Maybach, Minister: 199. McKinley, President W. : 4, 6, 13, Médicis, Cardinal de 173. Menedemus: 223. Mercier, L. S. : 125. Meredith Read, Gen. J.: 72. Mikion: 230. Montmorency, duc de. V. Henry II. Montpensier, Mlle. de: 165. Moody, D. L. 33. More, Sir Thomas: 26, 33, 50, 54, 81. Moreau, General J. V.: 100. Mornay, P. de. V. Duplessis- Morris, Miss: 18. Motley, J. L.: 22. Napier, Sir Charles: 247. 99, 100, 101, 104, 105, 108, Napoleon III: 135, 139, 160, 178, 181. Nassau, Duke of: III. Nelson, Lord: 2, 8, 13, 30, 32, 33, Nemours, Dupont de: 164. Newcastle, Duke of: 71. Newton, John: 23. Newton, Sir Isaac: 25, 47. Ney, Marshal M.: 162, 177, 185. Nicholas I (of Russia): 145, 146, Nicole, P.: 108, 154. Nicolet, J. B.: 97. Niebuhr, B. E.: 200. Niel, Marshal : 189. Normanby, Marquis of: 52. Northcote, James: 19, 36, 39, 62. Palissy, B: 89 Palmer, John: 65. Harley, Palmerston, Lord: 12, 13, 51, 60, Pan, Mallet du: 112. Panat, Chevalier de: 112, 162. Parker, Archbp. : 6. Parker, Theodore: 19. Phocion: 211, 213, 214, 217, 219, 220, 222, 223, 228, 230. Phocus: 222. Pilou, Mme. : 113. Pinckney C.C.: 42. Pindar, Peter. Pinkney: 49. V. Wolcot, John. Piron, Alexis: 91, 107, 113, 156. Pitt, William: 5, 16, 21, 22, 36, Podbielski, General von: 207. Poe, E. A.: 41. Polignac, Cardinal de : 83. Polignac, Duchesse de : 175. Pompadour, Mme. de: 85, 129. Premier Grenadier de la France, le. Preston, Mr.: 55. Putbus, Prince: 190. Pyrrhus 209, 213, 218, 222. Pythagoras Zacynthias: 210, 223, Richard III: 3. Richelieu, Cardinal: 89, 96, 98, Richemont, comte de: 125. Richter, E: 190, 207. Ridley, Bishop Nicholas : 9. Riquet, Paul de: 117. Rivarol, A, comte de: 90, 162, Robert II (le Pieux): 118. Roche, Sir Boyle: 43, 54, 64, 77. Rogers, Samuel: 1, 4, 76, 78. Roqueplan, Nestor: 147. Roon, Count A. T. E. von: 190. Wentworth. Rossini, G. A.: 102. Rothschild, Baron J. de: 141. Roucher, J. A.: 165. Rouher, E.: 117, 132, 135, 183. Royer-Collard, P. P.: 121, 139. Russell, Lord John: 41, 42, 67. Sablière, Mme. de la 152. Saint-Aignan, comte de: 125. St. Cyprian: 239. St. Remy: 244. Sartine, G. de: 94. Saunders, Lawrence: 73. Saurin, B. J.: 171. Savage, Richard: 71. Savoie, M. L. Gabrielle de: 93. Saxe, Marshal: 108, 134, 159, 176. Mme. de. Schiller: 197, 203. Schleiermacher, F. E. D.: 200. Scipio Africanus Major: 159, 242, Scipio, Nasica, Publius, 225, 239, Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon : 13, Scott, Sir Walter: 12, 18, 41, Scott, General Winfield: 3, 39. Segur, M. de: 150. Sermoneta, Duke of: 233. Severus, Septimus: 244. 107. Seward, William H.: 6, 65. 59, Somerset, Duke of: 13. Staël, Mme. de: 21, 51, 94, 132, Stafford, Viscount. V. Howard, Stahl, F. J. 191, 193, 196. Stanley, Arthur P. (Dean of West- Stanley, Lord. V. Derby, Lord. Taylor, Jane: 7. Taylor, John (the Water Poet): 21. Taylor, Rev. Dr. Rowland: 42. Teano, Prince O. C. di. V. Sermon- Tenterden, Lord. V. Abbott, Tennyson, Alfred, Lord: 28. Themistocles: 215, 216, 222, 228, Varus, Quintilius: 248. Vega, Lopes de: 151. Vendôme, General de: 185. Verdi, G. 236. Vergniaud, P.: 108, 163, 166. Vertot, abbé: 152. Vespasian 243, 245, 251. Viali, Agricole: 119. Victor Emmanuel II: 232, 235, 236. |