Gagern, President H. W. A. von: 194. Galileo Galilei: 232. Gambetta, L.: 97, 109, 123, 128, Gardiner, Bishop S.: 240. Garibaldi, G.: 117, 155, 234, 235. Gassendi, P. 124. Gassion, maréchal de: 121. Gaussin, Mile. : 88. Gay-Lussac, J. L.: 91. Gentz, Friedrich von: 194. George I: 27. George II: 6, 23, 24, 32. George III: 4, 9, 52, 55. George IV: 6, 73, 80. George V (of Hanover): 192. Giorgini, G. B.: 233. Givré, Desmousseaux de: 171. 22, 31, 35, 36, 40, 42, 53, Godwin. Mrs. V. Wollstonecraft, Goethe, J. W. von: 191, 203. Gordon, Alexander (of Glen- Gordon, General: 55. Gordon, Lord George: 46. Goudchaux : : 145. Gournay, V. de: 128. Grafton, Duke of: 58. Graham, John (of Claverhouse) : 48. Graham, Sir James: 6. Gramont, maréchal de: 84, 152. Grant, President U. S.: 29, 40, 73. Granville, Lord: 90. Grattan. Henry: 22, 33, 79. Gray, Thomas: 42. Greeley, Horace : 35. Green, J. H.: 56. Gregory I, Pope: 245. Grenville, George: 17, 52. Grey, Lady Jane: 41. Grey de Wilton, Lord: 42. Guise, duc de: 91, 102, 109, 168, Harlay, Achille de (1536-1616): 91. Harley, Robert, Earl of Oxford: 16. Harold, King: 10. Harrison, President B.: 7. Harrison, President W. H.: 38. Hastings, Warren: 32. Hautefort, Mlle. de: 164. Havelock, Sir Henry: 10. Healy, T: 146. · Hecatæus 218.- Heinrich LXXII: 190. Helvétius: 83. Henrietta Maria : 52. Henrietta of England (Duchess of Orleans): 148, 184. Henry I: 160. Henry, Prince (Henry V): 20. Henry VIII: 5, 11, 26, 30, 42, 79, 85, 216, 239, 245. Henry II (duc de Montmorency): Henry III (of France): 89, 109, Henry IV (of France): 94, 96, 100, James V of Scotland: 34. Jean II (the Good): 174. Jefferson, Thomas: 16, 33, 34, 69, 73. Jenkins Robert: 23. Joan of Arc: 106, 124, 173, 188. John, King (" Lackland"): 26. Johnson, Samuel: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, Jones, Paul: 28. Jordan, C: 136. Joseph, Père: 89, 96, 121, 122, 155. Joseph II: 205. Joseph, king of Naples: 144. Jourdan, General: 104. Joyense, duc Anne de: 90, 136. Julian ("the Apostate"): 251. Kallisthenes: 217. Keats, John: 25. Kell, J. 196. Ken, Bishop Thomas: 18. Kildare, Earl of. Thomas. V. Fitzgerald, Kingston, Sir William: 16, 20, 54. Knox, John: 47. Koller, von: 207. La Bedoyère, comte de; 154, 169. Lacretelle, C. : 103. Laelius: 225. La Fayette, General: 90, 107, 147. La Fontaine, J. de: 87, 89, 100, Laguerre: 142. La Hire: 98, 160. Lamachus: 221. Lamartine: 131, 136. Lambruschini Cardinal L.: 235. Lanjuinais 148. Lannes, Marshal: 86. La Palice (or Palisse), Jacques de: Lauenburg, Duke of: 200. Lauraguais, comte de: 102, 169. Leczinska, Marie: 113, 135, 142, 156, 171, 180, 188. Lemercier, Népomucène : 84. L'Enclos, Ninon de: 83, 117, 134: Leopold (Prince of Anhalt-Des sau): Le Pelletier, L. M.: 115, 119. Lewis, Sir George Cornewall: 40. L'Hôpital, Michel de: 126. Liebnecht 201, 207. Ligarius, Caius: 230, 241. Lincoln, President A.: 8, 12, 19, 23, 24, 36, 79. Livingstone, Dr. David: 4, 12. Locke, John: 48. Longfellow, H. W. : 47. Lorraine, duc de. V. René II. Lothair I (of Germany): 246. Louis IV (d'Outre-Mer): 185. 167, 170, 248. Louis XII: 88, 89, 118, 129, 136, 125, 162, 164, 167, 175, 243. Louis XVI: 86, 89, 100, 103, 115, 119, 129, 153, 165, 166, 174. Louis de France: 169. Louis-Philippe : 89, 90, 93, 96, 105, 117, 126, 137, 139, 155. Louis Philippe - Joseph (duc Lowe, Sir Robert (Lord Sher- brooke): 20, 54, 74, 240. Lowndes, William : 57. Lucullus: 211, 212, 224. Lulli, G. B.: 141, 171. Luxembourg, maréchal de: 114, 128. Maharbal: 224. Maintenon, Mme. de: 117, 122, Manteuffel, Baron Th. von: 195, 205. : Marcy, Governor W. L. 3. Maret 161. : Massieu 133. Massillon, J. B. : 98, 114. Mather, Rev. Cotton: 22. Mathews, Charles: 22. Maury, abbé 84, 135, 174, 183, 189. Maxentius: 243. Maximilian I: 207. Maximilian II (of Bavaria): 200. |