UNHEALTHY AND POORLY CONSTRUCTED DRAINS. Sec. 30.-Whenever any existing private drain shall have been proved to the satisfaction of the Health Officers to be injurious to health by reason of its construction or condition, the said Board of Health is hereby empowered to order that said drain be taken up and reconstructed of such material size and with such fall and in such direction as the said Board of Health may determine upon; and thereupon, within eight (8) days after notice shall have been given to the owner of the said drain or occupant of the property through which said private drain passes, the said owner shall cause the said drain to be constructed according to the resolution of the said Board of Health, and failing to do so, the said owner shall incur the penalty provided in section 56 of this by-law. Sec. 31. No person shall allow steam or any injurious substance to be sent into any public drain in the said City. INSPECTION AS TO SANITARY CONDITIONS. Sec. 32.-It shall be the special duty of the members and officers of the Board of Health to inspect and inquire into the sanitary conditions of all colleges or schools, both public and private, and all appurtenances thereto; they shall examine the ventilation of such schools during the hours of instruction and the drainage and ventilation of the offices connected therewith; and whenever the sanitary condition in these or other respects, be found defective, the Board of Health shall order the commissioners, trustees or others having control over such colleges or schools or colleges, or the proprietor, lessee or occupant of the said schools, to remedy the defects to the satisfaction of the Board of Health within such delay as the board may assign. BOARD OF HEALTH-POWERS. Sec. 33. The Board of Health shall exercise the same powers in reference to factories, work-shops, public halls and meetingrooms, dormitories and all other places where numbers of persons are brought together. PENALTIES AND FINES FOR VIOLATION. Sec. 56-Any person violating or contravening any of the provisions of the present by-law, for which a penalty is not already herein before provided, or disobeying the orders of the said Board of Health, or of any member of the said Board, or of any health officer as aforesaid, or refusing to comply with such orders, or opposing or obstructing the same in any manner whatsoever, or preventing any member of the said Board or any health officer as aforesaid from entering into any house, or an any premises or assaulting them in the execution of the powers and duties imposed upon them, shall be liable to a fine, and in default of immediate payment of the said fine and costs to an imprisonment to be fixed by the Recorder's Court, at its discretion; and any person who shall violate the present by-law shall be liable to the penalty mentioned in this section for each and every day that such violation or contravention shall last, which shall be held to be a distinct and separate offence, for each and every day as aforesaid; but such fine shall not exceed forty dollars ($40) for each and every offence as aforesaid, and the imprisonment shall be not for a longer period than two (2) calendar months also for each and every offence as aforesaid; the said imprisonment, however, to cease at any time before the expiration of the term fixed by the said Recorder's Court, upon payment of the said fine and costs. BY-LAW CONCERNING STREETS, ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. JURISDICTION OF THE ROAD COMMITTEE. (PASSED 27th DECEMBER, 1901,NUMBER 270). STREETS, ROADS, ETC., UNDER CONTROL OF THE ROAD COMMITTEE. A. The streets, roads and highways in the City of Montreal are under the control of a Standing Committee, called "The Road Committee," the general jurisdiction of which extends over the lanes and highways, and the right of way over, across, along and under the same; over the sewers and drains; over the franchises and privileges granted to private individuals or companies on over or under the streets, lanes and highways. STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, THE PLAN OF THE CITY. Sec. 7.-Whenever any street, lane or public place not acquired by the City will have been, in whole or in part, open to the public for ten (10) years, the City Surveyor shall report the fact to the Road Committee, and the latter body may recommend to the Council that such street, lane, highway or public place be described and recorded as a public street in the register kept for that purpose. A plan indicating said street, lane, highway or public place and the adjoining streets shall be annexed to the City Surveyor's Report; said report shall also give an estimate of the works to be executed on such street and shall state if the bordering lands can be drained into the City sewers. WHERE THE STREET OR LANE IS PRIVATE. Sec. 8. The proprietors of private streets and lanes shall at each extremity and at each intersection of streets, place at the top of a post solidly fixed into the ground and at least 8 feet high, a poster at least 2 square feet, with the following words printed very legibly: "This street or lane (as the case may be) does not belong to the City." IMPROVEMENTS TO ROADS, STREETS, ETC. Sec. 9.-No improvement can be made by the City on any street, lane, highway or public place not belonging to the City, without a special resolution of the Council. SUB-DIVISION OF LAND INTO STREETS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY PLANS. Sec. 10.-No proprietor or agent of any land situated within the limits of the City shall open or subdivide his land into streets unless a plan thereof, with a scale, on which the adjoining streets shall be indicated, be made and approved of by the City Surveyor, to whom a copy of the same shall be remitted. If such streets are not in accordance with the general plan of the City, the City Surveyor shall forthwith notify of the fact the proprietor or his agent, and shall prohibit such subdivision unless the Council, on a report of the Road Committee, decides otherwise. ERECTION OF BUILDINGS UPON STREETS, PROHIBITED IN SUB-DIVISIONS. Sec. 11.—It is forbidden to erect any house or building whatsoever on a street the subdivision of which will have been, prohibited. In the event of a house or building whatsoever being so erected, the same shall be demolished within forty-eight (48) hours after the notice given to that effect by the City Surveyor. In the event of such demolition not being made within the above mentioned delay, the City Surveyor may proceed with such demolition at the expense of the said proprietor or agent of the building, upon authorization of the Road Committee. STREETS TO BE CLOSED ON PROHIBITED SUB-DIVISIONS. Sec. 12.-When a subdivision has been prohibited, the proprietor or agent shall forthwith close the street to the public, and in default of so doing, the City Surveyor may close the same at the expense of the proprietor or his agent, or he may place a poster, as aforesaid, with the following words: "The plan of this street has been prohibited by the City Surveyor, who has forbidden to erect thereon any house or building whatsoever." The name of the new street must be approved by the Council on a report of the Road Committee. WIDTH OF ALL NEW STREETS. Sec. 13.-Every new street shall be at least eighty (80) feet wide; unless the Council by special resolution, shall decide otherwise, and provided that in no case the street shall be less than sixty six feet. NAMES OF STREETS TO BE POSTED ON STREET CORNERS. Sec. 14.-The City Surveyor shall see, (inasmuch as the appropriations voted will permit him to do so,) that the names of the streets are indicated in perfectly legible characters, on signs fixed on the houses built at the corner of the streets, and that each house is numbered from East to West, and from South to North, the even numbers to the left and the odd numbers to the right. EXPROPRIATION AND STREET LINES. Sec. 15. Whenever the proprietor of an immoveable who has erected permanent buildings on the homologated line or whose entire land is included in the new line will offer to cede to the City such portion of land, the expropriation of such portion of land or of such lot may be proceeded with in the month of September of each year. ALTERATION OF STREET LINES. Sec. 16. The Council of the said City of Montreal may, whenever, in their opinion, the safety or convenience of the inhabitants of the City shall require it, discontinue any street, lane, or alley of the said City, or make any alteration in the same, in part or in whole. SANITARY CONDITIONS OF STREETS TO BE OBSERVED. Sec. 17. It is forbidden to throw or deposit in the streets, lanes, alleys, avenues, public grounds, public places, crossings, sidewalks or municipal streams, any ashes, paper, glass, garbage, filth, rubbish, dead animals, or any other obnoxious matters; to obstruct the same with vehicles, boxes, wood, or any other objects; to play thereon ball, lacrosse, or any other obnoxious, obstrucive or turbulent games; to skate or slide thereon with sleighs, toboggans, or other vehicles; to allow horses, cattle or other animals to roam thereon; to place thereon drinking troughs for horses, racks or other obstructions; to erect thereon posts or rings for fastening horses; to place thereon signs, sign-posts, awning or awning-posts. DISTRIBUTION OF CIRCULARS, ETC., IN STREETS Sec. 18.-It is forbidden to carry or distribute any posters, advertisements, prospectus, circulars or papers in, near, or on the streets, alleys, sidewalks and public places of the City. LICENCES TO SELL ON STREETS. Sec. 19.-It is forbidden to trade or sell on the streets, sidewalks and public places of the City, unless in virtue of a license granted by the Council. NOTICE AND PERMIT TO OPEN, TEAR UP STREETS OR SIDEWALKS. Sec. 20. No person, company or corporation shall tear up any pavement, sidewalk, crosswalk, drain or sewer, or make any hole, ditch or drain in any street, pavement or sidewalk, without previously sending a written notice to the City Surveyor with a sketch showing the exact location and dimensions of the proposed opening, and without obtaining the permission of the said City Surveyor and his approval of the place where and the manner in which, the proposed opening is to be made, and depositing with the City Treasurer the amount which the City Surveyor will deem sufficient to guarantee that the streets will be put back to their former state, or to permit the City, if it so prefers, to make the repairs itself. EXCAVATIONS WITHOUT A PERMIT. Sec. 21.-Whenever the excavations will have been made without these formalities, the City Surveyor shall stop the continuation of the works and fill up the excavation commenced at the expense of the person, company or corporation in default. NO WORKS OF ANY KIND ON STREETS WITHOUT NOTICE TO CITY SURVEYOR. Sec. 22. No person, company or corporation exercising any franchise and having acquired rights, shall carry on any works in the streets of the City, or place rails, wires, poles and conduits therein, without previously giving notice thereof to the City, and such works shall be carried on under the direction of, and in the manner and at the place indicated by the City Surveyor. ERECTION OF POLES. Sec. 23.-The erection of poles and the suspension of telegraph, telephone or other wires along or across any streets, alleys, or public places are forbidden. CONSTRUCTION WORK WITHOUT NOTICE. Sec. 24. Whenever any rails, wires, poles, or conduits will have been placed without notice to the City, and before the City Surveyor has indicated the manner in which, and the places where they are to be placed, the City Surveyor shall have the same removed at the expense of the person, company or corporation in default. TO REMOVE ALL WORK CONSTRUCTED, WHEN DONE WITHOUT AUTHORITY. Sec. 25.-All persons making said excavations and obstructions without authorization or making the same without taking the necessary precautions so as to prevent accidents, shall be responsible for all damages resulting from such excavations and obstructions and from their negligence, as provided in article 548 of the City Charter. RAILWAY CROSSINGS. Sec. 26.-Every railway company crossing at the level of streets, alleys and public places shall erect and maintain a gate the model of which shall be approved by the City Surveyor, on such street, |