WE DO Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Hot Water Fifting, Electric Bells, etc. Slate, Metal and Gravel Roofing. HICKEY & AUBUT, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND HEATERS 324 St. Antoine St., cor. St. Martin St., Montreal. Bell Telephone Up 2760 "Day & Night." Estimates Given. Charges Moderate. Tailleur de Pierre, Marbre, Granit, Mosaique et Ciment, Lettrage et Ouvrage de Cimetière. 1279 rue Bordeaux, DeLorimier. (Advertisers' Alphabetical Index continued from page Iv) Advertisers' Classified Index see Pages XL, XLI, XLII, XLIII, XLVII, XLVIII, XLIX, L, LXIII and XXXIX Notice to our Readers XXXIX Indicateur des Annonceurs par Classification, voir pages XL, XLI, XLII, XLIII, XLVII, XLVIII, XLIX, L, LXIII et LXIV Avis aux Lecteurs ..LII TELEPHONE EAST 2468 GRAY & WIGHTON General Builders and Contractors. OFFICE and YARD: 7 Park Avenue. MONTREAL Complete Estimates Given on PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY WITH Esty Automatic 50 to 80 PER CENT SAVED in PREMIUMS Approved by the Canadian Fire Underwriters' Ass'n AND All Insurance Associations. H. G. VOGEL CO., 30 ST. GEORGE ST., MONTREAL, QUE. } ESTABLISHED 1881 Remember Us, When You Require Builders' "Art" Hardware Painters' Plumbers' Mill & Contractors' Supplies TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. Paints & Oils, Lubricating Oils,Sun Boiler Compound E. CAVANAGH CO., Ltd., Corner Notre Dame and Seigneur Streets, Bell Tel. MAIN 4532 T. A. MORRISON & CO. Building Materials, Contractors' Plant, Road-Making Machinery, Fire Appliances, 204 St. James Street, corner St. Peter, MONTREAL. SELLING AGENTS: Morrison Quarry Co.'s Concrete Stone (Fireproof.) Reinforced Concrete Stone. Concrete Top Dressing. Macadam Stone and Binder. Roofing Gravel, etc. MachineBroken, Clean Screened. all sizes, made from Fireproof "Banc Rouge" Traprock Gneiss Blue Syenite. "Roman" Manufactured Building Stone, Trimmings and Terra Cotta, made in all Colors to Architect's Designs, for interior and exterior use. Sandstones. Cut Building Limestone. American Enameled Brick. Milton Pressed Brick, Red and Buff. Waterous "Champion" Stone Crushing Plants. Empire Rock Drills. High Speed Engines. Saw Mill Machinery. Road-Making Machinery. Steam Road Rollers. Fire Appliances. Waterous Fire Engines. New and Second Hand Contractor's Plant. St. Helens, England. Works: {Maubeuge, France. PILKINGTON BROS. (Limited.) Manufacturers of Polished Plate and Window Glass. Plain and Bevelled Mirror Depot, BUSBY LANE, MONTREAL, Also, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. Phone Main 4296 and 4297 Bell. Bell Tel. Main 5073 Repair work a specialty. The Royal Roofing & Gravel, Cement, Slate Roofers, Metal Workers & General Contractors |