The Specification and use of Berry Brothers' Architectural Finishes produce the finest finish attainable on all woods. Samples of finished woods and instructive information on wood finishing mailed for the asking. BERRY BROTHERS, Limited Varnish Manufacturers. WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO Telephone: "Westmount 1193" J. A. MAJOR GENERAL CONTRACTOR Entrepreneur Général 154 St. John Street 154, rue St. Jean ST-HENRI, MONTREAL. Building Materials Portland Cement, Pressed and Common Bricks, Stinson-Reeb Builders' Supply Co., Ltd, Montreal PHONE MAIN 3874 Tel. Bell Main -2235. BLOUIN, DESFORGES & LATOURELLE, PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS, HOT WATER and STEAMFITTERS, ETC. Apparatus for Laundry and Steam Kitchen, a Specialty. Metal, Slate, Gravel and Galvanized Iron Roofers. Dealers in Metals, Iron and Land Pipe Steam and Gas Fittings, Plumbers' Supplies, Pumps, etc. We make a Specialty of Heating and Plumbing Work of Public Buildings, Churches, Convents, etc, 516 CRAIG STREET BELL MOUNT 1316 MONTREAL. MERCHANTS 1347 A. D. ARMAND, Plumber, Roofer and Tinsmith, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. 3508 NOTRE DAME ST. ST-HENRI. Tel. Bell Est 1239 Tel. Marchands 788 O. DUBOIS, Importateur et Marchand Ferronneries et Garnitures de Voitures BOIS DE SCIAGE 187 rue Amherst, Montreal |