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Biblio. nat. MS. Fonds Dupuy, vol. DXC, fol. 298 recto. Words uttered by CARDINAL RICHELIEU (1585-1642) shortly be fore he died. He is also credited with having said in reply to the question whether he forgave his enemies, that he had none except those of the State : qu'il n'en avait point que ceux de l'Etat"(cf. Mémoires de Montglat, collection Michaud, 3rd series, vol. 5, p. 133; also Mémoires de Montchal, 1718, p. 268). "Je n'ai jamais eu d'autres ennemis que ceux de l'Etat." (I have never had any other enemies than those of the State)-d'Avenel, Richelieu et la monarchie absolue, vol. I, p. 89.

Je puis faire des nobles quand je veux, et même de très grands seigneurs; Dieu seul peut faire un homme comme celui que nous allons perdre. (I can make nobles when I will, and even great lords; God alone can create a man like the one we are about to lose.) Attributed to FRANCISI (14941547) on noticing the disdainful looks of the courtiers who had accompanied him on his visit to LEONARDO DA VINCI, who was dying. See You have not to do with Holbein, but with me &c. I can make a lord &c. Avec quatre aunes de drap, &c. Cf. "Le roi Louis XI [1423-83] disoit qu'il annobliroit assez, mais n'être en sa puissance faire un gentilhomme: cela venant de trop loin et de rare vertu." N. Du Fail, Contes et Discours d'Eutrapel, ch. vi. (1856 edition, Propos rustiques, etc., p. 176).

Je reprends mon bien partout ou je le trouve.

See On reprend son bien ou on le trouve.


Je saurai vous trouver jusqu'au fond de vos repaires. shall know how to find you even in the depths of your holes.) In a speech at Cheronne, Aug. 16, 1881, by LEON GAMBETTA (1838-82) when candidate for the elections of 21st Aug.-La Républi que francaise, Aug. 1881. Je serai toujours de l'avis de M. le Prince, surtout quand il aura tort. (I shall always be of M. the prince's opinion, especially when he is wrong.) BOILEAU (1636-1711) to the great CONDÉ (1621-86) on the occasion of a dispute between them, when the latter was losing his temper.

Je serois bien marri d'avoir battu

les buissons et qu'un autre eust les oisillons. (I should be sorry to have beaten the bushes and that another should have the young birds).

Words used by the DUKE OF BEDFORD (1389-1435) at the siege of Orleans, referring to PHILIP III, surnamed le Bon, Duke of Burgundy (died 1467). The phrase,

Battre les buissons sans prendre les oiseaux " (To beat the bushes without taking the birds) has become a proverb, and is quoted by Rabelais and Mme. de Sévigné.

Je suis la moins folle femme du

monde, car de femme sage, il n'y en a pas. (I am the least stupid woman in the world, for there are no wise ones.) Saying of ANNE DE BEAUJEU (1462-1522), daughter of Louis XI. Je suis l'homme qui vous a donné

plus de royaumes que vos ancêtres ne vous ont laissé de villes. (I am the man who has given you more kingdoms than your ancestors have left you towns.)-Voltaire, Essai sur les Maurs, ch. 147.

FERNAND CORTEZ (1485-1547) to CHARLES-QUINT (1500-58). Being unable to obtain an audience of that monarch, Cortez mounted the carriage-step and made the above reply when Charles asked who he was. Prescott, however, doubts the authenticity of the phrase (Cf. Conquest of Mexico VII, 5 note). Je suis né sans savoir pourquoi,

j'ai vécu sans savoir comment, et je meurs sans savoir ni pourquoi, ni comment. (I was born without knowing why, I have lived without knowing how, and I am dying without either knowing why or how.)

Dying words of P. GASSENDI (1592-1655), a French philosopher. Je suis venu ici pour recevoir des hommages et non des leçons. (I have come here to receive homage and not lessons.) Reply of Charles X. (1757-1836) to the National Guards, when reviewing them at the Champ de Mars (Apr. 29, 1827). He was asked"Is the Charter an outrage then ?" -and replied as above.

Jésus! (Jesus!)

Last words of JOAN OF ARC (141031) the "Maid of Orleans," burned at the stake, May 31, 1431. -O'Reilly, Les deux Procès de Jeanne Darc.

Jeune homme, apprenez qu'il y a toujours bien loin de la poitrine d'un homme de bien au poignard d'un séditieux. (Young man, know that there is always a great distance between the breast of a good citizen and the dagger of a rebel)-Claude Le Peletier, Mémoire, etc., de Mr. Molé. Said by President MATHIEU MOLE (1584-1656) to the abbé de Chanvallon (afterwards archbishop

of Paris) on the Day of the Barricades, Aug. 26, 1648. Another version : 66 Il y a loin du poignard d'un assassin à la poitrine d'un honnête homme !" (It is a great distance from the dagger of an assassin to the breast of an honest man!) Je vais combattre les ennemis de

Votre Majesté, et je vous laisse au milieu des miens. (I am going to fight your Majesty's enemies, and I leave you in the midst of my own). Said by the MARECHAL VILLARS (1653-1734) to LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) before starting for the Rhine army.


Je vais quérir un grand peut-être. (I am going to seek a great "perhaps.")-Sketch of Rabelais by P. Dupont, prefacing 1858 edition.

See Tirez le rideau, la farce est jouée; Now am I about to take etc.; I shall soon know the grand secret ; Now comes the mystery. Another version, but contradicted: "Je m'en vais chercher un grand peut-être ; tirez le rideau, la farce est jouée." Je veux bien que la langue espa

gnole demeure à l'Espagnol, l'allemande à l'Allemand; maise toute la françoise doit être à moy. (I am willing that the Spanish language should belong to the Spaniards; the German to the Germans ; but all the French should belong to me).-Mathieu, Hist. de

Henry le Grand, vol. 2, p. 444.
Saying of HENRY IV (1553-1610).
Cf. Béranger, Le bon Français:
"J'aime qu' un Russe soit Russe,

Et qu'un Anglais soit Anglais,
Si l'on est Prussien en Prusse,

En France soyons Français."
(I'd have a Russian be a Russian,
A Briton British I would see,
And if in Prussia one is Prussian,
Why then in France let's French-
men be.)

Je veux honorer dans ma vieil

lesse une charge qui m'a fait honneur quand j'étais jeune. (I wish to honour in my old age an office which honoured me when I was young.) Given by the COMTE DE RICHEMONT (1398-1458) as a reason for not delivering up his sword as Constable of France on acceding to the dignity of Duke of Brittany (1457) under the title of Arthur III. Je veux que chaque laboureur

de mon royaume puisse mettre la poule au pot le dimanche. (I desire that every labourer in my realm should be able to put a fowl in the pot on Sundays.)

A wish attributed to HENRI IV (1553-1610), said to the Duc DE SAVOIE early in 1600. "Si Dieu me donne encore de la vie, je ferai qu'il n'y aura pas de laboureur en mon royaume qui n'ait moyen d'avoir une poule dans son pot." (If God spares my life, I will see that there is no labourer in my realm without means to have a fowl in his pot.) Mathieu, Hist. des Années de Paix. H. de Péréfixe, Hist. de Henri le Grand, 1749, p. 559. Cf. the following paraphrase in Legouvé's LA MORT DE HENRI IV (act IV, sc 1):

"Je veux enfin qu' au jour marqué pour

le repos,

L'hôte laborieux des modestes hameaux, Sur sa table moins humble, ait par ma bienfaisance,

Quelques-uns de ces mets réservés à


[blocks in formation]

Remark made by a singular personage named MARTIN (about whom very little is known) to his friend DUCIS during the Terror. Also ascribed to MERCIER (1740-1814) author of Le Tableau de Paris (cf. V. Hugo's Marion Delorme, act iv, sc. 8.)

Je vois bien qu'à la cour on fait argent de tout. (I see clearly that at the court money is made out of everything.)

LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) referring to the princess de Montauban's offer to the princess d'Harcourt of 1000 crowns to take her place at Marly.

Je voudrois bien voir la grimace qu'il fait à cette heure sur cet échafaud. (I should like to see the grimace he is making now on that scaffold). Attributed (but denied) to Louis XIII (1601-43)-alluding to CINQMARS (1620-42) surnamed M. le Grand. Tallement des Reaux, Historiettes, vol. 3, p. 58. According to M. Paulin Paris, the phrase originates from a saying of the DUC D'ALENÇON, (afterwards duc d'Anjou, 155484) when news was brought to him that the COMTE DE SAINT-AIGNAN had been killed at Antwerp, Jan. 19, 1583. "Je croy que quy eust pu prendre le loisir de contempler à cette heure-là Saint-Aignan, qu'on luy eust veu faire alors une plaisante grimace. (I think that whoever had the opportunity of looking at Saint Aignan then would have seen him make a lovely grimace.)--P. de l'Estoile, Journal, vol. I, P. 156 (edition 1719). Another version (with regard to CinqMars) is "Je crois qu'à cette heure 'cher ami fait une vilaine mine." (I think "dear friend" is making an ugly grimace just now). Another:

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"Je crois que 'cher ami' fait à présent une vilaine mine." (I think "cher ami" is making an ugly grimace now.) Louis XIII used to call Cinq-Mars "cher ami." As the hour appointed for the execution was drawing nigh, the king, looking at his watch, remarked with much satisfaction that Monsieur le Grand 'passait alors un mauvais quartd'heure.'-This is said to have been the origin of the phrase."-Lady Jackson, Old Paris, i, 227. Le quart d'heure de Rabelais. Je voudrais te la laisser en héritage. (I should like to leave it to you as an inheritance) Dying words of MIRABEAU (174991), to one of his friends who was supporting his head. Followed by: "J'emporte avec moi" etc. (q.v.)— A. Mézières, vie de Mirabeau, p. 322.


Je vous ai assemblés pour me

mettre en tutelle entre vos mains, envie qui ne prend guère aux rois, aux barbes grises et aux victorieux. (I have called you together in order to place myself in your hands, a course which is not usually taken by kings, greybeards or victors.)

Words occurring in the speech made by HENRI IV (1553-1610) to the Assembly of Notables at Rouen (Nov. 4, 1596).

J'ignorais que j'eusse mérité ni

la mort ni le pardon. (I did not know that I had deserved either death or pardon.) MICHEL DE L'HOSPITAL (150673) in 1572. The news of the massacre of St. Bartholomew reached him at Vignay, near Etampes, where he had retired. "Je ne pensois pas avoir jamais mérité ni paraon, ni mort advancée.” (I did not think that I had deserved either pardon or premature death.)

J'y suis, j'y reste. (Here I am, here I stay.)

MARSHAL MACMAHON (180893) at Sebastopol, Sep. 8, 1855, on being asked whether he could retain the Malakoff which he had taken. "Dites à votre général, que j'y suis et que j'y reste". (Tell your general that I am there and that I remain there.) Cf. Le Figaro, Oct. 28, 1893.

siamo e ci resteremo. L'abîme de Pascal. abyss.)

See Ci


Saying, meaning an imaginary gulf, derived from an accident that happened to BLAISE PASCAL (162362) near the Seine, from which he narrowly escaped with his life. After the accident Pascal was haunted by the idea that there was always an abyss by his side ready to swallow him up, and, although he placed a chair near him, he was unable to dismiss the hallucination from his mind.

La carrière ouverte aux talents, voilà mon principe. (Professions [Lit. The career] open to talent, that is my principle). NAPOLEON (1769-1821) to O'MEARA (1786-1836). Quoted by Carlyle in his essay "Sir Walter Scott" (Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, vol. vi. p. 35). See Tout soldat français porte dans sa giberne &c.

La Charte sera désormais une

vérité. (The Charter shall be henceforth a reality.) Concluding words of the DUKE OF ORLEANS' proclamation on being appointed (July 31, 1830) lieutenant-general of the realmafterwards LOUIS-PHILIPPE (17731850). Guizot, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de mon temps, vol. ii, p. 22. The proclamation in question was drawn up by M. Dupin aîné (cf. his Memoirs, vol. ii,p. 151).

La confiance doit venir d'en bas,

le pouvoir doit venir d'en haut. (Confidence must come from below, power must come from above.)

The ABBÉ SIEVÈS (1748-1836).— Thiers, Hist. du Consulat et de l'Empire, vol. i, p. 98.

La cour rend des arrêts et non

pas des services. (The court renders judgments and not services.)

Reply made by M. SÉGUIER (1768-1848), chief president of the court of Paris, to an influential person who asked a service in a case pending.-Le Courrier de Vaugelas, Nov. 15, 1886. Although the authenticity of the mot is confirmed by the president's grandson in the Courrier de Vaugelas as above, yet M. Séguier is said-in a letter that he wrote to M. DE PEYRONNET, (1775-1853), keeper of the seals (Nov. 28, 1828)-to have denied it (Cf. Crétineau-Joly, Hist. de LouisPhilippe).

La démocratie coule à pleins bords. (Democracy is flowing full-tide.)

The COMTE DE SERRE (17761824) brought before the Chamber of Deputies, on Dec. 3, 1821, a bill for increasing the penalties for illegalities by the Press, and in his speech used the words ".. si le torrent [of democracy] coule à pleins bords dans de faibles digues qui le contiennent à peine," &c. (. . . . if the torrent flows full-tide between feeble dykes which scarcely keep it within bounds, &c.) Moniteur, Dec. 4, 1821.

La force prime le droit.

See Macht geht vor Recht. Cf. "Il y a bien un droit du plus sage, mais non pas un droit du plus fort." (There is indeed a right of the wisest, but not a right of the strongest.) Joubert, Pensées xv., 4.

La France est assez riche pour payer sa gloire. (France is rich enough to pay for her glory.)

Phrase used in the Journal des Débats, Sep. 14, 1844, after the war in Morocco.

Le garde meurt et ne se rend pas. (The guard dies, and does not surrender).

Phrase attributed to CAMBRONNE (1770-1842) at the battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815), but he denied having uttered it.-L'Indépendant, June 20, 1815; Thiers, Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire. See Dieu m'a confié &c. Really said by GENERAL COUNT MICHEL (1772-1815). Cambronne is said to have uttered a single word, not fit for ears polite, but which V. Hugo has written at the end of Bk. i, ch. 14, of Les Misérables (Cosette). The inscription at the foot of Cambronne's statue at Nantes, however, remains. La grande nation. (The great nation.)

NAPOLEON (1769-1821)—in his proclamation to the Italian people, Nov. 17, 1797.-Lanfrey, Hist. de Napoléon, vol. I., ch. x; Joseph de Maistre, Letter to M. Vignet des Etoles, 1794.

L'aigle volera de clocher en

clocher_jusqu'aux tours de Notre-Dame. (The eagle will fly from steeple to steeple until it reaches the towers of NotreDame).

In a proclamation read by NAPOLEON (1769-1821) to his soldiers on landing at Cannes (Mar. I, 1815). "L'aigle, avec les couleurs nationales, volera", etc. (The eagle, with the national colours, will fly, etc). -Le Moniteur universel, March 21, 1815. The phrase is used by V. Hugo at end of ch. 18, bk. I of Cosette: Les Misérables.

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