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world is ruled with little wisdom). The words are attributed to POPE JULIUS III (1487-1555) by Pedro Jos. Suppico de Moraes, Coleccion Politica de Apophthegmes Memorav., Lisbon, 1733, t. II, vol. ii, p. 44. Lord Chesterfield is also said to have used (or quoted) the phrase to his son, after a Ministerial dinner :

"Behold with what little wisdom the "world is governed." Cf. "... for thou little thinkest what a little foolery governs the whole world."-(John Selden, Table Talk: Pope).

Aut Cæsar, aut nihil. (Either Cæsar, or nothing).

CESAR BORGIA (c. 1457-1507)his motto. See Ὦ μήτερ, τήμερον ἢ ἀρχιέρεια &c. Cf. "Either a man or a mouse" (Proverb). Ave, Imperator, morituri te salu

tamus ! (Hail, Cæsar! we who are about to die salute you).

Formula used by the ROMAN GLADIATORS, when defiling past the

imperial box in the circus before fighting. Cf. Suetonius, Twelve Casars: Claudius, 21. Often quoted "Ave, Cæsar, etc."

Bis dat qui cito dat. (He gives twice who gives quickly).

FRANCIS BACON (1561-1626) Lord Verulam-in his speech, May 7, 1617, on taking his seat as Lord Keeper. Cf.

Bis dat qui dat celeriter. (He gives twice who gives quickly PUBLILIUS SYKUS, Sententiae, 225); and Ns μéya тò μкρóv ἐστιν ἐν καιρῷ δοθεν. (How great the small gift is when given in season)MENANDER, Monosticha, 752.

Cæsarem se non regem esse [re

spondit]. (I am no king, but Cæsar).

CAIUS JULIUS CESAR (100-44 B.C.)-on declining the title of king (Suetonius, Twelve Cæsars, 79). Castigat ridendo mores. (He corrects morals by ridicule). JEAN SANTEUL (1630-97) Motto given to the harlequin Joseph Biancolelli, called Dominique (1640-88).

Cave ne cadas! (Beware lest you fall!)

In ancient Rome it was the custom, when honouring a victorious general, to place behind the chariot in which he rode to the Capitol a slave who repeated the above words amid the shouts of the

people. See Hominem memento

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he may be, shall feel confident that the watchful eye and the strong arm of England will protect him against injustice and wrong (Sir W. Reid, Life of W. E. Gladstone, 1899, p. 357).

Consule tibi! (Look to thyself!)

ST. AUGUSTINE (354-430)—in his first sermon, In natali Cypriani martyris, in which he recounts the first dialogue between St. Cyprian and the pro-consul before whom the bishop of Carthage appeared:

Cum enim ejus immobilem mentem videret, quando ei dixit: Jusserunt te principes cæremoniari,' responditque ille:

Non facio, adjecit et ait: Consule tibi!' (When he saw that his mind was not to be shaken, after he had said to him 'Your rulers have given orders that you shou d worship,' he replied, 'I will not do it,' and added Look to thyself!'

Cui adhæreo præest. (He whom
I favour wins).

Motto on the tent of HENRI VIII. (1491-1547) at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, June 1520,

Cum dignitate otium. (Ease with dignity).

CICERO (106-43 B.C.)-alluding to literature practised by statesmen retired from affairs of state (Cicero, Pro Sestio, xlv., 98). The phrase occurs also in Ad Familiares i, 9, 21, and in De Oratore, i, I, I. Cf.

Quid est enim dulcius otio literato? (What is more delightful than lettered ease?) CICERO, Tusculana Disputationes; V., 36, 105. The phrase usually quoted as 'Otium cum dignitate.' Decet imperatorem stantem mori. -See Imperatorem mori oportere.


Delendam esse Carthaginem. (Carthage must be blotted out). CATO MAJOR (234-149 B.C.): he is said to have often added these words to his speeches when giving his opinion on any subject whatever. On the other hand, Publius Scipio, called Nasica (fl. 2nd cent. B.C.), used to end all his speeches by say ing: "And I further am of opinion that Carthage should be left alone."


(Florus, Epitome Rerum Roma-
narum, ii, 15, § 4; Plutarch, Lives:
Cato Major, 27).

De mortuis nil nisi bonum-See
Τὸν τεθνηκότα μὴ κακολογεῖν.
Deo erexit Voltaire. (Voltaire

erected it to God).
VOLTAIRE (1694-1778 - inscrip-
tion placed over a church he had
built at Ferney; altered from Deo
soli (To God alone), a common
dedication. Cf.

Nor his, who for the bane of thousands born,

Built God a Church, and laugh'd his word to

scorn.-Cowper, Retirement, 11. 687-8. (Evidently an allusion to the church at Ferney, erected by Voltaire.)

Desponsamus te, mare, in signum veri perpetuique dominii. (We wed thee, O sea, in sign of a true and perpetual dominion).

Formula in use by the VENETIAN DOGES at the annual ceremony of wedding' the Adriatic.

Diem perdidi! (I've lost a day !)

THE EMPEROR TITUS (40-81)on recalling the fact that he had not benefited anyone that day (Suetonius, Twelve Casars: Titus, 8). Cf.

"I've lost a day," the prince who nobly cried

Had been an emperor without his crown; Of Rome? say, rather, lord of human race: He spoke, as if deputed by mankind.— Young, Night Thoughts, ii, 99; "Count that day lost whose low descending sun

Views from thy hand no worthy action done.'

Stamford, Art of Reading, 1803, 3rd. edit. p. 27;

"Good Titus could, but Charles could

never say,

Of all his royal life, he 'lost a day.'"-
Duke, Poem on the Death of Charles II;
"This world, 'tis true,

Was made for Cæsar, but for Titus, too;
And which more blest? Who chain'd his
country? say,

Or he whose virtue sigh'd to lose a day?"-
Pope, Essay on Man, Ep. iv, st. 1;

"Tel fut cet empereur sous qui Rome adorée

Vit renaître les jours de Saturne et de Rhée;

Qui rendit de son joug l'univers amoureux; Qu'on n'alla jamais voir sans revenir heureux;

Qui soupirait le soir, si sa main fortunée N'avait par ses bienfaits signalé la journée " (Such was this emperor under whom adored Rome

Saw renewed the days of Saturn and of Rhea;

Who released the amorous universe from its yoke;

Who was never visited without a happy


Who sighed at evening, if his favored hand Had not by his benefits crowned the day.) Boileau, Epitre Ière. (au Roi), l. 109; "La plus perdue de toutes les journées est celle où l'on n'a pas ri." (The most wasted of all days is the one when we have not laughed) Chamfort, Maximes et Pensées, ch. I. (ed. 1824, vol. i, p. 355). See Den gestrigen Tag suchen.

Domine Domine fac finem !

fac finem! (Lord! Lord! make an end! make an end!) DESIDERIUS ERASMUS (1465 or 7-1536)-Last words.

Ego et meus rex (I and my King.)

CARDINAL WOLSEY (1471-1530) -Formula when chancellor of England.) Cf.

“Then, that, in all you writ to Rome, or else

To foreign princes Ego et Rex meus Was still inscribed; in which you brought the King

To be your servant.

Shakspere, King Henry VIII, act 3, sc. 2, (Duke of Norfolk).

Ego sum rex Romanus et super grammaticam. (I am king of the Romans and above grammar).

The EMPEROR SIGISMUND (13681437) at the Council of Constance in 1414, on a grammatical error, in his speech to the assembled prelates, being pointed out to him. (Wolfgang Menzel's Geschichte der Deutschen, ch. 325 (1837 ed., vol. ii, p. 477); also Carlyle, Frederick the Great, ch. xiv.) Cf.

"La grammaire, qui sait régenter, jusqu'aux rois,

Et les fait, la main haute obéir a ses lois!" (Grammar which knows how to govern even kings,

And with a high hand makes them obey its laws!)-Molière, Les Femmes Savantes, act 2, sc. 6. Cf. Cæsar non supra grammaticos. (Cæsar is not above the grammarians)-Latin Proverb.

Erravi cum Petro, sed non flevi

cum Petro. (Like Peter, I have erred, unlike Peter, I have not wept). STEPHEN


GARDINER 1555), bishop of Winchester-Last words.

Et tu quoque, mi fili. (And thou also, my son).

JULIUS CAESAR (100-44 B.C.)— dying words, but generally quoted as: Et tu Brute ?-See Kai où τέκνον.

Evasisti. (Thou art saved.)

The EMPEROR HADRIAN (76138)-the day he came into power, meeting an old enemy and noticing his embarrassment.

Ex luce lucellum. (Out of light a little gain).

Motto jokingly suggested by ROBERT LOWE, Viscount Sherbrooke (1811-92) for the new label when he proposed a tax of d. per box on lucifer matches. Owing to the opposition the proposal was withdrawn (Dict. Nat. Biogr., vol. xxxiv, p. 200.) Cf. also Reed, Life of Gladstone, p. 572.

Festina lente-See Σπεύδε βραδέως. Fiat justitia, et pereat mundus. (Let justice be done, though the world perish).

Motto of FERDINAND I of Germany (1503-64)-(Johannes Manlius, Loci Communes, 1563, vol. ii, p. 290).

Fiat justitia, ruat cælum. (Let justice be done, though the skies fall).

LORD MANSFIELD (1704-93)— phrase used (quoted) in the case of Rex. v. Wilkes, Wilkes having been sentenced to outlawry for publication of No. 45 of The North Briton in his absence from the court, (Burrows, Reports, A.D. 1770, vol. iv, 2562), and to be found in Ward's Simple Cobbler of Agawam in America, 1647. In a work called Fovre Treatises, &c, by Iohn Downame, London, 1609, p. 67, occur the words:

"For better it is that a private man should perish, than that the publike administration of law and justice should be stayed and hindered," and opposite is printed in italics "Fiat justitia et ruat cælum." Cf. William Watson, Decacordon of Ten Quodlibeticall Questions (1602), pp. 8 & 338:

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Do well and right, and let the world sinkGeorge Herbert, Country Parson, ch. 29. Ruat cælum, fiat voluntas tua-Sir T. Browne, Religio Medici, p. ii, sec. 11if that cannot be, I say again the same that I wrote, fiat justitia," said by Charles I (1600-49), referring to the Earl of Strafford (Percy Anecdotes, vol. i. p. 120). Périssent les Colonies &c. (note); Das Recht muss seinen Gang haben &c. Finis Poloniæ. (The end of Poland).


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1603), to commemorate the defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588. It was struck at Middleburg, in Holland. 'The

Flavit. et. dissipati. sunt. 1588. Spanish fleet dispersed and wrecked; above, in clouds, the name of Jehovah in Hebrew.' -Medallic Illustrations of Brit. Hist., vol. i, p. 145. Cf. "Thou didst blow with thy wind, the sea covered them: they sank as lead in the mighty waters Exodus, xv, 10. "Gott der Allmächtge blies, Und die Armada flog nach allen Winden. (God the Almighty remained And the Armada flew to all winds)-Schiller, Die unüberwindliche Flotte.

Fortis dura coquit. (The brave man digests hard things).

A favourite motto of RICHELIEU (1585-1642)--an ostrich with the above inscription.

Habes.... . confitentem reum. (You have a defendant who pleads guilty).

CICERO (106-43 B.C.)-in his speech for Ligarius, exiled by Cæsar for having borne arms against him in Africa (Pro Ligario, i, 1, § 2). Haec est fides? (Is this your fidelity ?)

The EMPEROR NERO (37-68)-—Last words.

Haec ornamenta mea sunt. (These are my jewels). CORNELIA (2nd cent. B.C.), mother of the Gracchi-when presenting her children to a lady who had been showing her her jewels, &c. (Valerius Maximus, bk. iv, ch. 4).

"Pointing to such, well might Cornelia

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in one of his speeches in the Constituent Assembly when opposing Necker's financial proposal. "Catiline est aux portes, et l'on délibère. (Catiline is at the gates, and we are deliberating.") A combination of the first-named Latin phrase (substituting Catiline for Hannibal) and the following: Dum Romae consulitur, Saguntum expugnatur. (While Rome deliberates, Saguntum is stormed).-Livy, Hist. xxxi, 7. Cf.

Hannibal, credo, erat ad portas (Hannibal, I believe, was at the gates)Cicero, Philippica, i, 5, 11: De Finibus, v. 9, 22; Livy, Hist. xxiii, 16. Hannibal, peto pacem.


Hannibal, ask for peace). HANNIBAL (c. 247-183 B.C.)-in a speech in favour of peace, to Scipio, the Roman general, on Hannibal's recall to Carthage at the end of the second Punic War. (Livy, Histories Xxx, 30).

Hoc age. (Do this.)

Cry of the herald who walked before the magistrates or priests when engaged in any religious rite, with the object of warning the people to apply their minds wholly to the religious ceremony. Plutarch, Lives: Coriolanus, xxv. (*Οκ ἄγε).


Hoc est signum Dei. (This is a sign from God).

Charles le TémÉRAIRE (1433-77) exclamation before beseiging Nancy, (Jan., 1477), a golden lion surmounting his helmet having fallen off. He threw himself into the mêlée and was killed.

Hoc unum scio, me nihil scire.— See Είδεναι μὲν μηδὲν, πλὴν αὐτὸ τοῦτο εἶδεναι.

Hic vobis bellum et pacem portamus; utrum placet sumite. (In this I bring you war and peace, take which you please).

FABIUS CUNCTATOR (275-202 B.C.)-when demanding reparation from the Carthaginians for having taken possession of Saguntum, as he made a lap with the folds of his toga. (Livy, Histories, xxi, 19.) Hoc voluerunt. (They would have it so).

JULIUS CAESAR (100-44 B.C.)—on entering the camp of Pompeius and seeing the dead bodies and slaughter still going on. He added that they brought him into such a critical position that he, Caius Caesar, who had been successful in the greatest wars, would have been condemned, if he had disbanded his troops, (Suetonius, Caesar, 30; Plutarch. Lives: Caesar, xlvi). Cf.

"Vous l'avez voulu, vous l'avez voulu, George Dandin, vous l'avez voulu' (You would have it so, you would have it so, George Dandin, you would have it so)Molière, George Dandin, act 1, sc. 9. Hominem memento te.


member thou art a man). According to Tertullian, a public slave was placed in the chariot of a successful general when awarded the honour of a public triumph, who whispered the above words into his

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