E. F. DARTNELL, Builders' and Contractors' Supplies, &c Sandstones, Buff, Blue, Olive-Green, Grey, BABCOCK & WILCOX, LIMITED Patent Safety Water-Tube Boilers Superheaters, Water Softeners & Purifiers, Feed-Water Heaters, Mechanical Stokers, Economisers, Coal-Conveying Machinery, Steam Piping, Boiler-House Accessories. 11 Place d'Armes, MONTREAL. Canadian Buffalo Forge Company Buffalo Hand Blowers, Portable Forges, Blacksmiths' Notre-Dame and Darling Sts, Montreal L'Esperance & Rouillier ENTREPRENEURS GENERAUX PLOMBIERS, COUVREURS Poseurs d'Appareils à Gaz, Electricité, Corniches en Métal, Cou vreurs en Ardoise, Métaux Gravier, Etc SPECIALITE: Chauffage à Eau Chaude 1946 RUE STE-CATHERINE MONTREAL Thomas Light, CARPENTER & JOINER, Estate Repairs Personally Attended to. 651⁄2 Mackay Street, 'Phone, Up 926 MONTREAL. TELEPHONE BELL, MAIN 4839 The REINFORCED CONCRETE COMPANY of CANADA General Office: BANK OF OTTAWA BUILDING 222-224 St. James Street, MONTREAL. |