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The Croker papers (1884, vol 1, 326).

MME. DE STAËL (1766-1817), when in England, referring to the high Continental opinion of the riches, strength and spirit of this country. Mr. Croker (under date Oct. 24, 1825) says "This striking "expression I have since found in "the journal of Camille Des"moulins." (The exact reference is not given, and the editor has not yet been able to find it). Cf. "Byron's "European fame is the best earnest "of his immortality, for a foreign "nation is a kind of contemporaneous "posterity." Stanley, or the Recollections of a Man of the World, vol. 2, p. 89.

Les gens que j'ai vus à la cour

m'ont forcée de m'estimer. (The people I have seen at court have forced me to esteem myself).

Said by MME. DU BARRY (174393), alluding to the people of quality surrounding Louis XV.

Les grands noms ne se font

qu'en Orient. (It is only in the East that great names are made).

Saying of NAPOLEON (1769-1821) after his return from Italy (1797) and being desirous that the expedition to Egypt (1798) should be undertaken.

Les "hochets de la vanité." (Vanity's playthings).-Moniteur universel, June 3, 1848. Term applied by CLÉMENT THOMAS ( ) general of the garde nationale in the National Assembly, June 2, 1848, with regard to the cross of the Legion of Honour. On May 7, 1802, when the question of the creation of the Legion of Honour was being discussed, NAPOLEON (1769-1821) said, replying to Berlier ( ), "On appelle

"cela des hochets; eh bien ! c'est "avec des hochets que l'on mène "les hommes," etc. (They call those playthings; well, it is with playthings that men are led.) -Mémoires sur le Consulat (1827) p. 83.

Le silence des peuples est la leçon des rois. (The peoples' silence is the kings' lesson).-Sermons de Messire de Beauvais, 1807, vol. 4, p. 243.

In the funeral sermon of Louis XV (1710-74) preached by the ABBÉ DE BEAUVAIS (1731-90) at SaintDenis (July 27, 1774). . . et son silence est la leçon des rois (... and their [the peoples'] silence is the kings' lesson). Repeated by Mirabeau to the Constituent Assembly, July 15, 1789.-Thiers, Revolution française, vol 1, ch. 2. Cf. Silence often expresses more powerfully than speech the verdict and judg ment of society.-Speech of Disraeli in House of Commons, Aug. 1, 1862. L'esprit nouveau. (The new spirit).

Phrase used by E. SPULLER (183596) minister of public instruction,-in the Chamber of Deputies, March 3, 1894, alluding to an order of the mayor of St. Denis prohibiting religious ceremonies on the public highways.

Les restes d'une voix qui tombe, et d'une ardeur qui s'éteint. (The remains of a failing voice and of an expiring ardour). Concluding words of JACQUES BOSSUET'S funeral (1627-1704) sermon on the PRINCE DE CONDE, March 10, 1687.

Les siècles ne sont pas à nous.

(The centuries are not ours).Thiers, Le Consulat et l'Empire, bk. 25.

NAPOLEON (1769-1821) in 1806

to his brother JOSEPH, KING OF NAPLES (1768-1844) when advising him to erect fortresses, etc., at once. L'essai loyal. (The loyal trial).

L.-A. THIERS (1797-1877) in his speech of Jan. 17, 1851, said, referring to the Republic, "Faisons "donc cette expérience, faisons-la "loyalement, sans arrière-pensée.” (Let us then try this experiment, try it loyally, unreservedly.)-Discours parlementaires, vol 9, p. 105. On Dec. 26, 1871, he said,


Croyez-moi, vous qui voulez faire "un essai de la République, et 66 vous avez raison, il faut le faire "loyal." (Believe me, you who wish to make a trial of the Republic, and you are right, you must make it loyally). Ibid, vol 13, p. 627. Les souliers de M. Dupin. (M.

Dupin's shoes.)

Saying alluding to the thick country shoes worn by A.-M.-J.-J. DUPIN, aîné (the elder) (1783-1865). He was in the habit of attending each year the agricultural meetings at Clamecy, of which he was the founder, dressed in country fashion, and his "gros souliers" became quite celebrated.

Les temps heroïques sont passés. (The heroic times have passed away).

LÉON GAMBETTA (1838-82).

Cf. "Ils sont passés ces jours de fête. "Ils sont passés, ils ne reviendront


(They are past, those fête-days. They are past, they will not return). Anseaume, Le Tableau parlant, sc. v. Le style est l'homme même.

(The style is the man himself). In the speech made by BUFFON (1707-88) on his reception by the French Academy (Aug. 25, 1753). Variously misquoted

"Le style est tout l'homme." "Le style, c'est l'homme." L'état, c'est moi. (I am the State.) Voltaire, Siècle de Louis XIV, ch. 24. Dulaure, Hist. of Paris, 1863, p. 387.

Words attributed to LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) in a speech to his parliament, April 13, 1655. The words "mon Etat" occur in it as reported in the Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris, and have probably given rise to the expression. Napoleon, examining his position in 1813, quoted the phrase. . . . à compter de ce jour, "l'Etat ce fut moi!" (. from that moment, I was the State).—Mémorial de SainteHélène.


M. le duc de Noailles in his Histoire de Mme. de Maintenon (vol. 3, pp. 667-70) denies that the famous phrase was ever uttered by the king, but says the "mot will "stick to him, because it is within "the truth, if it is taken in its true sense: the sentiment of the close relationship which exists between "the interest of the country and "that of royalty." It may be noted that in his instructions to his son he says: "Quand on a l'État en vue, on "travaille pour soi. Le bien de "l'un fait la gloire de l'autre. "(When one has the State in view, it is working for one's self. The good of one makes the glory of "the other)." Again: "La nation ne fait pas corps en France, elle réside tout entière dans la personne "du roy." (The nation does not constitute a corps in France; it resides entirely in the king's person. )— Monarchie de Louis XIV, etc., 1818, p. 327. The following is from la Revue britannique for May, 1851, p. 254.

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"Sans nier à notre souscripteur 'qu'Elisabeth, avant Louis XIV, "eût dit ou à peu près dit: L'Etat

"c'est moi! sans entrer avec lui "dans une polémique sur la politique "et la religion d'Elisabeth," etc. [the point is not pursued]. (Without denying to our subscriber that Elizabeth, before Louis XIV, had said or almost said, "I am the State," without entering into a discussion with him as to Elizabeth's politics and religion, etc.)

Le temps et moi. (Time and I.)

Cardinal MAZARINS' motto (160261). Cf. Oft was this saying in our bishop's mouth,' says Lloyd, before ever it was in Philip the Second's "Time and I will challenge any two in the world." State Worthies (1670, pp. 88-9). See Time is on our side.

L'étude a été pour moi le

souverain remède contre les dégoûts de la vie, n'ayant jamais eu de chagrin qu'une heure de lecture n'ait dissipé. (Study has been for me the sovereign remedy against life's mortifications, never having had a chagria that an hour's reading has not dissipated.) Saying of MONTESQUIEU (16891755) in his youth.

L'Europe sera républicaine ou

cosaque. (Europe will be Republican or Cossack.) Prophecy usually attributed to NAPOLEON (1769-1821), but probably derived from the following remark made by him.

car dans l'état actuel des "choses, avant dix ans, tout "l'Europe peut être cosaque, ou "toute en république." (... for in the present state of things before ten years, all Europe may be Cossack, or all Republican).-Mémorial de Ste. Hélène, vol. 3, p. 111 (1828). L'exactitude est la politesse des

rois. (Punctuality is the politeness of kings.)

Saying of LOUIS XVIII (17551824).-Souvenirs de J. Laffitte, vol. 1, p. 150.

L'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme. (The exploiting of man by man.)


Phrase used by socialists. occurs in a letter from le PÈRE ENFANTIN (1796-1864) dated Nov. 15, 1828, “. . . l'exploitation sans travail de l'homme par l'homme." (.. the exploiting without work of man by man.)-Euvres de Sain Simon et d' Enfantin, 1872, vol. 25, p. 109. The phrase was used in 1840 at a banquet in a speech by the banker GOUDCHAUX.-Thureau Dangin, Hist. de la Monarchie de juillet, vol. 4, p. 182.

L'heure est venue de guérir toutes mes plaies par une seule. (The time has come to cure all my wounds with a single one.) HENRI II (1595-1632) duc de Montmorency and marshal of France, when his surgeon pressed him to let his wounds be dressed. He was decapitated the same day. L'homme malade. (The sick man.)

According to the Annuaire historique for 1853 (p. 66 and following) this celebrated phrase was used by the Emperor NICHOLAS I of Russia (1796-1855) in a conversation with Sir E. Hamilton Seymour at a soirée given by the Grand-Duchess Hélène. He said "Tenez, nous avons sur les "bras un homme malade. (We have on our hands a sick man.) Also said to have been used by him when in England in 1844 in conversation with the Duke of Wellington and Lord Aberdeen, referring to Turkey. "We have on our hands "a sick man, a very sick man. It "would be a great misfortune if one "of these days he should happen to

"die before the necessary arrange. "ments are made.' .-Nicholas

of Russia, to Sir George Hamilton Seymour, British chargé d'affaires (Jan. 11, 1844). Cf. Blue Book, 1854. Sir Thomas Roe (c. 1568?1644), ambassador of James II at Constantinople, wrote that the Ottoman Empire had "the body of "a sick old man, who tried to appear


healthy, although his end was "near." The Dict. of Nat. Biog. (vol. 49, p. 90) says that he described the Turkish Empire as "irrecoverably sick" (Negotiations, p. 126) and compared it (almost in the words of the Emperor Nicholas 230 years later) to an old body, crazed 'through many vices, which remain, when the youth and strength is 'decayed.' (Ibid, p. 22). John, Governor-general of the Netherlands, writing in 1577 to Philip II of Spain, referred to the prince of Orange as "the sick man." He said to Philip: "Money is the "gruel with which we must cure "this sick man."-Motley, The Dutch Republic, vol. 2. Said the Emperor Frederick-William IV (1795-1861) to the ambassador, on Feb. 20, 1853: "Ich wiederhole "Ihnen, dass der Kranke im Sterben "liegt." (I repeat to you that the sick man lies in death). Voltaire, in his correspondence (XVI) with Catherine of Russia, wrote: "Votre "Majeste dira que je suis un malade "bien impatient et que les Turcs "sont beaucoup plus malades." (Your Majesty will say that I am an impatient sick person and that the Turks are much more sick.) Cf. "J'ai vu avec étonnement la faiblesse "de l'empire des Osmanlins. Ce "corps malade ne se soutient pas par "un régime doux et tempéré, mais


'par des remèdes violents qui "l'épuisent et le minent sans cesse.' (I have seen with astonishment the weakness of the Ottoman empire.

This sick body is not supported by a mild and temperate diet, but by violent remedies which continually exhaust and undermine it).-Montesquieu, Lettres persanes, letter 19 (first pub. 1721). Parodied by Mr. T. Healy (born 1855) in the House of Commons, July 24, 1902, alluding to Ireland as "the sick child of the British Empire."-The Daily Telegraph, July 25, 1902. L'homme s'agite, mais Dieu le

mène. (A man's heart deviseth his way; but the Lord directeth his steps-Book of Proverbs xiv. 9).

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In a sermon by FÉNÉLON (16511715), on the subject of the discovery of America, for the feast of Epiphany (Jan. 6, 1685). Mais que vois-je "depuis deux siècles? Des régions "immenses qui s'ouvrent tout-à"coup; un nouveau monde inconnu "à l'ancien et plus grand que lui. "Gardez-vous bien de croire qu'une "si prodigieuse découverte ne soit "due qu'à l'audace des hommes. "Dieu ne donne aux passions "humaines, lors même qu'elles "semblent décider de tout, que ce "qu'il leur faut pour être les instruments de ses desseins. Ainsi



Phomme s'agite, mais Dicu le "mène." (But what do I see in the past two centuries? Immense regions which suddenly open; a new world unknown to and larger than the old one. Do not allow yourselves to believe that such a prodigious discovery is only due to the daring of men. God only gives to human passions, even when they seem to decide everything, just what is necessary for them to be the instrumeuts of his designs. Thus, &c. Cf. "Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit." (Man proposes, but God disposes). Thomas à Kempis, Imitation of Christ, bk. 1, ch. 19.

"L'homme aujourd'hui sème la cause,
"Demain Dieu fait mûrir l'effet."-

(Man to-day sows the cause,
To-morrow God ripens the effect-)
V. Hugo, Les Chants du Crépuscule-
Napoléon II.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité. (Liberty, equality, fraternity).

Motto of the French Republic, invented by ANTOINE-FRANCOIS MOMORO (1756-94). He was of Spanish origin, and in 1789 styled himself premier imprimeur de la liberté. Under the Reign of Terror the words were preceded by Unité et indivisibilité de la République (Unity and indivisibility of the Republic) and followed by ou la mort (or death). In Chamfort's (174194) opinion (indignant at the misuse of the word fraternité) the words fraternite ou la mort meant Sois mon frère ou je te tue (Be my brother or I kill thee).


"Bon Dieu! l'aimable siècle où l'homme dit à l'homme, "Soyons frères-ou je t'assomme. (Heavens, what an age! when man to man doth cry

Let us be brothers-for if not, you die.) Ecouchard Lebrun.- - Epigram mes, V, 23.

L'immobilité, c'est le plus beau mouvement de l'exercice. (Immobility is the finest movement of exercise.)-E. Blaze, La vie militaire sous le 1er empire (edition 1888, p. 21). Phrase used by KUHMANN, an Alsatian, at the military school at Fontainebleau.

L'impot du sang. (The blood-tax).

Phrase used for the first time by GENERAL FOY (1775-1825) in the French Chamber, May 28, 1824, speaking against the bill for increasing the number of recruits for the army. cet impot du sang. (... This blood-tax. .) Le Moniteur universel, May 30, 1824, p. 685

L'ingratitude est l'indépéndance du cœur. (Ingratitude is the heart's independence).

One of three sentences written by NESTOR ROQUEPLAN (1804-70), the author of Nouvelles à la main, in an album at the request of M. Philoxene Boyer. See Gratitude is a lively sense &c.

L'insurrection est le plus saint

des devoirs. (Insurrection is the holiest of duties).- Mémoirs etc., du Général Lafayette 1837, vol. 2, p. 382.

In a speech by GENERAL LAFAYETTE (1757-1834) Feb. 20, 1790, to the Constituent Assembly. The context materially qualifies the sense of the phrase.

Cf. "Quand le gouvernement "viole les droits du peuple, l'insur"rection est, pour le peuple et pour chaque portion du peuple, le plus

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sacré des droits et le plus indis"pensable des devoirs." (When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties).— Moniteur universel, June 27, 1793. See Rebellion to tyrants etc. L'Italie est un nom géographique.

(Italy is a geographical name.) PRINCE METTERNICH (17731859)-in corresponding with LORD PALMERSTON (1784-1865) in 1847.

See Deutschland ein geogra phischer Begrif!.

L'ordre avec le désordre. (Order

with disorder).

Phrase used by M. MARC CAUSSIDIÈRE (1809-61) prefect of police and member of parliament for the Seine, May 16, 1848, in the French Assembly, when rendered responsible for the disorder of the preceding day. "J'ai maintenu

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