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GEORGE FREDERICK HANDEL (1684-1759)-to a member of the royal family, who asked how he liked his playing on the violoncello. Wally, what is this? It is death, my boy: they have deceived


GEORGE IV (1762-1830)-Last words, to his page, Sir Walthen Waller.


GENERAL ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT (1822-85), President of the U.S.—Last words, to an attendant who enquired if he wished for anything. Also of SAMUEL JONES TILDEN (1814-86), who suffered from thirst during his last hours.

We are all Federalists, we are all Republicans.

THOMAS JEFFERSON, President of the U. S. (1743-1826).

We are all going to Heaven, and Van Dyck is of the party (or company).

THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH (172788)-Last words. Quoted by Ruskin (Art of England iii).

We are all Socialists, now-adays.

EDWARD VII (when Prince of Wales)-in a speech at the Mansion House, London, in 1895. We can only reason from what

is: we can reason on actualities, but not on possibilities. VISCOUNT BOLINGBROKE (16781751). Cf. "What can we reason but from what we know?" (Pope, Essay on Man, 1, 18)

We cultivate literature upon a little oatmeal.

REV. SYDNEY SMITH (1771-1845) -Motto suggested for The Edinburgh Review. Cf.

tenui musam meditamur avenâ.

(Vergil, Eclogues 1, 2).

We have dished the Whigs.

EDWARD STANLEY, fourteenth Earl of Derby (1799-1869)-referring to the Reform Bill of 1867. We have his Majesty's coronation oath to maintain the laws of England; what need we, then, take his word?

JOHN PYM (1584-1643)—in 1628, when the House of Commons was asked if they would rely on the king's word.

Welcome the cross of Christ, welcome everlasting life. LAWRENCE SAUNDERS (1516-58) -Last words, when burned at the stake in the reign of Queen Mary. (Foxe, Book of Martyrs)

Well, ladies, if I were one hour in Heaven, I would not be again with you, as much as I love you.

MARY, COUNTESS OF WARWICK (1625-78)-Last words.

We must all hang together, else

we shall all hang separately. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-90) -in reply to a remark of John Hancock, while the Declaration of Independence was being signed (July 4, 1776) that they must all hang together.

We must beat the red-coats, or

Molly Stark's a widow.

JOHN STARK, American general (1728-1822), is credited with the following brief address to his troops before the battle of Bennington (Aug. 16, 1777). "There, my boys, are your enemies, the redcoats and Tories: you must beat them, or my wife sleeps a widow to-night."

We must consider how very

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GEORGE WASHINGTON (173299)—a remark frequently made by him, referring to his secretary and aide-de-camp, Col. Jonathan Trumbull, of Connecticut. The origin of the term 'Brother Jonathan' as applied to America.

We must now at least educate our masters.

RT. HON. ROBERT LOWE, Lord Sherbrooke (1811-92)—alluding to the passing of the Reform Bill under Cf. Lord Derby's administration. Lord Beaconsfield's remark at a Conservative banquet at Edinburgh, Oct. 29, 1867, "I had to prepare the mind of the country, and to educate, if it be not arrogant to use such a phrase, -to educate our party.'

We part to meet again, I hope,

in endless joys.

JOHN HOUGH (1651-1743)— Bishop of Oxford and afterwards Bishop of Worcester-Last words. Were the church of Christ what

she should be, twenty years would not pass away without the story of the cross being uttered in the ear of every living person. SIMEON HOWARD CALLOUN (1804-76)-Last words.

We shall never war except for


PRESIDENT WILLIAM MCKINLEY (1843-1901)—in a speech at El Paso, May 6, 1901.

We shall there desire nothing that we have not, except more tongues to sing more praise to Him.

ROBERT BOYLE (1626-91)—Last words.

Westminster Abbey, or victory!

LORD NELSON (1758-1805)— Exclamation when boarding the San Josef from the San Nicolas, Feb. 14, 1797 (Southey, Life of Nelson, ch. 4, ed. 1888, p. 136.)

What an idle piece of ceremony this buttoning and unbuttoning is to me, now. RICHARD BROCKLESBY (1722-97) -Last words.

What can it signify?

WILLIAM COWPER (1731-1800)— Last words to Miss Perowne, who offered him refreshment.

What dost thou fear? Strike,

man! strike!

SIR WALTER RALEIGH (15521618) Last words to the executioner, who hesitated at the last moment.

What grave contains such a

father and such a son ? What sepulchre embosoms the remains of so much human excellence and glory?

DUKE OF WELLINGTON (17691852) at the funeral of William Pitt, who was interred in his father's grave in Westminster


What has become of the king and his cavaliers? And. whither are they fled?


Said by the populace on passing Whitehall, Charles I (1600-49) having retired to Hampton Court shortly after the scene in the House of Commons, 1642. (Hume, Hist. of Engl.)

What I am I have made myself:

I say this without vanity, and in pure simplicity of heart.

SIR HUMPHRY DAVY (1778-1829). Cf. Je ne dois qu'à moi seule toute ma renommée.

(I owe my fame to myself alone.)

Corneille, Excuse à Ariste, 1. 50

What I cannot utter with my mouth, accept, Lord, from my heart and soul.

FRANCIS QUARLES (1592-1614)—· Last words.

What is childhood but a series

of happy illusions!

REV. SYDNEY SMITH (1771-1845). What is that?

ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON (1850-94)-Last words, clasping his forehead with both hands, in pain. What is valuable is not new, and

what is new is not valuable. DANIEL WEBSTER (1782-1852)--at Marshfield, Sep. 1, 1848. Cf. "Our best thoughts came from others." (R. W. Emerson.-- Quotation and Originality)

What, madam, have you not for

given God Almighty yet? JOHN WESLEY (1703-91) or GEORGE WHITEFIELD (1714-70)— Rebuke to a lady who was wearing the deepest mourning a considerable time after her husband's death. What masks are these uniforms to hide cowards!

DUKE OF WELLINGTON (17691852)-speaking of military men. (R. W. Emerson, Old Age.)

What shadows we are, and

what shadows we pursue. EDMUND BURKE (1729-97)—in a speech at Bristol, on declining the Poll, Sep. 1780, alluding to the sudden death of one of the candidates (Mr. Coombe). "The worthy gentleman who has been snatched from us at the moment of the election, and in the middle of the contest, whilst his desires were as warm and his hopes as eager as ours, has feelingly told us what shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue. Cf. Quid umbras, fumos, fungos, sequimur.

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(Sir H. Grimston, Strena Christiana, 1644.)

What shall we do with this bauble? Here, take it away. (Hume Hist. of Engl.) OLIVER CROMWELL (1599-1658)—— referring to the mace of the House of Commons, Apr. 20, 1653. Another version is: "Take away that shining bauble and lock up the doors." See I have sought the Lord night and day &c.

What the Puritans gave the world was not thought but action.

WENDELL PHILLIPS (1811-84)— in a speech at a dinner of the Pilgrim Society at Plymouth (Mass.), Dec. 21, 1855.

What we call wisdom is the result, not the residuum, of all the wisdom of past ages. HENRY WARD BEECHER (181387).

When Adam delved and Eve

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leadership of Wat Tyler and Jack Straw (Hume, Hist. of Engl.)

"But when Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then a gentleman?"

Jack Straw, act i, Parson Ball (c. 1604; but author unknown-see Dodsley's Collection).

"When Adam dalf, and Eve span, Wo was thenne a gentilman?' (Dict. of Nat. Biog. vol. iii, p. 74.) The lines are quoted by Burke, in an Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs (Bohn's Lib., ed. 1896, vol. iii, p. 88). He says "Of this sapi

ent maxim, however, I do not give him as the inventor." &c.

When Dido found Æneas would

not come,

She mourned in silence, and was di-do-dum.

DR. PORSON (1759-1808)-when asked to make a rime on the Latin gerund, in reply to his offer to make a rime on any subject. (Porson, Facetic Cantabrigiensis) Another version is found, however, in the Choice Humourous Works of Theodore Hook (1889, p. 522):

On the Latin gerunds.

When Dido's spouse to Dido would not

She mourn'd in silence, and was Di, Do,

When I can't talk sense, I talk metaphor.

(Moore, Life of Sheridan, vol. ii, p. 29 note.

J. P. CURRAN (1750-1817.) When I forsake my king in the

hour of his distress, may my God Forsake me!

EDWARD LORD THURLOW (1732-1806)—in a speech on the Regency question, in 1788. Sometimes quoted "When I forget my king (sovereign) may my God forget me!" (27 Parl. Hist. 680; Ann. Reg. 1789) John Wilkes is reported to have remarked "God forget you! He'll see you d- first," and Burke to have added: "The best thing that could happen to you."

When I was young, I used to say good-natured_things, and nobody listened to me. Now that I am old, I say illnatured things, and everybody listens to me.

SAMUEL ROGERS (1763-1855). When literature is the sole business of life it becomes a drudgery.


When one begins to turn in bed it is time to turn out.


1852). When the sun shines on you, you see your friends. It requires sunshine to be seen by them to advantage.

LADY BLESSINGTON (1789-1849). When you strike at a king you must kill him.

RALPH WALDO EMERSON (180382)—to a young man who wrote an essay on Plato and mentioned the subject to Emerson.

When law ends, tyranny begins.,

EARL OF CHATHAM (1708-78)— in a speech on Wilkes' case Jan. 9,| 1770. "Unlimited power corrupts the possessor; and this I know, that, where law ends, there tyranny' begins."

While there is life there is hope.

REV. PATRICK BRONTË (17741861) father of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë-Last words. He died standing. Cf. "While there is life there's hope." (Gay. Fables, pt. i, XXVII)

Who drives fat oxen should himself be fat.

DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON (1709-84) -Boswell, Life of Dr. Johnson,

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WILLIAM PENN (1644-1718)— Maxim, with regard to religious toleration in Pennsylvania. Who goes home?

Question asked of the members of the House of Commons by the door-keeper. "A relic of ancient times when all members going in the direction of the Speaker's residence went in a body to see him safe." a parliamentary man as great as Pitt having answered to the old lobby cry, Who goes home?" " (Reid, Life of W. E. Gladstone, 1899, pp. 516-7).


Whose house is this? What street are we in? Why did you bring me here?

WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT (1794-1878)-Last words. He fell upon some stone steps, receiving a blow on the head which caused his death. Taken into the house before which he fell, he asked the above questions.

Why are we so fond of that life

which begins with a cry, and ends with a groan?


Why, certainly, certainly!

EDWARD T. TAYLOR (" Father Taylor (1793-1871). Last words to a friend who asked him if Jesus was precious.

Why should the Devil have all the good tunes?

REV. ROLAND HILL (1744-1833). Why should we legislate for posterity?

What has posterity ever done for us?

SIR BOYLE ROCHE (1743-1807) -in the Irish Parliament. Cf. "The man was laughed at as a blunderer, who said in a public business, 'We do much for posterity, I would fain see them do something for us.'" (Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, Letters, letter dated Jan. 1, 1742, ed. 1809, vol ii, p. 91.) Cf. also "What has poster'ty done for us,

That we, lest they their rights should lose,

Should trust our necks to grip of noose?" (John Trumbull, McFingal, canto 11, 1. 124, edit. 1776. p. 24).

See Pourtant j'avais quelque chose

là ! Why, then, be as wise as Solomon; write proverbs, not histories.

CHARLES II (1630-85)—to Gregorio Leti (1630-1701) the Italian historian. The king told him to take care that his work on the History of the Court of England (Teatro Britannico) gave no offence. Leti replied that "if a man were as wise as Solomon, he would scarcely be able to avoid giving offence.' Will my people ever forgive me?

EDWARD VII. (b. 1841)-First words, on recovering consciousness after the operation for perityphlitis,

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