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Pan, a celebrated journalist, contained the words: " personne n'est corrigé, personne n'a su ni rien oublier, ni rien apprendre. (... no one has reformed, no one has known how to either forget or learn anything.)-Mémoires et correspondance de Mallet du Pan, 1851, vol. ii, p. 196. Twenty years later, at the time of the return of the Bourbons to France, the emperor ALEXANDER OF RUSSIA (1777-1825) exclaimed (a hope being expressed that misfortune had partly corrected their faults), "Corrigés ! ils sont incorrigés et incorrigibles. (Reformed! they are unreformed and unreformable.)

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Il vaut mieux écouter ceux qui vous crient de loin: Soulagez notre misère, que ceux qui vous disent à l'oreille: Augmentez votre fortune. (It is better to listen to those who cry out to you from a distance: Alleviate our misery, than those who say in your ear: Increase your fortune.)

Saying of MARIE LECZINSKA (1703-68), wife of Louis XV.

Il y a des juges à Berlin. (There are judges in Berlin.)

Reply (See Ja, wenn das Berliner &c.) made by a miller to FREDERICK THE GREAT (1712-86). Popularised by Andrieux (17591833) in his tale in verse, le Meunier de Sans-Souci. (Euvres [1818 edition] vol. 3, p. 208) “Oui, si nous n'avions pas de juges à Berlin." (Yes, if we had no judges in Berlin.) Cf. The Court of Berlin (Anon).


1000 Best Books in the world, 2nd series [Hutchinson & Co.]. Selected and arranged by Ernest Hope, p. 132.)

Il y a de l'écho en France quand

on prononce ici les mots d'honneur et de patrie. (There is an echo in France when the words of honour and mother-country are pronounced here.)

GENERAL (Maximilien Sebastien, comte) Fox (1775-1825)—in the French Chamber, Dec. 30, 1820.

Il y a plus loin de rien à un que d'un à mille. (It is farther from nothing to one than from one to a thousand.)

MME. PILOU (1578-1668), wife of Jean Pilou, proctor at the Châtelet, to a woman who asked her advice in a love intrigue.




Il y a quelqu'un qui a plus d'esprit que Voltaire, c'est tout le monde. (There is someone who has more wit than Voltaire, and that is everybody.) Words used by TALLEYRAND (1754-1838) in defending the liberty of the Press against la censure (censorship), July 24, 1821. "Il y a quelqu'un qui a plus d'esprit que "Voltaire, plus d'esprit que Bonaparte, plus d'esprit que chacun "des directeurs, que chacun des "ministres passés, présents et à "venir, c'est tout le monde." (There is someone who has more wit than Voltaire, more wit than Bonaparte, more wit than each of the directors, each of the ministers past, present, and future, and that is everybody.) Quoted as follows in the Journal anecdotique de madame Campan (1824, p. 81): "Je connais quelqu'un qui a plus d'esprit que Napoléon, que Vol"taire, que tous les ministres



présents et futurs : c'est l'opinion." (I know someone who has more wit than Napoleon, than Voltaire, than all the ministers present and future and that is public opinion.) Cf. "Ce Tout-le-Monde qui a plus 'd'esprit que Voltaire et plus de




poésie que Virgil." (This Everybody who has more wit than Voltaire and more poetry than Virgil.) Jules Claretie, Pierrille, pt. i., ch. 14.

Il y a trop longtemps qu'elle est morte pour moi pour que je la pleure aujourd'hui. (She has been dead too long for me to weep for her now.) LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) of MME. DE MONTESPAN (1641-1707) and MLLE. DE LA VALLIERE (abt. 1642[4]-1710).

Impossible! ne me dites jamais ce bête de mot! See Le mot impossible n'est pas français.

J'ai cessé d'être heureux. (I have ceased to be fortunate.)

Saying of BAILLY (1736-93)— when harassed by administrative dissensions.

J'ai entendu plusieurs grands

orateurs, j'en ai été content; pour vous, toutes les fois que je vous entends, je suis très mécontent de moimême. (I have heard several great orators, I have been pleased with them; as for you every time I hear you, I am much displeased with myself.) LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) to MASSILLON, who preached at Versailles (1699), after hearing a certain number of his sermons.

J'ai été infidèle à Dieu, à mon Ordre, à mon Roi; je meurs plein de foi et de repentir. I have been unfaithful to God, to my Order, to my King; I die full of faith and repentance.)


Attributed to GENERAL ARMAND LOUIS DE GONTAUT, DUC BIRON (1747-93)—when arriving near the guillotine. He was executed 31st Dec., 1793, or according to one authority, Jan. Ist, 1794.

J'ai été tailleur, j'ai taillé du drap. (I have been a tailor, I have cut out cloth.)

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Attributed to the MARECHal de LUXEMBOURG (1628-95), surnamed the tapissier de Notre Dame. He is said to have added, drawing his sword, " Voici l'instrument avec


lequel je coupe les oreilles à ceux "qui parlent mal de moi." (Here's the instrument with which I cut the ears of those who speak ill of me.) J'ai failli attendre! (I very nearly had to wait!)

Attributed to LOUIS XIV (16381715), but authenticity doubtful. See Pourquoi le grondez-vous? Cf.,

however, Mémoires, &c., (1832, p. 38) of the Duchess of Orleans (Elisabeth-Charlotte). Referring to Louis XIV, she writes: "Il ne pouvait souffrir que l'on se fit attendre." (He could not bear to be kept waiting for anyone.) J'ai fait dix mécontents et un

ingrat. (I have made ten discontented and one ungrateful.) Saying of LOUIS XIV (16381715), when he appointed anyone to office. See No man who ever held &c.

J'ai froid. (I am cold.)

Dying words of L.-M. LE PELLETIER, (1760-93) assassinated by a garde du corps named Pâris, Jan. 20, 1793. See Tu trembles &c.

J'ai interrompu mon agonie pour

venir vous embrasser. (I have interrupted my deathagony to come and embrace you.)

VOLTAIRE (1694-1778) to his old friend D'ARGENTAL (1700-88) on arriving at Paris (Feb., 1778). Voltaire died May 30, 1778.

J'aimais à faire des heureux. (I

liked making people happy.) Reply of LOUIS XVI (1754-93) at his trial, when asked what he had done with a sum of money which he had given away in charity. J'aime bien à prendre ma part

d'un sermon; mais je n'aime pas qu'on me la fasse. (I like to take my share of a sermon; but I don't like one made to me.)

Attributed to LOUIS XIV (16381715) after hearing a sermon in which the preacher, Bourdaloue, alluded to the king in these words: "Tu es ille vir!" (Thou art that man!) The king was then living with the Marquise de Montespan. Cf. "And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man." 2 Samuel xii, 7.

J'aime mieux être guillotiné que guillotineur. (I prefer being guillotined to being guillotineur.)

DANTON (1759-94)-reply to those who advised him to strike Robespierre to avoid a like fate himself. J'aime mieux ma famille que moi

même ; j'aime mieux ma patrie que ma famille : mais j'aime encore mieux le genre humain que ma patrie. (I love my family better than myself; I love my country better than my family: but I love humankind still better than my country.)

Saying of FENELON (1651-1715). Cf. φιλῶ τέκν', ἀλλὰ πατρίδ ̓ ἐμὴν μâXλov piλŵ. (I love my children, but I love my country more)— Plutarch, Praecepta gerendae reipublicae, xiv. 809, D.

J'aime qui m'aime, j'estime qui le mérite, et je fais plaisir à qui je puis. (I love him who loves me, I esteem him who deserves it, and I please whom I can.)

GILLES MÉNAGE (1613-92).


J'ai saisi cette terre de mes mains tant qu'il y en a elle est à nous. (I have seized this land with my hands as much as there is of it is ours.)

WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR (1025-87) on landing in England (Sept. 28, 1066), stumbled and fell. A. Thierry, Hist. de la Conquête de l'Angleterre, etc., I, p. 334. This was considered a bad omen by his followers, but he, like Cæsar (See Teneo te Africa) averted the superstitious feeling by the above remark. Qu'avez-vous? quelle chose vous étonne? J'ai saisi cette terre de mes mains, et, par la splendeur de Dieu, aussi loin qu'elle


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puisse s'étendre, elle est à moi, elle est à vous. (What is the matter? what is it that astonishes you? I have seized this land with my hands, and, by God's splendour, as far as it can extend, it is mine, it is yours.) Ibid, vol. I, bk. 3, p. 290.

Edward III (1312-77) on landing at la Hogue-Saint-Vast, July 12, 1346, also fell, and his knights, considering this unlucky, urged him to return. He replied: Pourquoi? Mais est un très bon signe pour moi, car la terre me désire. (Why? But it is a very good sign for me, for the land wants me.)-Froissart, bk. I, pt. 1, ch. 266.

J'ai souvent loué Dieu de ne m'avoir fait ni femme, ni prêtre, ni Turc, ni juif. (I have often praised God for not having made me either a woman, priest, Turk or Jew.) Saying of GUI-PATIN (1602-72). J'ai toujours été le maître chez

moi, quelquefois chez les autres me m'en faites pas souvenir. (I have always been the master at home, sometimes abroad; don't recall it to my mind.)

Words attributed to LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) (but questioned by Voltaire, Siècle de Louis XIV, ch. 23) with regard to LORD STAIR (1673-1747), the English ambassador, owing to his persistent representations as to the works at Mardyck being contrary to the treaty of Utrecht. Hénault, Abrégé etc. de l'Histoire de France. These were discontinued in April 1715.

J'ai trouvé la couronne par terre

et je l'ai ramassée. (I found the crown in the dirt and I have picked it up.)

NAPOLEON (1769-1821), alluding to his resolve to make what he liked

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demandait argent la veille d'une bataille. (Never did a man of honour ask for money on the eve of a battle.)-Pierre Mathieu.

Answer made by HENRI IV (1553-1610) to the German COLONEL TICH DE SCHOMBERG before the battle of Ivry, on being asked for the troops' pay. Just before the engagement the king, remembering and regretting his harsh words, approached the Colonel and said "Monsieur de Schomberg, je vous ai offensé; cette journée peut être la dernière de ma vie ; je ne veux point emporter l'honneur d'un gentilhomme; je sais votre valeur et votre mérite pardonnez-moi et embrassez-moi. (Monsieur de Schomberg, I have offended you ; this day may be my last; I do not wish to take away the honour of a gentleman; I know your valour and merit: forgive and embrace me) Schomberg replied: "Il est vrai, sire, Votre Majesté me blesse l'autre jour, et aujourd'hui elle me tue; car l'honneur qu'elle me fait m'oblige de mourir pour son service. (It is true, sire, Your Majesty wounded me the other day, and today you kill me; for the honour you do me compels me to die for you.) Schomberg kept his word; he fought valiantly and was killed on the battle-field. H. de Péréfixe, Histoire du roi Henri le Grand (vol 1, pp. 153-6), says: "Est-ce

le fait d'un homme d'honneur de demander de l'argent, quand il faut prendre les ordres pour combattre ? (Is it the act of a man of honour to ask for money, when it is necessary to receive orders to fight?)

The rest differs but slightly from the version quoted above.

Jamais l'Italie ne s'emparera de

Rome. (Never shall Italy take possession of Rome.) EUGENE ROUHER (1814-84), at the time that Garibaldi threatened Rome, said (Dec. 5, 1867): “.. l'Italie ne s'emparera pas Rome! Jamais." (Italy shall not take possession of Rome! Never.) Often alluded to as the "jamais de Rouher". (Rouher's 'never.')


J'aurais voulu l'en guerir; mais elle craignait trop Dieu. (I should have liked to cure her of it [her virtue], but she feared God too much.) NINON DE LENCLOS (1620-1705) of MME. SCARRON, afterwards Mme. de Maintenon (1635-1719). J'avais cru plus difficile de mourir. (I thought dying more difficult.)

Deathbed utterance of Louis XIV (1638-1715) to MME. DE MAINTENON (1635-1719). H. Martin, Hist. de France, xiv, bk. 91. A dying man can do nothing easy.


Another version is: J'avais "toujours ouï dire qu'il était "difficile de mourir ; je touche à 66 ce dernier moment, et je ne trouve

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Words graven on the pedestal of NAPOLEON'S statue at Cherbourg,alluding to the works projected by him. "Jean s'en alla comme il était venu. (John went away as he had come.)

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LOUIS PHILIPPE (1773-1850) in bidding adieu to France. The words are the first line of La Fontaine's epitaph on himself. Je donnerais pour l'avoir fait les succès de toute ma vie. (I would give the successes of my whole life to have made that.) Marshal (Sebastien Le Prestre de) VAUBAN (1633-1707)—of the canal du Midi (opened 1681) connecting the Atlantic with the Mediterranean, and undertaken by COLBERT at the instigation of PAUL DE RIQUET. See Je donnerais une de mes pièces, etc.; and I would rather be the author, etc.

Je donnerais une de mes pièces

pour les avoir faits. (I would give one of my pieces to have composed them.)

PIERRE CORNEILLE (1606-84) of the following lines by G. De BréBEUF (1618-61), alluding to writing: "C'est de lui que nous vient cet "art ingénieux

"De peindre la parole et de parler 66 aux yeux;

"Et par les traits divers de figures "tracées,

"Donner de la couleur et du corps

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aux pensées. (It is from it that we derive that ingenious art Of painting the word, and speaking to the eyes; And by the varied traits of traced figures, Of giving colour and body to thoughts.) See I would rather be the author of etc. Cf. Lucan, Pharsalia, iii, 220-1:Phoenices primi, famæ si creditur, ausi Mansaram rudibus vocem signare figuris. (The Phoenicians were the first, if tradition may be trusted, to picture language by rude figures with the object of their remaining permanent.)

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