FRONTS TO BE PRESSED BRICKS OR STONE. Sect. 2. Every new building erected on the lots fronting on either side of St. Lawrence Street, between Sherbrooke Street and Mount Royal Avenue, shall have a frontage of ashlar or cut stone, of iron or pressed brick of the best quality, capable of supporting a pressure of seven hundred and fifty (750) pounds per square inch, or of any other durable and incombustible material (to the exclusion of wood, wood and brick, wood cased with sheet iron, wood and stone, for walls). Ornamental Terra Cotta may be used to ornament the frontage. The cornices shall be of sheet iron copper, stone or brick. HEIGHT OF NEW BUILDINGS Sect. 3. The new buildings shall not have less than three (3) storeys, the first of which shall be twelve (12) feet high and the two (2) others ten (10) feet, or a total height of not less than thirty-eight (38) feet, from the sidewalk to the top of the roof. NEW BUILDINGS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH BY-LAW No. 260. Sect. 4. The said new buildings shall be erected in accordance with the rules set forth in the "Montreal Building By-law of 1901 (No. 260)" BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE ERECTION OF BUILDINGS ON (PASSED 11TH JANUARY, 1904, NUMBER 308). ALL BUILDINGS TO BE 14 FEET, 6 INCHES FROM STREET LINE. Sec. 1. No person associaton, of persons, or company shall erect or build or cause to be erected or built, on the frontage of Sherbrooke street, from St. Denis street to Papinean Avenue, on the North or South side of said street, and on the frontage of La Fontaine Park, west side, from Cherrier street to Rachel street, any house or building whatsoever within fourteen (14) feet, and six (6) inches from the homologated line, the space so reserved to be free from all buildings Sec. 2.-A line shall be established at a distance of fourteen (14) feet, and six (6) inches, from the line of said Sherbrooke street, from St. Denis to Papineau Avenue, on the North and South sides of said street, and on said La Fontaine Park, west side, from Cherrier street to Rachel street, and no house or building whatsoever shall be erected within such line. NO FACTORIES, SHOPS, SALOONS, ETC. WILL BE ALLOWED. Sec. 3.-It shall not be lawful to construct, occupy and maintain on said Sherbrooke street, from St. Denis street to Papineau Avenue, on the North or South side of said street, and on said La Fontaine Park, west side, any factory, workshop, tavern, saloon, billiard room, pigeon-hole room, livery stable, butcher stall, or other shop or similar place of business, nor shall it be lawful to fit up or repair any existing buildings to be used as such BY-LAW CONCERNING THE ERECTION OF BUILDINGS ON (PASSED 18TH JULY, 1904, NUMBER 321). ALL BUILDINGS TO BE 14 FEET FROM STREET LINE. Sec. 1. No person, association, syndicate, company or corporation whatever shall erect or build or cause to be erected or built, on the frontage of Cherrier street, on the North or South side of said street, any house or building whatsoever at a distance of less than fourteen (14) feet from the homologated line, the space so reserved to be free from all buildings. Sec. 2.-A line shall be established at a distance of fourteen (14) feet from the line of the said Cherrier street, on the North and South side of said street, and no house or building whatsoever shall be erected within such line. NO FACTORIES, SHOPS, SALOONS, ETC., ALLOWED. Sec. 3. It shall not be lawful to construct, occupy and maintain on said Cherrier street, on the North or South side of said street, any factory, workshop, tavern, saloon, billiard-room, pigeonhole room, livery stable, butcher stall, or other similar places of business, nor shall it be lawful to fit up or repair any existing building to be used as such. BY-LAW CONCERNING THE ERECTION OF BUILDINGS (PASSED 18th OF SEPTEMBER, 1905, NUMBER 336). FRONT OF ALL BUILDINGS TO BE OF BRICK, STONE, IRON OR CONCRETE. Sect. 1.-Every new building erected on the lots fronting on either side of St. Antoine Street, from Craig Street to the Western limits of the City, shall have a frontage of ashlar or cut stone, of iron or pressed brick of the best quality, or of cement or concrete, capable of supporting a pressure of seven hundred and fifty (750) pounds per square inch, or of any other durable and incombustible material (to the exclusion of wood, wood and brick, wood cased with sheet iron, wood and stone, for walls). Ornamental Terra Cotta may be used to ornament the frontage. The Cornices shall be of sheet iron, copper, stone or brick.. BUILDINGS NOT TO BE LESS THAN 38 FEET IN HEIGHT. Sect. 2. The new buildings shall not have less than three (3) storeys, the first of which shall not be less than twelve (12) feet high and the two others not less than ten (10) feet, or a total height of not less than thirty-eight (38) feet, from the sidewalk to the top of the roof. MUST CONFORM TO BUILDING BY-LAW. Sect. 3.-The said new buildings shall be erected in accordance with the rules set forth in the Building By-law of 1901 (No. 260) and its amendments. BY-LAW CONCERNING THE ERECTION OF BUILDINGS ON ST. CATHERINE STREET, FROM THE EASTERN LIMITS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL TO THE WESTERN LIMITS OF SAID CITY. (PASSED 3RD OF OCTOBER. NO. 339.) WOODEN BUILDINGS MUST NOT BE REPAIRED. Sect. 1.-No person shall repair any wooden building or part of any wooden building now existing on St. Catherine Street, from the Eastern limits to the Western limits of the City of Montreal. FRONTS OF BUILDINGS TO BE OF STONE, BRICK, IRON OR CONCRETE. Sect. 2.-Every new building erected on the lots fronting on either side of St. Catherine Street, from the Eastern limits to the Western limits of the City of Montreal, shall have a frontage of ashlar or cut stone or cement, of iron or pressed brick of the best quality, capable of supporting a pressure of seven hundred and fifty (750) pounds per square inch or of any other durable or incombustible material (to the exclusion of wood, wood and brick, wood and stone, wood cased with sheet iron, for external walls). Ornamental Terra Cotta or cement, may be used to ornament the frontage. The cornices shall be of sheet iron, copper, stone, brick or cement. NEW BUILDINGS NOT TO BE LESS THAN 38 FEET IN HEIGHT. Sect.3. The new buildings shall not be less than thirty-eight feet (38) feet, from the sidewalk to the top of the roof. NO FACTORY OR STABLE TO BE ALLOWED. Sect. 4.-It shall not be lawful to construct on the lots bordering upon said St. Catherine Street, on either side thereof, any factory, private stable or livery stable, nor shall it be lawful to increase or extend any existing building to be used as such. MUST CONFORM TO BUILDING BY-LAW. Sect. 5. All buildings hereafter erected or repaired in accordance with the rules set forth in Building By-law of 1901 (No. 260,) concerning buildings, and its amendments. PENALTY. Sect. 6. Every person offending against any of the provisions of this By-law shall be liable to a fine with or without costs and in default of immediate payment of said fine with or without costs, as the case may be, to an imprisonment, the amount of said fine and term of imprisonment to be fixed by the Recorder's Court of the City of Montreal at its discretion; but such fines shall not exceed forty (40) dollars and the imprisonment shall not be for a longer period than two (2) calendar months; the said imprisonment, however, to cease at any time before the expiration of the term fixed by the said Recorder's Court upon payment of the said fine, or fine and costs, as the case may be; and if the infraction is repeated, such repetition shall, day by day, constitute, upon summons or arrest, a separate offence. NOTE-The same penalties of this By-law are applicable for infraction or violation to all Building By-laws. BY-LAW TO REGULATE AND PROHIBIT THE MANUFAC- (PASSED 6TH OF OCTOBER, 1905, NO. 340). EXPLOSIVES, OILS AND COMPOUNDS. Section 1.-No person shall have, keep, sell, manufacture, transport or give away any explosives or any oils or compounds, within the limits of the City of Montreal, except in quantities limited, in the manner or upon the conditions herein provided and under such regulations as the Fire and Light Committee shall prescribe. FIREWORKS, EXPLOSIVES, ETC. Section 2.-No fireworks, detonating works, percussion caps, collodion, ether, or explosive compounds, shall hereafter be stored or kept for sale or manufactured or transported in the City, except in such places, in such manner and in such quantities as determined by this by-law and until a permit has been granted by the City Council, as hereinafter provided. MEANING OF TERMS. Section 3.-The term "Explosives," wherever used in this by-law, is intended to comprise all substances which by shock or application of heat are suddenly decomposed and converted into a gaseous form, the evolution of heat caused by the chemical reaction producing a sudden expansion of the gases formed and thereby an explosive effect. (a) The term "High Explosives," wherever used in this bylaw, is intended to comprise explosives which are nitro-derivatives such as nitro-glycerine, nitro cellulose and all their compounds such as dynamite, rack-a-rock, cordite, all the various forms of smokeless powders, the picrates and similar compounds which are characterized by great explosive effects from comparatively small quantities of the explosive compound. (b) The term Combustible materials " means such highly combustible materials as soft and hard coal, shavings, petroleum and other oils, lumber, cord wood, hay, straw and such chemicals as are comprised in sections regulating the use and storage of drugs and chemicals. 66 (c) Council means the Council of the City of Montreal. (d) "Person" means a person, acompany or a body corporate. (e) Inspector means the Inspector of Buildings for the City of Montreal, or his duly authorized representative. (f) Committee means the Fire and Light Committee of the City Council. MANUFACTURE OF OILS AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL Section 4. No person shall manufacture petroleum, naphta, benzine, kerosine, gasoline, coal oil, turpentine, varnish, alcohol or other highly combustible material except in a fire proof building, the openings in which shall be fitted with fire-proof doors, as provided for in this by-law, and in which the openings for light and ventilation shall be placed in the roof; said building shall have a chimney of such height and at such distance from other buildings as may be approved by the Inspector, and such buildings shall not be erected or used until a permit to do so has been obtained from the Council, as hereinafter provided. STORAGE, MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF OILS AND EXPLOSIVES Section 5.-It shall not be lawful to store, manufacture or keep for sale any of the liquids aforesaid above the ground storey of the building in which the same is kept or stored except as provided for in sections regulating the use and storage of drugs and chemicals, and proper precautions shall be taken to prevent the overflow of such liquids beyond the premises wherein the same are kept or stored. PERMIT TO STORE OR KEEP OILS OR EXPLOSIVES Section 6.-No person shall store or keep for sale any such liquids in any quantity exceeding one hundred (100) gallons or any of the explosives above mentioned, except in buildings or premises approved of by the Inspector and then only after a permit to do so has been obtained from the Council, as hereinafter provided. No other but safety lamps shall be used in the rooms of the buildings where such liquids and explosives are stored or sold. |