ELECTRIC APPARATUS, THEATRES AND PUBLIC PLACES INSPECTED ANNUALLY. (c) All theatres and all public halls for scenic display shall be subject to inspection at least once a year. ELECTRIC APPARATUS, DEFECTIVE PLANTS AND INSTAL LATIONS. (d) In case of any installation already in operation, either of generating plant, motors, wire, or other electric apparatus located in any building or premises, becoming defective, to such an extent as to threaten immediate danger to life or property, the Inspection Department having notice thereof, shall have immediate power to suspend the operation of such, pending the necessary repairs. ELECTRIC APPARATUS, INSPECTOR AND CITY ELECTRICIAN TO INSPЕСТ (e) The Inspector of Buildings and City Electrician shall, at proper hours, have the right to enter any building or premises where electric power or light is used, to inspect all electrical wires or apparatus, in order to ascertain if the proper regulations have been complied with, and no person shall refuse to allow such inspection. ELECTRIC APPARATUS, CHANGES OF PLANS OR WIRING. (f) No alteration or change shall be made in the plan of wiring any building, without notifying the Inspector and securing a permit therefor, and subjecting the plan of wiring to inspection, herein provided. as PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Section 117.-Any person violating or contravening any of the provisions of this by-law, for which a penalty is not hereinbefore provided, shall for each offence be liable to a fine, with or without costs, and in default of immediate payment of the said fine or fine and costs, to an imprisonment, the amount of said fine and the term of said imprisonment to be fixed by the Recorder's Court at its discretion, and any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this by-law shall be liable to the penalty mentioned in this section for each and every day that such violation or contravention shall last, which shall be held to be a distinct and separate offence for each and every day as aforesaid, provided that such fine shall not exceed forty (40) dollars, and the imprisonment shall not be for a longer period than two (2) calendar months, for each and every offence as aforesaid; the said imprisonment, however, to cease at any time before the expiration of the term fixed by the said Recorder's Court, upon payment of the said fine or fine and costs. REPEALS. Section 118. Any by-law or part of by-law contrary to, or inconsistent with any of the provisions of this by-law, is hereby repealed, except in cases wherein the City Council has adopted, or may hereafter adopt resolutions regulating the buildings in certain streets. BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE MODE TO BE FOLLOWED AND THE MATERIALS TO BE USED IN THE ER ECTION OF BUILDINGS ON NOTRE DAME AND BLEURY STREETS. (PASSED MAY 29TH, 1891. NUMBER 192.) NOTE. NOTRE DAME STREET, FROM LACROIX STREET FROM CRAIG TO SHER- ERECTION OF WOODEN BUILDINGS PROHIBITED. Sec. 1. The use of any wooden building or portion of building at present existing along the line of said limits of Notre Dame and Bleury streets, is prohibited, and any new building that shall be erected on either side of the said streets, within their limits aforesaid, after the expropriation, shall have a front in dressed stone or iron, or in any other durable and incombustible material, (save and except wood and brick,) of not less than three (3) stories with a height of not less than thirty five (35) feet (English measure) from the level of the sidewalk, and a roof so constructed as to allow rain water to flow in the rear part of the building. TERRA COTTA ORNAMENTS. Terra Cotta may be used for ornamenting the front of the new buildings to be erected as aforesaid, (As amended by by-law No. 208, passed 14th November, 1892, and by-law No. 244. passed November 27th, 1899). PRESSED BRICK MAY BE USED. However, pressed brick of first quality, tested to seven hundred and fifty (750) pounds to the square inch, may be used on the front of any new building to be erected on both sides of said Notre Dame (east) street, (As amended by by-law No. 258, passed January 14th, 1900). BY-LAW TO CARRY INTO EFFECT THE ACT 54 VICT., (PASSED 14TH OCTOBER, 1892, NUMBER 207.) WOODEN BUILDINGS PROHIBITED. Sec. 4. The use of any wooden building or portion of building at present existing along the line of said limits of Notre Dame street, is prohibited, and any new building that shall be erected on either side of the said Notre Dame street, within its limits aforesaid, after the expropriation, shall have a front in dressed stone or iron, or in any other durable and incombustible material, such as pressed bricks, tested to seven hundred and fifty (750) pounds to the square inch, (save and except wood and ordinary brick,) of not less than three (3) storeys, with a height of not less than thirty-five (35) feet (English measure) from the level of the sidewalk, and a roof so constructed as to allow rain water to flow in the rear part of said building. Terra Cotta, artificial stone, etc., may, however, be used for ornamenting the front of the new buildings to be erected as aforesaid. No wooden ornaments can be used on the front of such new buildings to be erected in pressed bricks, as above, the whole subject to the approbation of the Inspector of buildings (As amended by by-law No. 218, passed October 22nd. 1894). BY-LAW TO AMEND THE PROVISIONS OF THE BY-LAW WOODEN BUILDINGS PROHIBITED. All the provisions of by-law No. 208 concerning the mode to be followed and materials to be used in the erection of buildings on Notre-Dame street east are amended and replaced by the following: FRONT TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF STONE, PRESSED BRICK, IRON OR TERRA COTTA. Sec. 1. Any building which shall be erected on either side of Notre-Dame street, east, from Lacroix street to Papineau avenue, in St. James South and St. Mary west wards of the city, shall have a front in dressed stone or iron, or in any other durable and incombustible material, such as first quality pressed brick, of a tensile strength of seven hundred and fifty (750) pounds to the square inch (save and except wood and ordinary brick,) of not less than three (3) storeys, the first of which shall be in dressed stone, or in iron, or in steel, or in marble, said building not to be less than thirty-five (35) feet in height (English measure) from the level of the side walk, and a roof so constructed as not to allow rain water to flow in the front part thereof. Neither mansard roofs nor any kind of cornice work shall be permitted, which shall allow rain, snow or ice to fall upon the sidewalk or the street, but this restriction shall only apply to buildings erected on the line of the street. Ornaments in terra cotta, artificial stone, etc., save and except ornaments in wood, may nevertheless be used in the front part of the new buildings to be erected in pressed brick as aforesaid, the whole subject to the approval of the Inspector of Buildings. BY-LAW TO CARRY INTO EFFECT THE ACT.52, VICT., CHAP. 79, CONCERNING THE WIDENING OF NOTRE DAME STREET BETWEEN MCGILL AND INSPECTOR STREETS. (PASSED THE 18TH, NOVEMBER, 1889, NUMBER 175.) WOODEN BUILDINGS PROHIBITED. Section 4. The use of any wooden building or portion of building at present existing along the line of said limits of Notre-Dame street, is prohibited and any new building that shall be erected along the new line of the said Notre-Dame street, within its limits aforesaid, after the expropriation, shall have a front in dressed stone or iron or, in any other durable or incombustible material, (save and except wood and brick,) of not less than three (3) storeys, with a height of not less than thirty-five (35) feet (English measure) from the level of the sidewalk, and a roof so constructed as to allow rain water to flow in the rear part of the building. BY-LAW TO CARRY INTO EFFECT THE ACT. 51-52 VICт., (PASSED THE 1ST OCTOBER, 1888, NUMBER 161.) WOODEN BUILDINGS PROHIBITED. Section 3. The use of any wooden building or portion of a building at present existing upon the real estate to be expropriated is hereby prohibited; and any new building that will be erected along the new line of St. Lawrence street after the expropriation, shall have a dressed stone or iron front of not less than three (3) storeys with a height of not less than thirty-five (35) feet (English measure) from the level of the sidewalk, with a roof so constructed that rain water will flow on the rear part of said building. "Terra Cotta may be used for ornamenting the front of the new buildings to be erected as aforesaid. The enforcement of this section shall devolve upon the Fire Committee of the said Council and the Inspector of Buildings." (As amended by bylaw No. 186, passed 21st April, 1890). BY-LAW CONCERNING THE ERECTION OF BUILDINGS ON ST. LAWRENCE STREET, BETWEEN SHERBROOKE STREET AND MOUNT ROYAL AVENUE. (PASSED 17TH ОСТОВER, 1904, NUMBER 322). WOODEN BUILDINGS NOT TO BE USED. Section 1.-No person shall use any wooden building or part of any wooden building now existing on the West side of St. Lawrence Street, between Sherbrooke Street and Mount Royal Avenue. FRONTS TO BE PRESSED BRICKS OR STONE. Sect. 2. Every new building erected on the lots fronting on either side of St. Lawrence Street, between Sherbrooke Street and Mount Royal Avenue, shall have a frontage of ashlar or cut stone, of iron or pressed brick of the best quality, capable of supporting a pressure of seven hundred and fifty (750) pounds per square inch, or of any other durable and incombustible material (to the exclusion of wood, wood and brick, wood cased with sheet iron, wood and stone, for walls). Ornamental Terra Cotta may be used to ornament the frontage. The cornices shall be of sheet iron copper, stone or brick. HEIGHT OF NEW BUILDINGS Sect. 3. The new buildings shall not have less than three (3) storeys, the first of which shall be twelve (12) feet high and the two (2) others ten (10) feet, or a total height of not less than thirty-eight (38) feet, from the sidewalk to the top of the roof. NEW BUILDINGS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH BY-LAW No. 260. Sect. 4. The said new buildings shall be erected in accordance with the rules set forth in the "Montreal Building By-law of 1901 (No. 260)" BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE ERECTION OF BUILDINGS ON SHERBROOKE STREET, FROM ST.DENIS STREET TO PAPINEAU AVENUE, AND ON PARK LAFONTΑΙΝΕ (FORMERLY AMHERST STREET) FROM CHERRIER TO RACHEL STREETS. (PASSED 11TH JANUARY, 1904, NUMBER 308). ALL BUILDINGS TO BE 14 FEET, 6 INCHES FROM STREET LINE. Sec. 1.-No person associaton, of persons, or company shall erect or build or cause to be erected or built, on the frontage of Sherbrooke street, from St. Denis street to Papinean Avenue, on the North or South side of said street, and on the frontage of La Fontaine Park, west side, from Cherrier street to Rachel street, any house or building whatsoever within fourteen (14) feet, and six (6) inches from the homologated line, the space so reserved to be free from all buildings Sec. 2. A line shall be established at a distance of fourteen (14) feet, and six (6) inches, from the line of said Sherbrooke street, from St. Denis to Papineau Avenue, on the North and South sides of said street, and on said La Fontaine Park, west side, from Cherrier street to Rachel street, and no house or building whatsoever shall be erected within such line. NO FACTORIES, SHOPS, SALOONS, ETC. WILL BE ALLOWED. Sec. 3. It shall not be lawful to construct, occupy and maintain on said Sherbrooke street, from St. Denis street to Papineau |