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DROP LADDERS.-Drop ladders from lower balconies where required shall not be less than 14 inches wide, and shall be made of 1 x 3-8 inch sides and 5-8 inch rungs of wrought iron. In no case shall a drop ladder be more than 12 feet in length. In no case shall the ends of balconies extend more than 9 inches over the brackets.

SCUTTLE LADDERS.-Ladders to scuttles shall be constructed in all cases the same as the stairs or step-ladders from balconies of fire-escapes.

THE HEIGHT OF RAILING around balconies shall not be less than three feet.

TUBULAR APPARATUS.—All tubular apparatus, such as fire-resisting cloth chutes, and metallic spiral chutes as approved by the Inspector of Buildings are recommended for hospitals, convents, schools, dwellings and other buildings where there are children, women, invalid or sick people.

No Fire Escapes will be approved by the Inspectors if not in accordance with above specifications.


In order approximately to estimate the cost of any proposed building for which plans have not yet been prepared, it is convenient to estimate the cost in cents per cubic foot. In the following examples the cubic content are computed from the cellar floor to the roof( if the roof is flat), or (if a pitch roof) to the top of the attic walls that are finished or may be finished; but air spaces and open porches are not included. Measurements are from out of walls and foundations.

The following figures were compiled by Mr. James N. Brown, of St. Louis, and form part of the instruction to insurance adjusters:

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

store, painted, plain finish

cents per cubic foot.


5 to 6

7 to 8

7 to 8

9 to 8

1 to 2

2 to 3

5 to 7

7 to 9

5 to 7

8 to 10

Brick store, well finished

Frame church or school house, ordinary

Brick church or school house, ordinary

If slate or metal roof, add 14 cent per cubic foot of the above

The following costs may serve as a rough guide for buildings of respective class built in Canada:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Residence, fine, brick, not fire proof

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

cents per cubic foot














fine, stone, not fireproof
common, brick, 9 rooms
frame, without modern improvements, $350 per room.
frame, with modern improvements, hardwood and slate

$500 per room.

REFERENCES. Any one engaged in estimating the cost of very many buildings will do well to consult the books mentioned elsewhere in this book under the heading of "Books recommended for Architects and Builders.

If You Want

Roofing, Asphalt or Sheet Metal
Work, Metal Skylights or Fire
Proof Windows, Cornices, Piping,
Corrugated Iron, &c., and want
the best, call on

George W. Reed & Co. Montreal

Swan, Church & Co.

337 West Craig Street.,


Reinforced Concrete, Fireproof Floors, Partitions and Ceilings, Cement Sidewalks, Stable and Basement Floors

Estimates Furnished

One of the 50 Varieties.

Best on Earth!

THE BOWSER Self-Measuring Oil Tank and Pumps.

For Railroads, Maríne, Factories, Electrical Plants and Saw Mills, Hardware and Paints, Grocers, Garage, Owners of Launches and Automobiles.

Manufactured in compliance with City By-Law 360, and Insurance Co's Regulations.


For particulars and Catalogue, address to, or call on

Napoleon Rosconi, 1480 St. Catherine St.

[blocks in formation]
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