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shall not be subject, in the Colonies of The United Kingdom, to other or higher Duties than those to which British Vessels may be subject, on importing the same merchandize from any Foreign Country, or which are imposed upon the merchandize itself.

The same facilities shall be granted reciprocally, in the Colonies of France, with regard to the importation, in British Vessels, of all kinds of merchandize, (being productions the growth and manufacture of The United Kingdom, or of any Country under the British dominion,) with the exception of such as are prohibited to be imported into the said Colonies, or are permitted to be imported only from Countries under the dominion of France. And whereas all goods, the produce of any Foreign Country, may now be imported into the Colonies of The United Kingdom, in the Ships of that Country, with the exception of a limited List of specified Articles which can only be imported into the said Colonies in British Ships, His Majesty The King of The United Kingdom reserves to Himself the power of adding to the said List of excepted Articles any other, the produce of the French Dominions, the addition whereof may appear to His Majesty to be necessary for placing the Commerce and Navigation to be permitted to the Subjects of each of the High Contracting Parties with the Colonies of the Other, upon a footing of fair reciprocity.

seront pas assujettis, dans les Colonies du Royaume Uni, à des Droits plus élevés, ni à d'autres Droits, que ceux auxquels seraient assujettis les Navires Britanniques important les dites marchandises de quelque Pays Etranger que ce soit, et les dites marchandises elles-mêmes.

Il sera accordé réciproquement, dans les Colonies de la France, les mêmes facilités, quant à l'importation, sur Navires Britanniques, de toutes marchandises, (produits du sol et des manufactures du Royaume Uni, ou de quelque Pays que ce soit, soumis à la domination Britannique,) à l'exception de celles dont l'importation dans ces Colonies serait prohibée, ou ne serait permise que des Pays soumis à la domination Française. Et attendu que les produits des Pays Etrangers peuvent être importés maintenant dans les Colonies du Royaume Uni, sur les Vaisseaux appartenant à ces Pays, à l'exception d'un nombre limité d'Articles spécifiés, lesquels ne peuvent être importés dans les dites Colonies que sur Vaisseaux Britanniques, Sa Majesté Le Roi du Royaume Uni Se réserve la faculté d'étendre cette exception sur tout autre produit des Pays soumis à la domination de Sa Majesté Très Chrétienne, lorsque Sa Majesté Britannique jugera convenable de le faire, pour placer le Commerce et la Navigation permis aux Sujets de chacune des Hautes Parties Contractantes avec les Colonies de l'Autre, sur le pied d'une juste réciprocité.

II. From and after the same period, French Vessels shall be allowed to export from all the Colonies of The United Kingdom, (except those possessed by the East India Company,) all kinds of merchandize which are not prohibited to be exported from such Colonies in Vessels other than those of Great Britain; and the said Vessels, as well as the merchandize exported in the same, shall not be subject to other or higher Duties than those to which British Vessels may be subject, on exporting the said merchandize, or which are imposed upon the merchandize itself; and they shall be entitled to the same Bounties, Drawbacks, and other Allowances of the same nature, to which British Vessels would be entitled, on such exportation.

The same facilities and privileges shall be granted, reciprocally, in all the Colonies of France, for the exportation, in British Vessels, of all kinds of merchandize which are not prohibited to be exported from such Colonies in Vessels other than those of France.

These Two Additional Articles shall have the same force and validity as if they were inserted, word for word, in the Convention signed this day. They shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged at the same time.

In Witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the Seals of their Arms.

II. A dater de la même époque, les Navires Français pourront exporter de toutes les Colonies du Royaume Uni, (excepté celles possédées par la Compagnie des Indes,) toutes marchandises dont l'exportation de ces Colonies par Navires autres que ceux Britanniques ne serait point prohibée; et les dits Navires, et les dites marchandises exportées sur ces Navires, ne seront pas assujettis à des Droits plus élevés, ou à d'autres Droits, que ceux auxquels seraient assujettis les Navires Britanniques exportant les dites marchandises, et les dites marchandises elles-mêmes; et ils auront droit aux mêmes Primes, Remboursemens de Droits, et autres Allocations de cette nature, auxquelles pourraient prétendre les Navires Britanniques pour ces exportations.

Il sera accordé réciproquement dans toutes les Colonies de la France, les mêmes facilités et privilèges pour l'exportation, sur Navires Britanniques, de toutes marchandises dont l'exportation de ces Colonies par Navires autres que ceux Français ne serait point prohibée.

Ces Deux Articles Additionnels auront la même force et valeur que s'ils étaient insérés, mot-à-mot, dans la Convention de ce jour. Ils seront ratifiés, et les Ratifications en seront échangées en même tems.

En Foi de quoi, les Plénipotentiaires respectifs les ont signés, et y ont apposé le Cachet de leurs Armes.

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CONVENTION of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Sweden.—Signed at London, March 18, 1826.

His Majesty The King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty The King of Sweden and Norway, having, by Declarations exchanged on the 24th day of April, and 16th day of July, 1824, entered into Stipulations for removing Impediments affecting the Navigation and Trade of Their respective States; and Their said Majesties being mutually desirous of still further extending and improving the relations of Friendship and Commerce now happily subsisting between Them and Their respective Subjects, and of placing the Arrangements already agreed upon by the Declarations aforesaid, upon a more sure and satisfactory footing, have appointed Their Plenipotentiaries to conclude a Convention for these purposes, that is to say :

His Majesty The King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, The Right Honourable George Canning, a Member of His said Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, a Member of Parliament, and His said Majesty's Principal Secretary of

Hans Majestát Konungen af Srerige og Norrige, samt Hans Majestát Ko= nungen af det förenade Konungariket Stora Britannien och Irland, som genom Declarationer utrexlade den 24 April och 16 Julii år 1824, ófverenskommit om stadganden till undanrödjande af hinder för deras respective Staters sjöfart och hande hafva, lifvade af ömsesidig åstundan, at mer och mer utvidga de vånskaps och handels förhållanden, som nu lydligen ága rum emellan Högstberörde Deras Majestäter och Deras ömsesidige undersåtare, samt att gifva de genom förberörde Declarationer redan widtagne bestämmelser en mera säker och tillfredsställande grund, utsett hvar Sine befullmågrigade Om= bud, till afslutande af en Convention i detta afseende, nemligen :

Hans Majestit Konungen af det fórenade Konungariket Stora Britannien och Irland, The Right Hono= rable Georg Canning, Ledamot af Deß Hemliga Råd, Ledamot af Par= lamenret, och Deß fornámste Stats Secreterare för Utrikes Äreuderne; samt The Right Honorable

State for Foreign Affairs;-and The Right Honourable William Huskisson, a Member of His said Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, a Member of Parliament, President of the Committee of Privy Council for Affairs of Trade and Foreign Plantations, and Treasurer of His said Majesty's Navy :

And His Majesty The King of Sweden and Norway, The Sieur Gustavus Algernon, Baron de Stierneld, His First Gentleman of the Chamber, Under-Chancellor of His Orders, Commander of the Order of the Polar Star, Knight of the Order of St. Anne of Russia of the Second Class, and of the Order of the Red Eagle of Prussia of the Third Class; and His said Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of His Britannick Majesty :

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective Full Powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:

Wilhelm Huskisson, Ledamot af Deß Hemliga Råd, och af Parlamentet, President af Hemliga Rådets Utskott för Handels och Colonial Ärenderne, samt Skattmästare af Deß Flotta:

Och hans Majestát Konungen af Sverige och Norrige, Friherre Gustav Algernon Stierneld, Deß öfrerste Kammarjunkare, Under Cangler wid Deß Orden, Commendeur af Deß Nordstjerne Orden, Riddare af Ryska St. Anne Ordens Andra, och af Preusiska Róda Örns Ordens Tredje Class, och Deß Envoyé Extraordi= naire och Ministre Plénipotentiaire hos Hans Stor Britanniska MajeStát:

Hvilka efter utverlingen af de för dem utfärdade och i godt och behörigt stick befundne Fullmakter, hafva öfverenskommit om följande Artiklar :


The several Stipulations contained in the Declarations exchanged between the Plenipotentiaries of His Majesty The King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty The King of Sweden and Norway, on the 24th day of April, and 16th day of July, 1824, shall continue in force between the High Contracting Parties, respectively, for the term of the present

Artikel I.

De särskilte stadganden som innehållas uti de emellan de af Hans Majestát Konungens af Sverige och Norrige, och Hans Majestát Konungens af det förenade Konungariket Stora Britanien och Irland dertill befullmágtigade Ombud, under den 24 April, och 16 Julii år 1824, utverlade Declarationer, skola åga kraft och verkan emellan de Höga Contraherande Magterne, så långe nár varande Convention råcker, och skola wara lika förbindande för dem, Deras

Convention, and shall be equally binding upon the said Parties, Their Officers and Subjects, (except as far as the same may be hereinafter varied,) as if the same had been inserted, word for word, in this Convention.


British Vessels entering or departing from the Ports of the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, and Swedish and Norwegian Vessels entering or departing from the Ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, shall not be subject to any other or higher Ship-duties or Charges, than are or shall be levied on National Vessels entering or departing from such Ports, respectively.


All goods, wares, and merchandize, whether the production of the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, or of any other Country, which may be legally imported from any of the Ports of the said Kingdoms into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in British Vessels, shall, in like manner, be permitted to be so imported directly in Swedish or Norwegian Vessels; and all goods, wares, and merchandize, whether the production of any of the Dominions of His Britannick Majesty, or of any other Country, which may be legally exported from the Ports of The United

Embetsmin och undersitare (i så måtto de icke genom hrad hårefter följer, blifva jemkade), aldeles som om de ord för ord woro införde uti närvarande Con


Artikel II.

Fartyg tillhörande det förenade Konungariket Stora Britannien och Ir= land, som inlépa uti hamnar, belägne i Konungarikena Everige och Norrige, eller som derifrån utlópa, samt Svenska och Norrska fartyg som inlópa uti det förenade Konungarikets Stora Britanniens och Irlands hamnar, eller som derifrån utlópa, skola ide vara underkastade några afgifter eller pålagor högre eller andra án dem, som för nårvarande åro eller framdeles kunna blifva de respective ländernes egna fartyg pålagde wid Deras inlöpande i berörde hamnar eller wid Deras utlöpande derifrån.

Artikel III.

Alla Handelswaror och gods, antin= gen de áro producerade i Konungarikena Sverige och Norrige, eller i hvilket annat land som helst, hvaraf införseln från námde Konungarikens hamnar till hamnar belägna uti det förenade Ko= nungariket Stora Britannien och Irland ár lagligen tillåten uti fartyg till= hörande sidstnámde förenade Konungarike, kunna likaledes dit infóras, directe från Sverige och Norrige uti Svenska och Norrsta fartyg; och alla handelsvaror och gods, vare sig producter af Hans Stor Britanniska Majestáis Stater, eller af något annat land, hraraf utförseln från det förenade Konungari fets hamnar uti Deß egna Fartyg ár lagligen tillåten, kunna likaledes ut=

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