A history of England from the first invasion by the Romans (to the Revolution in 1688).Dolman, 1844 |
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Common terms and phrases
accused afterwards ambassador Arlington army Barillon Bedloe bill of exclusion bishops brother Buckingham Burnet catholic charge Charles church council court crown Dalrymple Danby death declared duchess duchess of Portsmouth duke of Monmouth duke of York earl enemies England English favour France French friends Halifax Hist house of commons house of lords impeachment intrigues James Memoirs jesuits Journ jury justice king king's Lauderdale letters lord Russell lord Stafford lord treasurer Louis ment ministers monarch Monmouth Montague Oates oath object offence offered opponents opposition papists pardon Parl parliament party peace persons petition plot popery popish popish plot popular leaders present pretended prince of Orange prisoner proceeded promise proposed prorogation prosecution protestant religion received refused replied Reresby royal Scotland session Shaftesbury solicited sought sovereign suffered Temple testimony tion Titus Oates treason treaty trial voted witnesses Wodrow
Popular passages
Page 64 - I, AB, do declare, that it is not lawful, upon any pretence whatsoever, to take arms against the king : and that I do abhor that traitorous position of taking arms by his authority against his person, or against those that are commissioned by him...
Page 363 - Etablissement, pleinement, paisiblement et perpétuellement, cessant et faisant cesser tous troubles et empêchements contraires ; CAR TEL EST NOTRE PLAISIR : et afin que ce soit chose ferme et stable à toujours, nous avons fait mettre notre scel à cesdites présentes.
Page 23 - Majesty that penal statutes, in matters ecclesiastical, cannot be suspended but by act of Parliament.
Page 296 - I being a minister of Jesus Christ, and having authority and power from him, do, in his name, and by his spirit, excommunicate, cast out of the true church, and deliver up to satan, Charles the Second, king, &c.
Page 353 - this good man once saved your life. He now comes to save your soul." Charles faintly answered, " He is welcome." Huddleston went through his part better than had been expected. He knelt by the bed, listened to the confession, pronounced the absolution, and administered extreme unction.
Page 353 - Huddleston, who had been so assistant in the King's escape from Worcester; he was brought up a back staircase, and the company were desired to withdraw, but he (the Duke of York) not thinking fit that he should be left alone with the King, desired the Earl of Bath, a Lord of the Bedchamber^ and the Earl of Feversham, Captain of the Guard, should stay ; the rest being gone, father Huddleston was introduced, and administered the sacrament.
Page 331 - pray God to work in you a temper fit to go unto the " other world, for I see you are not fit for this.
Page 147 - That the lords and commons are of opinion, that there hath been, and still is, a damnable and hellish plot, contrived and carried on by the Popish recusants, for assassinating the king, for subverting the government, and for rooting out and destroying the Protestant religion.".
Page 26 - Schomberg, the commander-in-chief, though a calvinist, was not only a foreigner, but also held high rank in the French army. Why, it was asked, were such men selected for the command ? Did there not exist an intention of employing them, at the conclusion of the war, to establish popery and arbitrary power? To remove these fears, an address was voted, requesting the king to discharge from the army every officer and soldier who should refuse to take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, and receive...
Page 124 - Resolved, &c., that all aids and supplies, and aids to his Majesty in Parliament, are the sole gift of the Commons ; and all bills for the granting of any such aids and supplies ought to begin with the Commons ; and that it is the undoubted and sole right of the Commons to direct, limit and appoint in such bills the ends, purposes, considerations, conditions, limitations and qualifications of such grants, which ought not to be changed or altered by the House of Lords.