Department of Public Works and Colonization Inspection of Industrial Establishments AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Office of the Inspectors of Industrial Establishments and Public Buildings MR. DELPHIS BROCHU, M.D.L., Sanitary-Inspector. The fee for inspection and examination is five dollars ($5.00). No fee is charged for diploma. INSPECTION OF STEAM BOILERS. In accordance with the provisions of the Act 57 Victoria, chap. 30, every owner of an industrial establishment (unless formerly exempted by a regulation duly enacted), is obliged, every year, to supply the official Inspector with a certificate of the inspection of the boilers and other motors in the establishment, as well as of the steam pipes. POROUS TERRA COTTA FIREPROOFING HE only material that ever stood a twenty-four hour fire and water test. Recognized by the highest authorities as the most reliable of all the systems now on the market. The best class of buildings in Montreal, and elsewhere, are fireproofed with this same material. Among others we may mention the following: The Bank of Montreal head office and branches; the Star building; the Sun Life building; the London & Lancashire; the Canada Life; the Guardian; the Bank of Ottawa; the Metropolitan; the Sovereign Bank; the Grand Trunk Ry. Offices; the Stock Exchange; Strathcona Hall or McGill Y.M., C.A.; Royal Victoria College; Hospice Auclair; St. Charles Borromée College, Sherbrooke; St. Laurent Convent; Extension to Mount St. Louis College; Extension to Coristine building; Hochelaga Bank, Quebec; Ottawa Citizen building; Ottawa Post Office; extension to Western block; also the new Bell Telephone building in Montreal; the Canada Malting Co., and over fifty others. Among the buildings in construction are the Lindsay building; the Commercial and Training School; Royal Victoria Nurses Home: Postal and Fire Stations, etc. By consulting us you have the benefit of our seventeen years experience in this most important branch of the building construction. The Montreal Terra Cotta Lumber Co. Room 26 Board of Trade N. T. GAGNON, Secretary and Selling Agent. Telephone Main 3378. The Locomotive & Machine Co. of Montreal, Limited Steel Bridges, Buildings, Fabricated and Designs and estimates furnished on application Imperial Bank Building Corner St. James and McGill Sts., MONTREAL. New York Office : Works: Longue Pointe, 111 Broadway. Montreal. |