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temps on se mêlait tout bas de juger Bonaparte, l'impression qui 'prévalut aussitôt fut celle d'une "faute commise." (In this circle where for a long time they had taken upon themselves to judge Bonaparte in whispers, the impression which at once prevailed was that of a mistake committed) Cf. "Il y a de mauvais exemples qui


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sont pires que les crimes: et plus "d'états ont péri parce qu' on a violé "les mœurs que parce qu' on a violé "les lois. (There are bad examples which are worse than crimes and more states have perished because morality has been sinned against than because laws have been broken). Montesquieu, Grandeur et Décadence des Romains, ch. viii. Also "Si comme vous le dites, Bonaparte "s'est rendu coupable d'un crime, "ce n'est pas une raison que je me "rende coupable d'une faute."(If, as you say, Bonaparte has been guilty of a crime, that is no reason why I should become guilty of a mistake) Lady C. J. Blennerhassett, Talleyrand, Eine Studie, ch. 14 (Berlin, 1894, p. 324).


C'est que vous n'avez pas été

sous la baguette du magicien. (You have never been under the influence of the magician's wand.) WILLIAM PITT (1759-1806)—in reply to a Frenchman who expressed his astonishment that a moral nation like England should submit to be governed by a man so wanting in private virtue as Charles James Fox. C'est toujours avec un nouveau plaisir... (It is always with renewed pleasure. .)

Favourite expression of LOUIS PHILIPPE (1773-1850)-much ridiculed in the newspapers, notably La Caricature, May 16, 1833.

C'est une croix de bois qui a

sauvé le monde. (It is a

cross of wood that has saved the world.) Chateaubriand, Mémoires d'outre-tombe, vol. 3, p. 235.

In a speech by MONTLOSIER (1755-1838) to the Constituent Assembly (Nov. 2, 1789).

C'est une médisance, sire, il n'y

a pas de jour que je ne fasse au moins trois fois le tour de mon cousin d'Aumont. (It is a slander, sire, not a day passes but what I walk at least three times round my cousin d'Aumont.)

Joking reply by the DUC DE VIVONNE (1636-88) to Louis XIV, who reproached him, in the presence of the DUC D'AUMONT (who was very fat, like Vivonne) with not taking enough exercise. C'est un grand diable d'Anglais

sec, qui va toujours droit devant lui. (He is a tall thin devil of an Englishman, who always goes straight forwards.) A Bourbon queen of Spain's * sarcasm against JAMES FITZJAMES, Duke of Berwick (1670-1734) her untractable marshal. Cf. George Darley's preface to the works of Beaumont & Fletcher (1840).

C'est un sale coup pour la fanfare! (It is a great blow for the band.)

Reported to have been said by a captain of tirailleurs at Weissenburg, Aug. 4, 1870, on seeing the musicians decimated by the fire of the Bavarians.

C'est vous qui êtes le nègre? Eh bien, continuez! (It is you who are the "nègre" Well, go on !)

* Probably Marie Louise Gabrielle de Savoie (1688-1714) married to Philip V. of Spain in 1701.

ti.e., military brass band.

Remark made by MARSHAL MACMAHON (1808-93) to a pupil at Saint Cyr at a review (see the Abbé L. C. Berry's biography of MacMahon (1895, p. 64). The word


nègre" (= negro) is applied at Saint Cyr to the first pupil of his year. Unfortunately, it appears that the pupil addressed was a mulatto, and the term pursued him to such an extent that he at last sent in his resignation (cf. Le Gaulois, March 4, 1898).

Cet homme sera pendu, mais la

corde cassera. (That man will be hanged, but the rope will break.)


Cette femme apprend à penser à ceux qui ne s'en aviseraient point ou qui l'avaient oublié. (That woman teaches to think those who would not dream of doing so or who had forgotten it.)

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Cette poutre durera plus que vous

et moi. (This beam will last longer than you and I.)

Answer made by the DUC DE SULLY (1560-1641) to Henri IV, who sent for his three ministers, Villeroi, President Jeannin and Sully, in turn and pointed out to each a beam that seemed in danger of falling, to shew a Spanish ambassador their respective characters from their remarks. Villeroi said: "Sans doute; il faut la raccommoder, je vais donner des ordres."—(Of course, it must be repaired, I'll go and give instructions). Jeannin said: "Il faudra s'en assurer." (It must be attended to). Sully said: "Eh! Sire, y pensez vous? cette poutre durera plus que vous et moi." (Do you think so, sire? this

beam will last longer than you or I). Chamfort.

Chacun chez soi, chacun pour soi. (Everyone in his own home, everyone for himself.)

Attributed, as a political maxim, to M. DUPIN (1783-1865) (Dec. 6, 1830), but he in his Memoirs (vol. 2, pp 267-9) claims to have said instead : Chacun chez soi, chacun son droit." (Everyone in his own home, everyone his rights).—Moniteur universel, Dec. 8, 1830, p. 1648. The question before the Chamber of Deputies was whether France should assist Poland. Chauvinisme. (Chauvinism, i.e., Jingoism.)

Term applied to an exaggerated patriotism, derived from the name (Chauvin) of one of the principal characters in a vaudeville la Cocarde tricolore, by Théodore and Hippolyte Cogniard (acted in 1831). The definition given in the 1878 edition of the dictionary of the French Academy is as follows: "Terme très familier, qu'on a employé pour chercher à tourner en ridicule un sentiment exalté de la gloire des armes françaises. (Very familiar term, which has been used to turn into ridicule an exalted sentiment of the glory of the French arms)

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Cherchez la femme. (or Où est la femme?) (Find the woman. [or where is the woman?]) Attributed to GABRIEL DE SARTINE (1729-1801) lieut.-general of police in 1759. Cf.

M. Jackal.--Que dis-je toujours, monsieur Salvator? "Cherchez la femme!" Cette fois, la femme est trouvée.

Mme. Desmarest.-Comment, la femme est trouvée ? vous croyez qu'il y a une femme dans cette affaire ?

M. Jackal.-Il y a une femme

dans toutes les affaires; aussitôt qu'on me fait un rapport, je dis: "Cherchez la femme!" On cherche la femme et quand la femme est trouvée

Mme. Desmarest.--Eh bien ? M. Jackal.-On ne tarde pas à trouver l'homme.

(M. Jackal.-What do I always say, monsieur Salvator? "Look for the woman!" This time the woman is found.


Mme. Desmarest.—What, woman is found? you think there is a woman in this case?

M. Jackal.-There is a woman in every case; as soon as a report is made to me, I say: "Look for the woman! The woman is sought for, and when she is found

Mme Desmarest.—Well?

M. Jackal.-The man is soon found.) Dumas, Les Mohicans de Paris, act 3, sc. 7. (5th tableau).

"Nulla fere causa est in qua non femina litem

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peril. Used at the funeral of William the Conqueror. (For an account of the scene see the Harleian MS. Some say that Haro is derived from the Celtic verb haren (to cry for assistance); harau-help. Only as recently as March 4, 1890, the formula was used in Guernsey (cf. The Morning Post, March 5, 1890) "Haro Haro! Haro! A l'aide mon Prince ! On me fait tort!" (Haro! Haro! Haro! Help, my Prince! I am being wronged.) Cf.


'Haro and help, and hue and cry, every true man!"-Sir Walter Scott, Kenilworth, ch. xxiv. also P. Bourget, Etudes et Portraits, vol ii, p. 92.

Clemént, juge inique, je t'ajourne a comparaître dans quarante jours devant le tribunal du souverain juge. (Clement, iniquitous judge, I summon you to appear in forty days before the tribunal of the sovereign judge.)

Last words attributed to JACQUES DE MOLAY (c. 1244-1313 or 1314) last Grand Master of the Order of

Templars. It is said that he summoned both the pope (CLEMENT V— c. 1264-1314) and the king (PHILIPPE LE BEL- 1268-1314).

Combien faut-il de sots pour faire un public? (How many fools are necessary to make a public?)

In Chamfort's Caractères et Anecdotes (vol 4, pp. 217-8) there is an anecdote of someone not named, who used these words, when the public was spoken of as having a different opinion to his own concerning a certain work. Thirty millions, mostly fools. Comme ami, je vous offre mon


bras, comme maître, je vous promets justice. (As a friend,

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The above, although not the exact words used, are a résumé of the letter. A similar remark is also attributed to LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) in Ménagiana, vol. 3, p. 134 (1715 edition) à propos of a courtier who

had received an offence.

Comment peut-on être Persan !

(How can one be a Persian !) A saying expressing astonishment at the appearance of anyone, not even being a European. Allusion to Les Lettres persanes written by Montesquieu (1689-1755) published in 1721.

Comme un seul homme. (As one man.)

Oft-quoted saying, the original of which is uncertain or unknown. Courage, Père Joseph, Brisach est à nous. (Courage, Father Joseph, Brisach is ours.)

Said by CARDINAL RICHELIEU (1585-1642) to PÈRE JOSEPH, who was dying, at the Château de Ruel, when Brisach was capitulating. Dans les révolutions, le pouvoir

reste toujours dans les mains des petits; mais il vaut mieux être né pauvre pêcheur que de gouverner les hommes. (In revolutions the power always remains in the hands of nobodies; but it is better to be born a poor fisherman than to govern men.)

DANTON'S (1759-94) reflection when taken back to prison, after being sentenced to death. He

added: "Les insensés ! ils crieront: Vive la république ! en me voyant marcher à l'échafaud." (The fools! they will cry: Long live the re

public! when seeing me walk to the scaffold). Derniers momens, p. 201. Débarrassons nous de ce qui nous

gêne. (Let us rid ourselves of what troubles us. Journal Officiel, Débats parlementaires, p. 1057.

In a speech by M. MADIER de MONTJAU in the chamber of Deputies, June 10, 1886, on the subject of members of families having reigned in France.

Défiez-vous des premiers mouve

ments; ils sont presque toujours bons. (Mistrust first impulses; they are nearly always good.)

Cynical saying sometimes attributed to TALLEYRAND (1754-1838), but really belonging to Count Montrond. (Capt. Gronow's Recollections and Anecdotes-Count Montrond)

Déjà, monseigneur ? (Already, my lord?)-Louis Blanc, Histoire de dix ans, vol 5, p.


It is said that LOUIS PHILIPPE (1773-1850) when visiting TALLEYRAND (1754-1838) shortly before his death (May 1838) used the above words. The king asked if he suffered and Talleyrand replied "Oui, comme un damné." (Yes,

like the damned.) The anecdote, however, appears to be an invention, so far as concerns Talleyrand and the king; and L'improvisateur, Salentin (1804) relates the same. learned story of BOUVARD, a doctor (1717-87) who remarked "Déjà!" of a patient, the archbishop of Reims (Monseigneur de la Roche-Aymond) when told that he was suffering "comme un damné.” -De Levis, Souvenirs et portraits, P. 241.

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De l'audace, encore de l'audace,

toujours de l'audace. (Audacity, still audacity, audacity always.) Moniteur, Sep. 4, 1792. In a speech by DANTON (175994), Sep. 2, 1792. He added, 66 et la France est sauvée" (and France is saved.) When reproached with his audacity, Danton said: "L'audace individuelle est,



"doute, repréhensible; mais "l'audace nationale, dont j'ai tant 'de fois donné l'exemple, est "permise. et je m'honore de la posséder." (Individual audacity is, of course, reprehensible; but national audacity, of which I have so many times given the example, is permissible, and I honour myself for possessing it.) Derniers momens, p. 200. GAMBETTA (1838-82) used the expression "Du travail, encore du travail, et toujours du travail ! (Work, still work, and work always!) in a speech at Versailles, June 24, 1872.

De plus fort en plus fort, comme chez Nicolet. (Stronger and stronger, as at Nicolet's).

A popular saying, alluding to the way in which NICOLET (1710-96) arranged his entertainments (Boulevard du Temple, Paris.) Des choses et non des mots.

(Things and not words.) Motto of LAZARE HOCHE (1768-97).

Devant un homme comme vous,

je ne suis plus une femme comme moi. (In presence of a man like you, I am no longer a woman like myself.) Reply of SOPHIE ARNOULD (1744-1803) to the lieutenant of police's enquiry who were the people who had supped at her house. Sophie did not remember. -'A woman like you ought to remember such things,' said he. To this she replied, "Yes, but,'


etc. Another account CORBINELLI (who lived to be more than 100) with having made a similar reply to the lieutenant of police d'Argenson (? 1652-1721) when questioned as to a supper, 1697, where he was present and at which songs were sung about Mme. de Maintenon. ". . . devant un homme comme vous, je ne suis pas un homme comme moi.

Dieu ait votre âme; vous nous avez fait maints maux et douleurs (May God receive your soul; you have caused us many ills and griefs.)

Words uttered by Rene II, duc DE LORRAINE (1451-1508) on visiting the body of CHARLES LE TÉMERAIRE which was found at a little distance from Nancy on Jan. 7, 1477. Chronique de Jean de Troyes. Dieu a-t-il donc oublié ce que j'ai fait pour lui. (Has God then forgotten what I have done for him.)

LOUIS XIV (1638-1715)—after the battle of Malplaquet (Sep. II, 1709).

Dieu est toujours pour les gros bataillons (God is always on side of the big battalions.) Attributed to TURENNE (1611-75) by Joseph de Maistre. Cf. "Dieu est d'ordinaire pour les gros escadrons contre les petits."-Bussy Rabutin Lettres, iv, 91, Oct. 18, 1677. (God is usually for the big batallions against the little ones.) "Le nombre des


sages sera toujours petit. Il est "vrai qu'il est augmenté; mais ce "n'est rien en comparaison des


sots, et par malheur on dit que "Dieu est toujours pour les gros "bataillons." (The number of wise men will always be small. It is true that it has increased; but that is nothing compared with the fools,

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