Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber: From Michaelmas Term, 3 Will. IV., to [Easter Term, 4 Will. IV.] Both Inclusive [1832-1834] with Tables of the Cases and Principal Matters, Volume 2S. Sweet, 1835 - Law reports, digests, etc |
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act of bankruptcy action affidavit aforesaid afterwards allocatur amount appear apply arbitrator Armstrong arrested assignees assumpsit attorney authority award bail bail-bond bankrupt Bayley bill brought CARLISLE Chamber Chitty claim commission common contract costs count Court creditors dant debt declaration defendant defendant's delivered DIBBEN discharged entered entitled Erch evidence Exch execution executor fendant fieri facias GARLAND given ground held Henry Fielding indorsed insolvent issue Judge judgment jury Kirwan lease legacies liable Lord Ellenborough Lord Falmouth Lord Lyndhurst Lord Mansfield Marquis of ANGLESEA ment Michaelmas Term Nisi Prius nonsuit notice obtained a rule officer opinion paid party pawnbroker payable payment person plaintiff pleaded Pleas possession premises proceedings question received recover refused rent Robert Robert Brown Russel sheriff shew cause shewn statute Streather taken tenant testator thereof tiff tion trespass trial trover trustees verdict warrant William woods words writ
Popular passages
Page 582 - Be it known that as well in own name as for and in the name and names of all and every other person or persons to whom the same doth, may, or shall appertain, in part or in all doth make assurance and cause and them, and every of them, to be insured lost or not lost...
Page 19 - The plaintiff, after the delivery of a plea of payment of money into Court, shall be at liberty to reply to the same, by accepting the sum so paid into Court in full satisfaction and discharge of the cause of action in respect of which it has been paid in, and he shall be at liberty in that case to tax his costs of suit...
Page 8 - ... were respectively written, signed, or executed as they purport respectively to have been ; that such as are specified as copies are true copies ; and...
Page 314 - ... or defendant in person, as the case may be, mentioning the city, town, or parish, and also the name of the hamlet, street, and number of the house of such plaintiff's or defendant's residence, if any such there be.
Page 461 - That in Actions of Debt or upon the Case grounded upon any Simple Contract no Acknowledgment or Promise by Words only shall be deemed sufficient Evidence of a new or continuing Contract, whereby to take any Case out of the Operation of the said Enactments...
Page 470 - ... unless every writ issued in continuation of a preceding writ shall be issued within one such calendar month after the expiration of the preceding writ, and shall contain a memorandum indorsed thereon or subscribed thereto, specifying the day of the date of the first writ...
Page 406 - That no plea in abatement for a misnomer shall be allowed in any personal action, but that, in all cases in which a misnomer would but for this act have been by law pleadable in abatement in such actions, the defendant shall be at liberty to cause the declaration to be amended, at the costs of the plaintiff, by inserting the right name, upon a judge's summons founded on an affidavit of the right name; and, in case such summons shall be discharged, the costs of such application shall be paid by the...
Page 461 - That in actions of debt, or upon the case, grounded upon any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise by words only shall be deemed sufficient evidence of a new or continuing contract...
Page 345 - No application to set aside process or proceedings for irregularity shall be allowed unless made within a reasonable time, nor if the party applying has taken a fresh step after knowledge of the irregularity.
Page 470 - ... inventus, and entered of record within one calendar month next after the expiration thereof, including the day of such expiration...