ANNUAL REGISTER, OR GENERAL REPOSITORY OF HISTORY, POLITICS, The HISTORY of KNOWLEDGE, LEARNING, and TASTE, LONDON, Printed for G. G. and J. ROBINSON, Paternoster-Row. MDCCXCVI. PREFACE, THE prefent volume makes its appearance at least a month later than was intended. But as our readers must perceive that our information is derived from no common fources, it may naturally be conceived that fome delay may occur in the collecting of that information; and that, whatever may be our affiduity in endeavouring to gratify the anxious curiofity of the public at this momentous period, fome difappointment (for every delay is a disappointment) may enfue from circumflances which we cannot command. It is, however, with great pleasure, we can affure the public, that the New Annual Regifter for 1796 is already in fome forwardness; and that we have formed fuch arrangements, as, we doubt not, will not only infure us the best and most authentic information on political affairs, but will enable us to gratify our own wishes and thofe of our friends, by an early publication. CON |