I am satisfied with the Lord's will. JOHN NEWTON (1725-1807), a friend of the poet Cowper-Last recorded words. I am sweeping through the gates, washed in the blood of the Lamb. REV. ALFRED COOKMAN (182871) Last words. I am weary of the times, and foresee much misery to my country; but believe that I shall be out of it ere night. LORD FALKLAND (1610-43), Secretary of State under Charles I. -on the morning of the battle of Newbury (Sep. 20, 1643), in which he was killed. Engl.) the PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1809-65)—in a speech to Illinois Whig State Convention at Springfield, June 16, 1858. I called the New World into existence to redress the balance of the Old. GEORGE CANNING (1770-1827)—— in a speech on the relations between Great Britain and Portugal (Dec. 12, 1826). Alluded to by Daniel Webster, in his speech, Jan. 19, 1824. (H.C. Lodge, Daniel Webster, 1889, p. 134) I can drive a coach and six through any act of Parlia ment. DANIEL 1847). (Hume, Hist. of I awoke one morning, and found myself famous. LORD BYRON (1788-1824)after the publication of the first two cantos of Childe Harold. (Moore, Life of Byron.) I believe England will be conquered some day in New England or Bengal. HORACE WALPOLE (1717-97)— In a letter to Sir Horace Mann in 1774. I believe that, without party, Parliamentary government is impossible. BENJAMIN DISRAELI [Earl of Beaconsfield] (1804-81)-in a speech at Manchester, April 3, 1872. Followed by "I look upon Parliamentary government as the noblest government in the world, and certainly the one most suited to England." I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. O'CONNELL (1775Anacharsis, laughing at Solon who was writing his laws, said that written laws were just like spiders' webs; for, like them, they caught the weaker criminals, but were broken through by the stronger and more important. (Plutarch, Life of Solon, V.) Cf. “Où la guêpe a passé le moucheron demeure." (Where the wasp escapes the gnat is caught) (La Fontaine, Le Corbeau voulant imiter l'aigle); and see Driving a coach and six, &c. I cannot bear it; let me rest. I must die. Let God do his work. FREDERICK WILLIAM ROBERTSON (1816-53)-Last words. I committed my soul to God, and my cause to my country. ROBERT JENKINS, master of a small sloop (fl. 1731-8)-when asked at the bar of the House of Commons (in 1738), what were his feelings when his ear was torn off (as was alleged) by the commander of a Spanish ship. The Spaniard bade him carry the ear to King George (the Second, 1683-1760) and tell him that he would serve him in the same manner if he caught him. (Dict. Nat. Biog. vol. xxix. p. 306.) I could, if God please, lay my head back and die without terror this afternoon. Dr. ISAAC WATTS (1674-1748) -Last words. Preceded by : "It is a great mercy to me that I have no manner of fear or dread of death." I could wish this tragic scene were over, but I hope to go through it with becoming dignity. JAMES QUIN (1693-1766)— Last words. WILLIAM HOWARD, VISCOUNT STAFFORD (1612-80)-to the executioner, who asked his forgiveness. (Bell's Chapel and Tower.) Another version is: "This block will be my pillow, and I shall repose there well, without pain, grief or fear"; and a further: "I thank God I am no more afraid of death, but as cheerfully put off my doublet at this time as ever I did when I went to bed." His only exclamation on hearing his sentence was "God's holy name be praised!" (Hume, Hist of Engl.) George Wishart also forgave the executioner in a similar way: See I fear not this fire. I do not believe that state can last in which Jesus and Judas have equal weight in public affairs. THOMAS CARLYLE (1795-1881) -to an American clergyman who defended universal suffrage. I do not fear death. THOMAS BLOOD (1628-80)Last words. See I am not in the least afraid to die; My Lord, why do you not go on? I do not know a method of drawing up an indictment against a whole people. EDMUND BURKE (1729-97)in a speech on conciliation with America, Mar. 22, 1775. I do not like giving advice, because it is an unnecessary responsibility under any circumstances. BENJAMIN DISRAELI [Earl of Beaconsfield] (1804-81)—in a speech at Aylesbury, Sep. 21, 1865. I don't think much of a man who is not wiser to-day than he was yesterday. PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1809-65)-when taxed with having changed his mind on some subject. Cf. "L'homme absurde est celui qui ne change jamais (The stupid man is he who alters.) (Barthélemy, Ma Justification, 1832) never If all the swords in England were brandishing over my head, your terrors would not move me. THOMAS à BECKET (1117-70), Archbishop of Canterbury-to his murderers. If anyone attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot. JOHN A. DIX (1798-1879)—Telegraphic order dated from Washington, Jan. 29, 1861, regarding the arrest of Capt. Breshwood, commander of the revenne cutter, McClennand, at New Orleans. I fear not this fire. GEORGE WISHART (1502-46), burned at the stake-Last words. Preceded by: "For the sake of the true Gospel, given one by the grace of God, I suffer this day with a glad heart. Behold and consider my visage. Ye shall not see me change colour." The executioner had asked for and obtained his forgiveness. I feel now that I am dying. JEREMY BENTHAM (1748-1832)— Last words. I feel the flowers growing over me. JOHN KEATS (1796-1821)-Last words. Another version is: "I die of a broken heart." If I am alive, I shall be glad to see him; if I am dead, he'll be glad to see me. LORD HOLLAND (1705-74)when told by his physicians that he had scarcely half-an-hour to live. Preceded by "Should Mr. Selwyn call within the next half-hour, show him in at once." If I die, I die unto the Lord. Amen. REV. EDWARD IRVING (1792 1834)-Last words. Another version is: "In life and in death, I am the Lord's." If I granted your demands, I should be no more than the mere phantom of a king. CHARLES I (1600-49)-Reply to the demand of the Long Parliament for the control of military, civil, and religious appointments. If I had a son, I should endeavour to make him familiar with French and German authors. Greek and Latin are only luxuries. DR. RICHARD PORSON, the Greek scholar, (1759-1808). If I had strength enough to hold a pen, I would write down how easy and pleasant a thing it is to die. DR. WILLIAM HUNTER (171783-Last words. If I have been deceived, doubtless it was the work of a spirit; whether that spirit was good or bad I do not know. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT (1750-1814) -Last recorded words. If I have done the public any service, it is due to nothing but industry and patient thought. SIR ISAAC NEWTON (1642-1727) -to Dr. Richard Bentley. I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind and all the worse for the sea. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES (1809-94)-in a lecture before the Harvard Medical School. If I tremble with cold, my enemies will say it was from : fear I will not expose myself to such reproaches. By CHARLES I (1600-49)-Remark when asking for two shirts, the morning of his execution, Jan. 30, 1649. (Lingard, Hist. of Engl., x, ch. 5.) See Tu trembles, Bailly. Drake, when a midshipman, was observed to tremble very much on the eve of an engagement, and, on being asked the cause, replied, "My flesh trembles at the anticipation of the many and great dangers into which my resolute and undaunted heart will lead me." (Percy Anecdotes, vol. i., p. 203.) Cf. "Why dost thou quiver man?" (Dick). "The palsy, and not fear, provoketh me.' (Lord Say.) (Shakspere, King Henry VI, 2nd Part, act iv, sc. 7, 11. 95-6). an a If I were an American, as I am Englishman, while foreign troop was landed in my country, I never would lay down my arms-never! never! never! WILLIAM PIIT, 1st Earl of Chatham (1708-78) - in a speech Nov. 18, 1777, referring to the employment of German soldiers. If learning could have kept a man alive, our brother had not died. RICHARD JOHNSON Master of the Temple, (d. 1674)—over the grave of John Selden in the Temple Church, London. Cf. "Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died." (St. John xi. 32) If my head would win him a castle in France, it should not fail to go. SIR THOMAS MORE (1480-1535) -of Henry VIII. I forgive him, and I hope I shall as easily forget the wrongs he has done me, as he will forget my pardon. RICHARD I (1157-99)—of his brother, John, who had endeavoured to prevent Richard's release by Henry VI. Emperor of Germany. I found there was nothing for it but to take off my flesh and sit in my bones. REV. SYDNEY SMITH (17711845)-alluding to the heat. If this be treason, make the most of it. PATRICK HENRY (1736-99) — in a speech in the Virginia House of Burgesses against the Stamp Act, May, 1765 (Wirt, Life). Preceded by "Cæsar had his Brutus-Charles the First, his Cromwell-and George the Third ('Treason!' cried the Speaker)-may profit by their example. If &c.' If you like the terms of the loan, down with the dust! DEAN JONATHAN SWIFT (16671745) in a short charity-sermon on the text He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord' (Prov. ch. xix., v. 17). If you love my soul, away with it! JOHN HOOPER, Bishop of Gloucester and afterwards Bishop of Worcester (c. 1495-1555) Last words. Other versions are: "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit," and "Good people, give me more fire." (The faggots were green, and had to be rekindled three times.) I give Thee thanks, O God, for all Thy benefits, and with all the pains of my soul I humbly beseech Thy mercy to give me remission of those sins I have wickedly committed against Thee; and of all mortal men whom willingly or ignorantly I have offended, with all my heart I desire forgiveness. EDWARD, THE BLACK PRINCE (1330-76)—Last words. Ignorance never settles a question. BENJAMIN DISRAELI [Earl of Beaconsfield] (1804-81)-in a speech in the House of Commons, May 14, 1866. I go from a corruptible to an incorruptible crown. CHARLES I (1600-49) - on the scaffold. He added "where no disturbance can have place" (Hume, Hist. of Engl.) I hate all Boets and Bainters. GEORGE I (1660-1727)-when refusing to allow a poem to be dedicated to him. (Campbell, Life of Lord Mansfield, ch. 30 note.) I have always endeavoured, to the best of my ability, to serve God, my king and my country. I go to the place God has designed for those who love him. ANTHONY COLLINS (1676-1729) -Last words. I have been nearer you when you have missed me. SIR GEORGE LISLE (Aug. 28, 1648)-Last words, to one of the soldiers appointed to shoot him. (Percy Anecdotes, vol. ii, p. 114.) I have desired to have the obedience of my subjects by love, and not by compulsion. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603) -to her parliament. See Nothing, no worldly thing. I have done England little good, but I should be sorry to do it any harm. KATHARINE OF ARAGON (14861536)-to the commissioners, after her divorce by Henry VIII (14911547). I have ever cherished an honest pride; never have I stooped to friendship with Jonathan Wild, or with any of his detestable thief-takers; and, though an undutiful son, I never damned my mother's eyes. JACK SHEPPARD (1701-24), noted highwayman and burglar, hanged at Tyburn-Last words. I have given my life to law and politics; law is uncertain, and politics are utterly vain. DANIEL WEBSTER (1782-1852) -to Professor Silliman (1772-1864). I have had wealth, rank, and power, but, if these were all I had, how wretched I should be! PRINCE ALBERT (1819-61)-Dying words. I have heard, indeed, that two negatives make an affirmative; but I never heard before that two nothings ever made anything. DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM (162788)-in a speech in the House of Lords. I have known thee all the time. JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER (1807-92)-Last words, to his niece, who asked whether he knew her. Another version is: "Give my love to the world." I have learnt again what I have often learnt before, that you should never take anything for granted. BENJAMIN DISRAELI [Earl of Beaconsfield] 1804-81)--in a speech at Salthill, Oct. 5, 1864. I have long been of the opinion that a British army could |