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Bellièvre as chief president of the Paris parliament (1658).

Si j'avance, suivez-moi; si je recule, tuez-moi ; si je meurs, vengez-moi. If I advance,

follow me; if I retreat, kill me ; if I die, avenge me).

COUNT HENRI DE LA ROCHEJAQUELEIN (1772-94) to the men who had placed themselves under his orders during the insurrection of La Vendée (1793). See Tibi istum ad munimentum &c.

Si j'avois fait pour Dieu ce que

j'ai fait pour cet homme-là, je serois sauvé dix fois, et maintenant je ne sais ce que je vais devenir. (If I had done for God what I have done for that man, I should be saved ten times over, and now I don't

know what will become of me.) J. B. COLBERT (1619-83) on his death-bed-referring to Louis XIV (1638-1715). "Je ne veux plus "entendre parler du roi; qu'au "moins il me laisse mourir tran

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'quille. C'est au roi des rois que

'j'ai maintenant à répondre.

"Si j'avois fait pour Dieu ce que "j'ai fait pour cet-homme-là, `je "serois sauvé dix fois, et maintenant "je ne sais ce que je vais devenir." (I don't want to hear the king spoken of; let him at least leave me to die in peace. It is to the king of kings that I now have to answer. If I had done &c.)-Racine, Euvres diverses. See Had I served God &c.

Si je me courbais, c'est que je

cherchais les clefs du paradis. (If I stooped, it was because I was looking for the keys of Paradise.)

Attributed (but denied) to POPE SIXTUS-QUINT (1521-90)—who is said to have thrown away his crutches on being elevated to the

papacy-speaking to the CARDINAL DE MEDICIS (1551-1609). — Cf. Gregorio Leti, also V. Ranke, Hist. The of the Popes, Bk. 4, sec. 4. crutches of Sixtus-Quint are often spoken of in connection with the idea of all further disguise being thrown aside when an object is attained.

Si je n'y suis pas, Dieu veuille m'y mettre; et si j'y suis, Dieu veuille m'y retenir. (If I am not, may God make me so; and if I am, may God keep me so.)

Reply of JOAN OF ARC (1412-31) at her trial, to the question "Savezvous être en la grâce de Dieu ?" (Are you in God's grace?) Another version: "Si je n'y suis, Dieu m'y "mette! et si j'y suis, Dieu m'y "maintienne!" (If I am not, God make me so! and if I am, God keep me so.)

Si j'étais accusé d'avoir volé les

tours de Notre-Dame, je commencerais par me cacher. (If I were accused of having stolen the towers of NotreDame, I should begin by hiding myself.)

ACHILLE DE HARLAY, comte de Beaumont (1639-1712)—to show what little protection there was for an accused person. Another version: "Si j'étais accusé d'avoir "volé les tours de Notre-Dame, et 66 que j'entendisse crier derrière moi "au voleur' je me sauverais à 'toutes jambes." (... and I heard "stop thief" called out after me, I should run away as fast as I could.) Si je tenais toutes les vérités dans


ma main, je me donnerais bien de garde de l'ouvrir pour les découvrir aux hommes. (If I held all the truths in my hand, I should take good care not to open it to discover them to mankind.).

FONTENELLE (1657-1757)-not because he disdained truth, but because he did not like his peace disturbed. Alluded to by Grimm, Correspondance littéraire, Feb. 15,

1757. Si Another version : j'avais la main remplie de vérités, je me garderais bien de l'ouvrir." (If I had my hand full of truths, I should take care not to open it.) Voltaire (édition Garnier, vol. xlii, p. 570) in his letter to Helvetius, Sep. 15, 1763, explains the reason of Fontenelle's mot as being that he had let truths escape him and been made to suffer for it.

Si l'abbé nous avait parlé un peu de religion, il nous aurait parlé de tout.

LOUIS XVI (1754 93) — after hearing a sermon by the ABBE MAURY (1746-1817). Grimm's Mémoires.

Si la bonne foi était bannie du reste de la terre, elle devrait se retrouver dans le cœur et dans la bouche des rois. (If good faith was banished from the rest of the earth, it ought still to remain in the hearts and mouths of kings.)

Attributed to JEAN II, surnamed le Bon (1319-64)-on the occasion of the return of his son, the Duke of Anjou, to France, having escaped from Calais (1363) without waiting for the ratification of a treaty (1362). Authenticity doubtful, and Froissart makes no mention of the phrase in connection with the event. (Cf. Froissart, bk. I, pt. 2, ch. 159.) A similar saying is attributed, perhaps justly, to FRANÇOIS Ier (14941547)- Recueil d'apophthegmes et bons mots, 1695, pp. 83-4.

Si l'argent est, comme on dit, le nerf de la guerre, il est aussi la graisse de la paix. (If money is, as they say, the

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guerre; mon enfant, cela n'appar"tient qu'à vous," &c. (.



but to undertake considerable expense, without knowing where to find the sinews of war; my child, that only belongs to you, &c.)— Mme. de Sévigné, Lettres, Feb. 19, 1690. (1836 edit., vol. 2, p. 582.) "Les nerfs des batailles sont les pécunes." (The sinews of war is money.) Rabelais, Gargantua, bk, I, ch. 46. Victuals and ammunition, "and money too, the sinews of "the war, are stored up in the 'magazine."-Fletcher, The Fair Maid of the Inn, Act I, SC. 2. (Licensed 1625-6, after the death of Fletcher). "I would wish that everything I touched might turne to gold: this is the sinews of war, and the sweetnesse of peace.-John "Moneys Lyly, Midas, act I, sc. I. are the sinews of war ;"-T. Fuller. The Holy State (The Good Soldier), 1642-58. "Neither is money the "sinews of war, (as it is trivially "said,) where the sinews of men's 66 arms in base and effeminate people are failing. Bacon's Essays, On the true greatness of kingdoms and estates (1813, p. 131). "Primum nervos belli, pecuniam "infinitam, qua nunc eget." (In the first place the sinews of war, unlimited money, which is now wanting.) Cicero, Phil. v, ch. 2. "Pecuniæ belli civilis nervi sunt.' (Money is the sinews of civil war.) -Tacitus, Hist., bk. ii, ch. xxiv. “Ἐν μὲν εἰρήνῃ παρέχῳ τὰ τέρπνα, ἐν δὲ πολέμοις νεῦρα τῶν πράξεων

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vivoμai.” (“In peace I provide
enjoyment, and in war become the
sinews of action.") CRANTOR.
(Sextus Empiricus, Adversus
Ethicos, XI., 53.) “Ο πόλεμος
οὐ τεταγμένα σιτεῖται.” ("War
cannot be maintained by allotting
funds as one allots rations.")
Archidamus (d. 338 B.C.) Plut-
arch, Cleomenes, XXVII. "TO-
τέτμηται τὰ νεῦρα τῶν πραγμάτων.
(The sinews of affairs are severed.)
Aeschines, In Ctesiphontem, 166.
DEMOSTHENES (abt. 382--322 B.C.)
"I danari non sono il nervo della
guerra, secondo che è la comune
'opinione," etc. (Money is not
the sinews of war, according to the
popular belief, etc.) Machiavelli,
Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di T.
Livie, bk. 2, ch. x, (written about

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Si le cardinal est en paradis, il

faut que le diable se soit
laissé escamoter en chemin.
(If the cardinal is in Paradise,
the Devil must have allowed
himself to be cheated on the

captain of the guards, to LOUIS XIII
(1601-43), speaking of Richelieu.
See Ah! che se gli è un Dio &c.
Si le peuple n'a pas de pain,

qu'il mange de la brioche.
(If the people have no bread,
let them eat brioche.)*

Attributed to MARIE ANTOINETTE (1755-93), also to her friend the DUCHESS OF POLIGNAC (died 1793, aged 44). See Si cette canaille n'a pas de pain &c. The following extract from J.-J. Rousseau's Les Confessions (pt. I, bk. vi.) which were written 1737-41, shews that at all events Marie Antoinette did not


originate the saying :- "Enfin je "me rappelai le pis-aller d'une 'grande princesse à qui l'on disoit


* A sort of cake.







"que les paysans n'avoient pas de "pain, et qui répondit: Qu'ils "mangent de la brioche." ~ (At last I remembered the resource of a great princess who was told that the peasants had no bread, and who replied: Let them eat brioche. (Cf. also Louis XVIII, Relation d'un voyage à Bruxelles et à Coblentz (Paris 1823, p. 59). "Aussi en "mangeant la croute avec le pâté, nous songeâmes à la reine MarieAntoinette, qui répondit un jour 'que l'on plaignait devant elle les pauvres gens qui n'ont pas de pain: Mais, mon Dieu, que ne mangent-ils de la croûte de 'pâté?'" (Also when eating the crust with the pasty, we thought of queen Marie Antoinette, who one day, when poor people who have no bread were pitied in her presence replied: "But goodness me, why don't they eat pie-crust.) "Le hasard m'a fait, un de ces jours "derniers, rencontrer un livre daté "de 1760-où l'on raconte le même "mot d'une duchesse de Toscane "ce qui me paraît prouver, a peu près, que le mot n'a pas été dit 'par Marie-Antoinette, mais re"trouvé et mis en circulation par "elle." (Chance has brought to my notice a book dated 1760where a duchess of Tuscany is credited with the same mot, which seems to me to almost prove that it did not originate with MarieAntoinette, but that she merely found and put it into circulation.) ----Alphonse Karr, Les Guêpes, April, 1843.




Si le roi mange une seconde fois,
nous n'aurons plus personne.
(If the king eats a second time,
we shall have nobody.)
DUKE OF ORLEANS (1674-1723)
-alluding to the diminution in the
number of courtiers round him when
LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) rallied and

ate after taking an elixir shortly before his death.

S'il faut périr, pérons [i.e. périssons]. (If we must perish, let us perish !)

Favourite saying of the celebrated clown AURIOL (1808-81), parodying certain tragic lines, such as:

". . . S'il faut périr, nous périrons ensemble." (If we must die, we will die together). — Corneille, Nicomède, act 1, sc. I.

S'il vous arrive quelque chose

d'heureux, ne manquez pas d'aller le dire à vos amis, afin de leur faire de la peine. (If anything lucky happens to you, don't fail to go and tell it to your friends, in order to annoy them).

A saying of COUNT MONTROND. Capt. Gronow's Recollections and Anecdotes-Count Montrond. Byron is supposed to have alluded to him, on his first visit to England, as the "... Preux chevalier de la Ruse."

Sinon, non! (If not, no!)

Generally quoted in French, but really said in Spanish as under :

Nos ostros que cada uno por si 66 somos tanto como os, y que "juntos podemos mas que os, os "hacemos nuestro Rey, contanto



que guardareis nuestros fueros ; si no, no!" (We who separately are worth as much as thou, and who united are worth more, make thee our king, on condition that thou preservest the privileges of the nation; if not, not!)

Formula used by the chief magistrate of the kingdom of Aragon to the sovereign at his coronation in the presence of the Cortès.

Si Poulle revient vous lui direz que je n'y suis pas. (If Poulle returns you will tell him that I am not at home).

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Sire, je vous dois tout, mais je crois m'acquitter en quelque manière en vous donnant Colbert (Sire, I owe everything to you, but I think I can in some measure repay you by giving you Colbert).

CARDINAL MAZARIN (1602-61), when dying-to LOUIS XIV (16381715).

Sire, que cette vue vous apprenne à ménager le sang de vos sujets. (Sire, let this spectacle teach you to take care of the blood of your subjects).

MARSHAL SAXE (1696-1750) — when visiting the battle-field of Fontenoy the day after the battle (fought May 11, 1745) to LOUIS XV (1710-74).

Sire, rien n'est impossible à Votre Majesté; elle a voulu faire de mauvais vers et elle a réussi. (Sire, nothing is impossible for Your Majesty; you wanted to write bad verses and you have succeeded).

Reply made by BOILEAU (16361711)-to LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) on being asked his opinion of some lines he had written.

Sire, voici un pauvre aveugle qui aurait besoin d'un bâton (Sire, here is a poor blind man, who requires a bâton [staff]). Remark made by the DUKE of BURGUNDY (1682-1712) in presenting lieutenant-general de Laubanie (after the siege of Landau in which he lost his sight) to LOUIS XIV.

Si vous voyez que la couronne

soit mieux employée en l'un de vous qu'en moi, je m'y octroie volontiers et le veut de bon cœur. (If you think that the crown would be borne better by one of yourselves than by me, I will willingly and with all my heart resign it).Words used by PHILIP AUGUSTUS (Aug. 27, 1214) before the battle of Bouvines. M. L. Paris, Chronique de Rains (Reims) 1837, pp. 146-8.

A popular, but incorrect, version is: "S'il est quelqu'un parmi vous qui se juge plus capable que moi de la porter [the crown], je la mets sur sa tête et je lui obéis." (If there is anyone among you who deems himself more capable of wearing it than I, I place it on his head and will obey him). Cf. A similar anecdote in the Alexiade, bk. 4, ch. 5, concerning Robert Guiscard (1015-85) before the battle of Dyrrachium (now Durazzo), 1082.

Soldats, c'est le soleil d'Aus

terlitz! (Soldiers, it is the sun of Austerlitz!)

NAPOLEON (1769-1821)—to his army (Sep. 7, 1812) on arriving at the battle-field of Moscow, the sun rising in a clear sky, although it had rained a great deal the previous day. Allusion to the brilliant sunrise the day of the battle of Austerlitz (Dec. 2, 1805). Ségur (Hist. de Napoléon et de la Grande Armée, bk. 7, ch. 9, vol. I, p. 380, 1826 edit.) gives the phrase as: "Voilà le soleil d'Austerlitz!" (There is the sun of Austerlitz!)

Soldats, droit au cœur! (Soldiers,

straight at my heart!)

Last words of MARSHAL M. NEY (1769-1815), shot Dec. 7, 1815. After declaring that he had never betrayed his country. Another version: "Soldats! hâtez-vous, et tirez-là!" (Soldiers! make haste,

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Songez que du haut de ces pyramides quarante siècles vous contemplent ! (Remember that forty centuries are looking down at you from the summit of these pyramids !) NAPOLEON'S (1769-1821) words to his soldiers (July 21, 1798) after landing in Egypt.-Thiers, Hist. de la Révolution française. Other authorities quote the famous phrase as follows: Français, songez que "du haut de ces monuments quar"ante siècles ont les yeux fixés sur vous. (Frenchmen, remember that from the summit of these monuments forty centuries have their eyes fixed upon you.)-P. Martin, Histoire de l'expédition française en Egypte, 1815, vol. I, p. 199. Soldats, quarante siècles vous regardent." (Soldiers, forty centuries are looking at you.)-Napoléon's Mémoirs-Guerre d'Orient, vol. I, p. 160 (dictated at St. Helena to General Bertrand). "Du haut de ces Pyramides," &c. (From the summit of these Pyramids, &c.)—Mémoires,



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