(k) It is forbidden, in case the explosion of a charge does not carry away the whole drill-hole, leaving the lower part intact, to use the remaining part of the old drill-hole as a starting point for a new drill hole. (1) It is forbidden to allow persons under sixteen (16) years of age, or who are inexperienced to be in the vicinity of hand magazines or to handle such explosives. (m) It is required that, to ensure the safety of surrounding property and of persons in the vicinity, no greater charge shall ever be used than is necessary to properly start the work. (n) It is required that the excavation work contiguous to any structures shall be so carried on as not to cause any damage to such structures. To secure this, weak walls, etc., or such structures must be shored up, and all rotten or decomposed rock must be removed by use of gads, picks and crowbars only. When blasting next to such structures is unavoidable, light face blasts only, with short lines of resistance and small charge, shall be used. (0) It is required that in the neighborhood of roads, houses and objects which may be damaged by blasts, the shots shall be carefully covered (preferably with brush mattresses, fascines and the like) and the charges be so reduced in size that no fling about of debris shall be possible. Red flags shall be placed at reasonable distance from the blast on all sides; a trumpet shall also be blown, five (5) minutes before the explosion takes place, to give all persons proper warning. Men shall also be stationed in the immediate vicinity and on the different highways and sidewalks, to caution all persons against approaching the blast. The covering over mine shall be chained. ALL BLASTS TO BE WELL COVERED AND CHAINED. Section 30. In all cases of blasting within the City of Montreal, each blast, before firing it, shall be covered on top and sides with tin sufficiently large to cover the block to be broken, such tin to be covered with pieces of timber, to be held together at each end by chains of either steel or iron or some other safe manner to provide against stones being scattered at a distance where they might endanger life and property. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE INSPECTOR TO ENTER BUILDINGS OR LOTS. Section 31-The Inspector of Buildings or his assistants are hereby empowered, at any and all times, to enter into and examine all buldings and lots where any merchandise, gunpowder, hemp, flax, tow, hay, straw, rushes, lumber, timber, fire-wood, boards, shingles, coal, shavings, or other combustible materials may be lodged or stored, for the purpose of ascertaining all violations of any of the provisions of this by-law and also the places where ashes may be deposited. REGULATIONS CONCERNING ACETYLENE. Section 32.-Acetylene meters, small Acetylene generating apparatus of the capacity not exceeding two (2) pounds of Calcium Carbide, and portable Acetylene generating apparatus such as used by competent persons for stereopticon and other educa tional purposes. Acetylene and hand lanterns and Acetylene torch lights, shall be exempted from the provisions of this section, provided any portable Acetylene generating or holding apparatus which does not conform to the provisions of this section, so far as they apply shall not be permitted for lighting any building. (A) No acetylene generating or holding apparatus shall be installed, or repaired after it has once confined this gas without the assistance of an experienced person holding a license from the Inspector of Buildings therefor. (B) All apparatus to be used for generating or holding Acetylene shall be so constructed, located and used, as to secure the greatest measure of safety, according to the herein given rules and as may be prescibed by the Inspector of Buildings. 1. Such apparatus shall be made of sufficiently strong material and sufficiently good workmanship to insure stability and durability. 2. No unalloyed copper and no fragile or unstable material shall be used in constructing or connecting such apparatus. 3. The air space in any generating chamber of such apparatus shall be reduced to such dimensions, that the proportions of air in the Acetylene stored therefrom shall not constitute a dangerous mixture while the apparatus is in operation. 4.- Excessive pressure within and escape of gas from the apparatus must be guarded against by approved means. 5. Provision must be made to guard against dangerous development of heat and for the complete submersion in water of the Carbide residuum in any generating chamber before its removal therefrom. 6. No. Acetylene generator shall be fitted with continuous drain connections leading to sewer without means to prevent any undissolved Carbide from passing to said sewer. 7. Reliefs or safety blow-offs of approved form shall be provided and connected with an escape pipe affording free vent to the outer air, and terminating in an approved hood located at least twelve (12) feet above the ground and remote from windows. 8. A stop cock shall be provided on the service pipe which shall control the outflow of gas from the apparatus; no cock or valve adapted to allow gas or air under pressure to escape into the atmospehre surrounding the apparatus shall be permitted. The (C) All Acetylene generating or holding apparatus, except as herein provided, shall be installed in rooms provided with day light, with approved means for guarding against the freezing of the liquids contained therein and with suitable ventilation. apparatus shall be so placed that its working parts shall be easy of access and have free and full play; that no artificial light will be required for adjusting, charging or cleaning same, and that it will not be subject to interference of children or careless persons. To this latter effect a further enclosure permitting free circulation of air shall be provided, if necessary. (D) No person shall take charge of an Acetylene generating or holding apparatus until he or she has been properly instructed in its operation and in the following rules, which shall be conspicuously posted in the apparatus room in the English and French languages: GENERATOR was awarded the Gold Medal by the Canadian National Exhibition 1905 and this is the only Gold Med al ever awarded in Canada for a Carbide Gas Machine. SAFETY, SIMPLICITY, CLEANLINESS, NO GASOMETER to blow up and no storage of gas. Never had an accident. Compact and no mechanism there is only one part of the machine that moves. We invite your inspection or will mail catalogue on application. SICHE LIGHT CO. Ltd. 340 CRAIG WEST (Near Victoria Square) as Montreal MONTREAL. COLT 1. Calcium Carbide shall be kept in water tight metal receptacles, stored in a dry place inaccessible to water, children or careless persons. Every receptacle in use shall be carefully closed immediately after the required Carbide has been taken out of it. Calcium Carbide shall not be handled near water nor be placed over or under tanks or other vessels containing water, except in proper position on or in the generating apparatus. 2. In case of an escape of Acetylene or of a leak, windows and doors must be opened immediately and free ventilation maintained until the trouble has been fully remedied. 3.-Smoking, carrying a light or fire of any kind near an Acetylene generating or holding apparatus, testing the apparatus or pipe for leaks with a flame, and lighting Acetylene issuing from an outlet not provided with a burner, are prohibited. 4. In case of accidental freezing of the water in any part of the apparatus only hot water shall be used for thawing same. 5. All the liquids shall be removed from an Acetylene apparatus intended to remain idle before same shall be exposed to frost. 6.-All Acetylene generating or holding apparatus, or parts thereof in contact with the gas, shall be removed outside and completely filled with water several times in such a way that all the air therein shall be expelled each time before any repair requiring the use of a hot tool shall be made. 7. No pressure guage shall be allowed to remain connected to any part of the system, unless so arranged, in an approved manner, that gas cannot escape in the event of evaporation of the liquid seal or of derangement of such appliance. 8.-No stove, lamp or other similar gas appliance connected to a combustible gas system by a tube made of rubber, or of other perishable material, shall be allowed to have a cock or valve permitting the gas to remain under pressure in such tube while the gas is not burning. (E) The manufacture, transportation, storage, sale or use of liquified Acetylene is absolutely prohibited within the limits of the City. (F) The manufacture, transportation, storage and sale of acetylene compressed in steel cylinders of approved design and construction, up to pressures not exceeding three hundred pounds (300 lbs.) to the square inch, may be allowed to competent persons duly licensed within the limits of the City under a special permit. (G) The storage and installation for use of the tanks containing acetylene, as specified in sub-section (f), shall be in places approved of by the Inspector of Buidlings. (H) All Calcium Carbide in transit through the City and in storage must be enclosed in hermetically closed iron receptacles, and plainly marked: "CALCIUM CARBIDE.-DANGEROUS IF NOT KEPT DRY, and CARBURE DE CALCIUM.-DANGEREUX A MOINS D'ETRE TENU SEC." (I) All permits and licenses provided for in this section of the present by-law must be renewed on the first day of May each year |