TRAPS TO WATER CLOSETS. Sec. 40.-There shall be only one (1) trap under the water closet and that immediately beneath the same. CONNECTION BETWEEN IRON AND TILE PIPES. Sec. 41. The connection between iron and tile pipes shall be made with the best cement, or by any other means approved by the Inspector. SINKS. Sec. 42.—Sinks shall be provided at the inlet of waste pipes with strong metallic strainers to exclude from such waste pipes all substance likely to obstruct them. Sec. 43. In no case shall the waste pipe from a bath, tub or other fixture be connected with the water closet trap. OVERFLOW PIPES. Sec. 44-Overflow pipes from fixtures shall in every case be connected with the inlet side of the trap, and underneath the water. DRIP OR OVERFLOW PIPES. Drip or overflow pipes from the safety pan under water-closets and other fixtures, or refrigerators, or from tanks, other than those of water-closets, shall be made to run into some place open to sight; and in no case shall any such pipe be connected directly with the drain, waste or soil pipes. WATER CLOSETS. Sec. 45.-Every room wherein there is a water closet shall communicate with the external air by means of a shaft or duct of at least three (3) inches diameter, when such shaft or duct shall not extend through more than two stories (2), and of four (4) inches for a greater number of stories. The ventilation pipes in any tenement where there are two (2) or more lodgings may be united into one pipe of a diameter of at least one (1) inch greater than any one of the single ventilation pipes, when going through the roof. VENTILATION THROUGH FLUES. Sec. 46.-Ventilation may be made through a flue, provided there be no openings in such flues to rooms above, other than for ventilation of water-closet apartments. A CISTERN SUPPLY TO WATER CLOSETS. Sec. 47.-Every water-closet shall have a cistern supply, and in no case be supplied directly from the City reservoir supply pipes. A WATER CLOSET PER FIFTEEN INMATES. Sec. 48.-In houses containing one (1) or more than one (1) tenement, there shall be one water-closet for each family, and a separate cistern for each closet; in other buildings, however, a group of closets may be supplied from one (1) tank; and there shall be at least one (1) water-closet to every fifteen (15) inmates. WATER CLOSETS FOR BOTH SEXES. In buildings where operatives of both sexes are employed, proper separate accomodation shall be furnished for men and women. OVERFLOW PIPES OF WATER CLOSETS. Sec. 49. The overflow pipes from water-closet cisterns shall discharge into an open sink, or the basin of the water closet, or where its discharge will attract attention and indicate whether waste of water is occuring, but not into the soil or waste pipe, or into the drain direct. VALVES Sec. 50.-Valves must be fitted and adjusted as to prevent wasting of water. PRIVY PITS. Sec. 51.-No privy pit or cesspool for sewage shall hereafter be constructed within the City on any premises situated within two hundred (200) feet of any street wherein there is a sewer and wherein the City water is laid; nor shall privy pits or cesspools for sewage, presently existing be henceforth permitted to remain in any part of the City where water-closets can be connected with the public sewer in the streets. PRIVY PITS, EXCEPTIONAL CASES. Proviso. The Health Department, may, however, in exceptional cases, issue written permits for the toleration (during a period of not exceeding twelve (12) consecutive months, renewable) of privy pits and cesspools for sewage where the nature of the case would make the rigid enforcement of this law By-law a detriment to the Public health. In all such cases, the following shall be the the method of procedure. APPLICATION FOR TOLERATING PRIVY PITS. Sec. 52. The owner or agent of any premises, whereon it is desired to tolerate for a limited period a privy pit or cesspool for sewage, shall fyle, during the month of April each year, a demand in writing upon the Health Department for a temporary permit, alleging therein the grounds whereon exception is demanded. INSPECTION OF PRIVY PITS. The premises in question shall forwith be inspected by an officer of the Health Department, who shall make a written report con cerning the same to the Medical Health Officer upon the following matters: a. As to the validity of the reasons advanced by the applicant for the exemption from the general law. b. As to the construction and condition of the privy pit or cesspool for sewage for which the permit is asked. ACTION OF HEALTH OFFICER RE PRIVY PITS Upon the receipt of the aforesaid report, the Medical Health Officer, if, in his opinion, the strict enforcement of this By-law would be detrimental to health, and if the condition of the privy pit or cesspool for sewage, for which toleration is demanded, is in conformity with the following article, may issue the tmporary permit herein above mentioned. CONSTRUCTION OF PRIVY PITS. Sec. 53. Every new pit shall be water tight, of a capacity of forty five (45) cubic feet; the sides and bottom shall be constructed of cemented brick twelve (12) inches in thickness and well cemented inside with hydraulic cement; such vault may be constructed of cast iron the shape or form of which shall be either circular or oblong without angles, and with a concave bottom; it shall be provided with a ventilation pipe at least four (4) inches in diameter, extending from the pit through the roof sufficiently high as to prevent inconveniences to occupants of neighboring houses; the seats shall have a tight fitting cover; it shall have an aperture opening exteriorly to allow of cleaning by pneumatic process, such aperture to be two (2) feet by one and a half (12) feet in size, or else the flooring shall be air tight and shall have a tightly fitting trap door communicating with the pit; the top of the vault shall be one (1) foot above the level of the ground; nothing shall be put into such pit, excepting human excreta; privies shall be located at a distance of twenty (20) feet or more, should the board of Health deem it necessary, from any house or street; they shall be emptied when the contents reach within eighteen (18) inches of the top of the vault or whenever the Board of Health deem it necessary; no offensive smell or gases shall be allowed to escape therefrom. But, in no case shall a privy be allowed within a dwelling house. DRAINAGE OF PRIVY PITS. Sec. 54. In the case of privy vaults now drained into a common sewer, they shall be isolated by means of suitable traps placed below frost and according to instructions from the Board of Health. WATER CLOSETS IN ALL NEW HOUSES Sec. 55. In case of a new house being built, or one already existing being repaired, wherever there is a public sewer in the street, a water closet shall be put in to the exclusion of privy pits. NO TOLERATION OF PRIVY PITS. Sec. 56.-When a house is occupied by but one (1) family, if there is already a water closet in the house, no privy pit shall be tolerated on the premises. NO STEAM EXHAUST IN SEWERS. Sec. 57.-No steam exhaust blow off pipe shall connect with a sewer directly, or with any house drain, soil pipe or waste pipe; such pipe must first discharge into a tank or condenser. Sec. 58.-Cellars shall not be connected with the house drain, unless by a branch pipe, and by special permissions of the Department and according to plans approved of by the Department SUB-SOIL DRAINS. Sec. 59.-A sub-soil drain shall be provided when absolutely necessary, and shall be constructed and trapped to the satisfaction of the Department. TRAPS BETWEEN HOUSE AND SEWER. Sec 60-No trap shall be permitted between the house drain and the public sewer, unless otherwise decided by the Board of Health, in which case such trap shall have a hand-hole for cleaning purposes and a fresh air inlet pipe, the whole as may be decided upon by the Department. DRAIN IN YARDS. Sec. 61. Drains in yards, shall, in all cases, be trapped below frost, that is to say; four feet at least under ground. INSPECTION OF DRAINS. Sec. 62. The inspection of drains on private property shall be under the exclusive control of the Department. STOP COCKS TO GAS PIPES. Sec. 63.-Gas companies are obliged to place a stop cock to every main pipe. PENALTY. Sec. 64. Any person contravening any of the provisions of this By-law shall be liable to a fine with or without costs, and in default of immediate payment of the said fine with or without costs, as the the case may be, to an imprisonment; the amount of said fine, and the term of said imprisonment to be determined by the Recorders' Court of the City of Montreal, at its discretion; but the said fine shall not exceed forty (40) dollars and the term of imprisonment shall not exceed two (2) calendar months; the said imprisonment, however, to cease at any time before the expiration of the period fixed by the Recorder's Court, on payment of said fine or fine and costs, as the case may be; and if the infraction is repeated, such repetition shall constitute, day by day, upon summons or arrest, a separate offence. BY-LAWS REPEALED. Sec. 65.-By-laws Nos. 268 and 297 concerning plumbing, drainage and ventilation of buildings are repealed. BY-LAW NO. 49, CONCERNING VAULTS AND CISTERNS. (PASSED MARCH 15TH, 1870, AS AMENDED AS TO PENALTY. PASSED 27 JANUARY, 1879, NUMBER 117). PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT VAULTS, BY WHOM GIVEN. Sect. 1.-The Road Committee, on application for that purpose, is hereby empowered to give permission to construct any vaults or cisterns in the streets: provided in the opinion of a majority of said committee, no injury will come to the public thereby. NO VAULTS TO BE MADE WITHOUT PERMISSION. Sect. 2.-No person shall cause any vault or cistern to be constructed or made in any of the streets in the said City of Montreal, without the writtin permission of the Road Committee. FORM OF APPLICATION. Sect. 3. Every application for permission to erect such vault or cistern shall be in writing signed by the proprietor making the same, and shall state the number of square feet of ground which is required for the same and the intended length and width of the same. FEE FOR CONSTRUCTION. Sect. 3. After obtaining permission to construct or make such vault or cistern, and previous to the commencement thereof, the person so applying shall forthwith pay to the city treasurer the sum of twenty-five cents (25) per each square foot of ground mentioned as required for such vault or cistern. LINE OF SIDEWALK. Sect. 5.-No person shall erect or build, or cause or permit any vault or cistern to be made which shall extend further than the line of the sidewalk or curb stone of any street in the said City. MEASURED BY THE CITY SURVEYOR BEFORE ARCHED. Sect. 6.-It shall be the duty of every person for whom any vault or cistern may be constructed, to cause or procure the same |