de los mismos Estados, Antonio Butler, Encargado de Negocios cerca de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos; y el Vice Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en ejercicio del Poder Ejecutivo, al Escelentísimo Señor Don Lucas Alaman, Secretario de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciones Esteriores é Interiores, y al Escelentísmo Señor Don Rafael Mangino, Secretario de Estado y del Despacho de Hacienda; os cuales, despues de haber combiado sus Plenos Poderes, han convenido en los Artículos. siguientes:

ART. I. Habrá una firme, inviolable y universal paz, y una sincera y verdadera amistad entre los Estados Unidos de América y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en toda la estension de sus Posesiones y Territorios, y entre sus Pueblos y Ciudadanos, respectivamente, sin distincion de personas ó lugares.

ART. II. Los Estados Unidos de América y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, deseando tomar por base de este convenoe la mas perfecta igualdad y reciprocidad, se comprometen à no conceder ningun favor particular à otras Naciones, en lo respectivo à Comercio y Navegacion, que no venga à ser inmediatamente comun à la otra Parte; la cual deberá gozarlo libremente, si la concesion fué hecha libremente, ó bajo las mismas condiciones, si la oncesion fuesce condicional.

ART. III. Los Ciudadanos de los dos Paises respectivamente, tendrán libertad, franquicia y seguridad para ir con sus Buques y Cargamentos à todas las Plazas, Puertos, y Rios, de los Etados Unidos de América y de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, à los que à otros Estrangeros es permitido ir, entrar y permanecer en cualquiera parte de los dichos Territorios respectivamente; asi como arrendar y ocupar casas y almacenes para los fines de su Comercio, y comerciar en ellos en toda clase de productos, manufacturas,


1831 trade therein in all sorts of produce, manufactures, and merchandise; and, generally, the Merchants and Traders of each Nation shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their Commerce.

And they shall not pay higher or other duties, imposts, or fees, whatsoever, than those which the most favored Nations are or may be obliged to pay; and shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, and exemptions, with respect to Navigation and Commerce, which the Citizens of the most favored Nation do or may enjoy; but subject always to the Laws, usages, and Statutes of the two Countries respectively.

The liberty to enter and discharge the Vessels of both Nations of which this Article treats, shall not be understood to authorise the coasting trade, which is permitted to National Vessels only

ART. IV. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the United Mexi can States, of any article, the produce, growth or manufacture, of the United States of America, than those which the same or like articles, the produce, growth, or manufacture, of any other Fo reign Country, do now, or may hereafter, pay; nor shall articles, the produce, growth, or manu facture, of the United Mexican States, be subject on their introduction into the United States America, to higher or other duties than those which the same or like articles of any other Foreig Country do now, or may hereafter, pay.


Higher duties shall not be imposed in the respective States, on the exportation of any article to the States of the other Contracting Party, than those which are now, or may hereafter be paid, on the exportation of the like articles to any other Foreign Country; nor shall any prohibition be established the exportation or importation of any article, the produce, growth, or manufacture, of the United States of America, or of the United Mexican States respectively, in either of them, which shall not in like manner be established with respect to other Foreign Countries.

ART. V. No higher or other duties or charges on account of tonnage, light, or harbor dues, pilo


y mercancias; y en general, los Comerciantes y Ne- 1831 gociantes de cada Nacion, gouarán la mas completa proteccion y seguridad para su comercio.


Y no pagarán otros ni mas altos derechos, impuetos, ó emolumentos, cualquiera que sean, que los que esten 3 estuvieren obligadas á pagar las Naciones mas favorecidas; y gozarán todos los derechos, privilegios, esenciones, con respecto á la Navegacion y Comercio, que los Ciudadanos de la Nacion mas favorecida gozen ó gozaren; pero sugetos siempre á ό las Leyes, usos, y Estatutos, de las dos Naciones respectivamente.

La libertad de entrar y descargar los Buques de ambas Naciones de que habla este Artículo, no se entenderá que autoriza el comercio de escala y cabotaje permitido solamente a los Buques Nacionales.

ART. IV. No se impondrán otros ni mayores derechos á la importacion en los Estados Unidos de América de artículo alguno de producto natural, ó maufactura, de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, que los que pagan, ó en adelante pagaren, los mismos ó semejantes artículos de producto natural ó manufactura de cualquiera otro Pais Estrangero. Los artículos de producto natural ó manufactura de los Estados Unidos de América, no estarán sugetos en su introduccion en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, á otros ni mas altos derechos que aquellos que los mismos ó semejantes artículos de cualquiera otro Pais Etrangero paguen ahora ó puedan pagar en adelante.

No se impondrán mayores derechos en los Estados respectivos, á la esportacion de artículo alguno á los Estados de la otra Parte Contratante, que los que ahora ó despues sean pagados en la esportacion de los mismos artículos á algun otro Pais Estrangero; ni ninguna prohibicion será establecida en la esportacion ó importacion de cualquier artículo, producto natural ó manufactura de los Estados Unidos de América ó los Estados Unidos Mexicanos respectivamente, en alguno de ellos, que del mismo modo no se establesca igualmente con respecto á otros Paises Estrangeros.

ART. V. No se impondrán otros ni mas altos derechos ni cargas, por razon de toneladas, fanal, emo

1831 tage, salvage in case of damage or shipwreck, or any other local charges, shall be imposed in any of the Ports of Mexico, on Vessels of the United States of America, than those payable in the same Ports by Mexican Vessels; nor in the Ports of the United States of America on Mexican Vessels, than shall be payable in the same Ports on Ves sels of the United States of America.

ART. VI. The same duties shall be paid on the importation into the United Mexican States of any article, the growth, produce, or manufa cture, of the United States of America, whether such importation shall be in Mexican Vessels or in Vessels of the United States of America; and the same duties shall be paid on the importation into the United States of America, of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture, of Mexico, whether such importation shall be in Vessels of the United States of America or in Mexican Vessels. The same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties and drawbacks allowed, on the exportation to Mexico of any articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture, of the United States of America, whether such exportation shall be in Mexican Vessels or in Vessels of the United States of America; and the same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties and drawbacks allowed, on the exportation of any articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture, of Mexico, to the United States of America, whether such exportation shall be in Vessels of the United States of America on in Mexican Vessels.

ART. VII. All Merchants, Captains, or Commanders, of Vessels, and other Citizens of the United States of America, shall have full liberty, in the United Mexican States, to direct or manage, themselves, their own affairs, or to commit them to the management of whomsoever they may think proper, either as Broker, Factor, Agent, or Interpreter: nor shall they be obliged to employ for the aforesaid purposes, any other persons than those employed by Mexicans, nor to pay them higher sa

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