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O God-if there be a God-I desire Thee to have mercy on


MATTHEW TINDAL (1657-1733) -Last words.

Oh, better !

ROBERT GREEN INGERSOLL (1833-99)—Last words, in reply to his wife's inquiry as to how he felt. Oh, don't let the awkward squad

fire over me!

ROBERT BURNS (1759-96)— Last words, alluding to the Dumfries militia, to which he belonged. Oh, for an hour of Dundee.

By ALEXANDER GORDON OF GLENBUCKET (? 1678-1728)—at the battle of Sheriffmuir (1715), when the Jacobites were hard pressed by the Royalists referring to John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee.

Oh, for a single hour of that Dundee, Who on that day the word of onset gave. (Wordsworth, In the Pass of Killiecrankie.-Sonnet, ll. 11-12). Oh, he's a dear good fellow.

WALT WHITMAN (1819-92): Last words, referring to his friend (and biographer) Thomas Donaldson. Oh, my country! how I love my country!

WILLIAM PITT (1759-1806)— Last words. The word "love" was afterwards stated by Stanhope to have been "leave" (Stanhope, Life of Pitt, ch. 43) Cf. Timbs' Historic Ninepins, p. 205, and Stanhope, vol. iv., app. p. 31 and Dict. of Nat. Biog. vol. xlv, p. 383. O Hobbema, Hobbema, how I do love thee !

JOHN CROME (1766-1821)--Last words, alluding to the Dutch landsscape painter Meindert Hobbema (c. 1638-63).

Oh, Pitt never was a boy.

WILLIAM WINDHAM (17501810) in a conversation on the bad policy of suppressing innocent amusements of the common people, Pitt's name being mentioned among those whose opinion might be valuable. See This is a man!

Oh Puss, chloroform-ether-or I am a dead man.

SIR RICHARD F. BURTON (182190)-Dying words, to his wife. He repeated the words, "I am a dead man," and expired.

Oh, that peace may come.

QUEEN VICTORIA (1819-1901)Last words attributed to her, referring to the war in South Africa. Oh, the depth of the riches of the goodness and knowledge of God!

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JOHN LOCKE (1632-1704)— author of Essay concerning Human Understanding-Last words. Another version is: "Cease now,' said to Lady Masham, who was reading a Psalm of David to him. O Lord Almighty, as thou wilt. JAMES BUCHANAN (1791-1868) -Last words.

O Lord, forgive the errata ! ANDREW BRADFORD (1686-1742) -Last words.

O Lord, save my country! O Lord, be merciful to . . . JOHN HAMPDEN (1594-1643)— Last words.

One country, one constitution, one destiny.

DANIEL WEBSTER (1782-1852) -Toast given at a banquet in New York in 1837. See Une seule loi, etc.

One, on God's side, is a majority. WENDELL PHILLIPS (1811-84)—

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JOHN MILTON (1608-74)-when asked whether he would instruct his daughters in foreign languages. Only three Crowns.

SIR ROBERT WALPOLE (1676. 1745) to Queen Caroline, who had asked what would be the cost of inclosing St. James's Park, and making of it a private garden to the Palace. Leslie Stephen (Life of Henry Fawcett, 2nd edit., p. 311) refers to the phrase as mythical. Horace Walpole (Memoirs of George II, vol. ii, p. 62) states that Sir Robert Walpole's reply to Queen Caroline

was: Only a crown madam." In the Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 1781 (vol. li, p. 75) Sir Robert is said to have replied: "0, a trifle, madam," and, when asked to be more definite, added: "Why, madam, I believe the whole will cost you but three crowns.'

On the first year of freedom, by God's blessing, restored,


Legend engraved on the new great Seal; on which the House of Commons was represented, ordered to be made by the Commons, after having voted the abolition of the House of Peers and the Monarchy. (HUME, Hist. of Engl.) On the ground.

CHARLES DICKENS (1812-70)— Last words, fearing he would fall to the floor.

Open the gates! Open the gates!

SARAH WESLEY (1726-1822) wife of Charles Wesley-Last words. Oppression is but another name for irresponsible power, if history is to be trusted.

WILLIAM PINKNEY (1764-1822) -in a speech on the Missouri Question Feb. 15, 1820.

Orthodoxy is my doxy, heterodoxy is another man's doxy. BISHOP WARBURTON (1698-1779 -to Lord Sandwich, in a debate in the House of Lords on the Test laws, the latter saying that he did not know precisely what "orthodoxy' and "heterodoxy" meant. (Priestley, Memoirs, vol. i, p. 372). O, that beautiful boy!

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RALPH WALDO EMERSON (180382)-Last words.

Our country, right or wrong.

STEPHEN DECATUR (1779-1820), American naval officer-in a toast proposed by him at a dinner at Norfolk, Va., in April 1816 "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country right or wrong. (Mackenzie Life.) Cf. the remark of J. J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, "I hope to find my country in the right: however, I will stand by her, right or wrong." Our differences are policies, our

agreements principles.

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PRESIDENT WILLIAM MCKINLEY (1843-1901)—in a speech at Des Moines in 1901.

Our domestic affections are the most salutary basis of all good government.

BENJAMIN DISRAELI [Earl of Beaconsfield] (1804-81)-in a speech at Salthill, Oct. 5, 1864.

Our Federal Union: it must be preserved.

PRESIDENT ANDREW JACKSON (1767-1845)-Toast at a banquet at Washington, April 30, 1830, the Jefferson Birthday Celebration. (Benton's Thirty Years' View, vol i, p.1148.)

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Our self-made men are the glory

of our institutions. WENDELL PHILLIPS (1811-84)— in a speech at Boston (Mass.), Dec. 21, 1860.

O, what triumphant truth!

TIMOTHY DWIGHT (1752-1817) -Last words.

O yes! O yes! O yes!

Words used by town-criers, even at the present day, before making their proclamations. A corruption of the old Norman-French word Oyez-Hear!, or listen!

Parliamentary speaking, like playing on the fiddle, requires practice.

BENJAMINE DISRAELI [Earl of Beaconsfield] (1804-81)-in a speech in the House of Commons, July 13, 1871. Cf. "Speaking truth is like writing fair, and comes only by practice." (Ruskin, Seven Lamps of Architecture: Lamp of Truth, I) Party is organised opinion.

BENJAMIN DISRAELI [Earl of Beaconsfield] (1804-81)—in a speech at Oxford, 25th Nov. 1268.

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used to refer to Earl Grey's ministry on coming into office in 1830.

Peace with honour.

BENJAMIN Beaconsfield]

DISRAELI [Lord (1804-81)-on his

return from the Berlin Congress, July 16, 1878, said: "Lord Salisbury and myself have brought you back peace-but a peace, I hope, with honour, which may satisfy our Sovereign, and tend to the welfare of the country." Cf. "The superior power may offer peace with honour and with safety."-Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America, March 22, 1775 (Works, vol i, p. 455, Bohn's Libraries, ed. 1897).

The phrase is also to be found in Sir Anthony Weldon's Court and Character of King James (London, 1650, p. 185) Cf.

"That it shall hold companionship in peace With honour, as in war, since that to both It stands in like request?" (Shakspere, Coriolanus, act iii, sc. ii, ll. 49-51)

The words pax cum honore are in a letter from Theobald, Count of Champagne to Louis le Gros (reigned 1108-37) (Walter Mapes, De Nugis Curialium, Camden Soc. edn. p., 220.) See A safe and honourable peace.

Pity that should be cut, that has not committed treason.

SIR THOMAS MORE (1480-1535) -Last words on the scaffold, putting aside his beard. (Froude's Hist. of Eng., ch. 9). Another version is : For it never committed treason." (Hume, Hist. of Engl.)

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Poetry is only the eloquence and enthusiasm of religion. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH (1770 1850).

Poetry should only occupy the idle.

LORD BYRON (1788-1824)—to

Count Gamba, father of the Countess Guiccioli.

Poets succeed better in fiction

than in truth.

EDMUND WALLER (1605-87) (English poet)- Reply to Charles II, who complained that Waller's eulogy of Cromwell was better than his congratulations on the Restoration. Politeness is benevolence in trifles WILLIAM PITT (1708-78), first Earl of Chatham. Cf.:

Few to good breeding make a just pre


Good breeding is the blossom of good


(Young, Love of Fame, Sat. V.) Politeness is the art of choosing among one's real thoughts."

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MME. DE STAËL-(Abel Stevens, Life of Mme. de Staël, ch. iv)

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political Cave of Adullam.

JOHN BRIGHT (1811-89)-in a speech on the Reform Bill of 1866. He said that Mr. Horsman had "retired into what may be called his political Cave of Adullam.” (Reid, Life of W. E. Gladstone, p. 486.) An allusion to the cave Adullam. (Cf. 1 Samuel xxii, 1, 2.) Bishop Wilberforce wrote at the time about Gladstone's new Commandment," which was "Thou shalt not commit Adullamy. (Life of W. E. Gladstone, p. 486, note.) Politics is business.

LORD SALISBURY (b. 1830) Poor little boys!

HENRY THOMAS BUCKLE (182262) Last words.

Poor souls! for a little money they would do as much against their commanders.

CHARLES I (1600-49)-after his sentence, referring to the soldiers, who, instigated by their superiors, were brought to cry aloud for

justice. One soldier, who had asked a blessing on oppressed and fallen majesty, was, in the King's presence, beaten to the ground by his officer. Charles said, "The punishment, methinks, exceeds the offence." (Hume, Hist. of Engl.)

Possible! is anything impossible? Read the newspapers.

DUKE OF WELLINGTON (17691852). (Words of Wellington, 1881 ed., p. 196.)

Posterity is a pack-horse, always ready to be loaded.

BENJAMIN DISRAELI [Earl of Beaconsfield] (1804-81)-in a debate, 3rd June, 1862, on fortifications and works, he accused Lord Palmerston (1784-1865) of seeming to "think that posterity &c." In a speech on the Address, 22nd Jan. 1846, Disraeli, alluding to Sir Robert Peel's appeal to posterity, said (addressing the Speaker) "Sir, very few people reach posterity. Who amongst us may arrive at that destination. presume not to vaticinate. Posterity is a most limited assembly. Those gentlemen who reach posterity are not much more numerous than the planets."


Praise is the best diet for us, after all.

REV. SYDNEY SMITH (17711845). See (Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith, 1858, p. 434). See Nothing has a better effect upon children than praise.

Precious salvation!

JAMES HERVEY (1714-58)-Last words.

Presbytery is no religion for a gentleman.

CHARLES II. (1630-85)—to the Earl of Lauderdale.

Privilege of parliament! priviledge of parliament !

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MARQUIS OF NORMANBY (17971863)-in a letter, written when lord lieutenant of Ireland (Earl Mulgrave). Also attributed to Chief Baron Woulfe (1787-1840), and to Thomas Drummond (1797-1840); but cf. "A landlord is not a land merchant; he has duties to perform as well as rents to receive." (Sketch of the state of Ireland, Past and Present, Dublin, 1808 [by Rt. Hon. John Wilson Croker]) Cf. "Entendue de la sorte, qu'est-ce que la propriété? C'est le vol. (Viewed in this light, what is property? It is robbery.) (L. Blanc, L'Organisation du Travail.)

Protection and patriotism are reciprocal.

J. C. CALHOUN (1782-1850)--in a speech, 12th Dec., 1811. Followed by This is the road that all great nations have trod."

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Public office is a public trust.

PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND (b. 1837)-A saying derived from

him. In accepting the nomination to the mayoralty of Buffalo (New York) in 1882 he said, "When we consider that public officials are the trustees of the people, and hold their places and exercise their powers for the benefit of the people, there should be no higher inducement to a faithful and honest discharge of public duty." See Ministers are the trustees of the nation &c.

Put not your trust in princes,

nor in the sons of men, for in them there is no salvation. (Psalm 146, v. 3.)

THOMAS WENTWORTH, EARL OF STRAFFORD (1593-1641)—on being assured that Charles I. had signed the Bill of Attainder. (Hume, Hist. of Engl.; Dict. of Nat. Biogr., vol. lx. p. 283). See Nolite confidere in principibus &c. Put your trust in God, my boys,

and keep your powder dry. OLIVER CROMWELL (1599-1658) -advice to his troops when crossing a river. (Col. Blacker, Oliver's advice, 1834) Another version is: "Put your trust in God; but mind to keep your powder dry." (Hayes's Ballads of Ireland, vol. i, p. 191.) Queens of England are never drowned.

HENRIETTA MARIA (1609-69), wife of Charles I.-in a storm in the North Sea, crossing from Holland to Yorkshire, Feb., 1642. See I never heard of a king being drowned.

Rather than submit to the hard terms proposed by Pitt, I would die in the room I now stand in.

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