TH HE UNIVERSAL Fire Escapes, approved by the Chief Inspector of Factories and Public Buildings for the Province of Quebec, the Superintendent of Buildings gs of Montreal and recommended by the Fire and Light Committee of Montreal (see Code of Building Laws pages 79 and 254.) The UNIVERSAL is in use in Large Churches, Department Stores, Office Buildings, Schools, Factories, Hospitals, Private Residences, Apartment Houses, Boarding Schools, Public Buildings, Etc. Write for circulars to THE UNIVERSAL FIRE ESCAPE CO., 234 and 236 Dufferin, Street, Montreal. FIRE ESCAPES. APPAREILS DE SAUVETAGES. L'Appareil de Sauvetage l'UNIVERSEL est approuvé par l'Inspecteur en Chef des Etablissements Industriels et Edifices Publics de la Province de Québec et par le Surintendant de la Construction à Montréal et recommandé par la Commission des Incendies de la Cité de Montréal. (Voir page 334 du Code des Lois du Batiment.) L'UNIVERSEL est actuellement en usage dans les Eglises, Magasins à Rayons, Bureaux, Ecoles, Manufactures, Hopitaux, Orphelinats, Résidences, Maisons de Rapports, Pensionnats, Edifices Publics, Etc. Ecrivez à la COMPAGNIE D'APPAREILS DE SAUVETAGE L'UNIVERSEL, 234 et 236 rue Dufferin, Montréal pour circulaires et informations. Liverpool, London & Globe Building, St. James Street. TELEPHONE MAIN OFFICE Westmount 1240 Westmount 1241 Westmount 1242 LOCAL OFFICE Assylums, fire escapes in to act in absence of Chief Inspector 19 must be experts in construction 19 79 over lanes to be fireproof construction Balconies, to be covered with incombustible materials right of owner whose property abuts Basement, columns and posts ir 57 52 52 52 52 50 32 40 52 55 40 43 55 49 49 Bleury street, from Craig to Sherbrooke streets, special laws. Boilers, steam, chimneys for 82 57 79 44 46 29 41 42 51 33 56 29 quality of, in footings Brickwork, quality of Builder, meaning of word Building Inspection Department Buildings, dangerous or unsafe. distance from street line 32 29 26 19 21 Bulidings fireproof. " damaged by fire. " frontage height of, meaning of 27 28 51 77 55 27 25 |