Entered according to Act of Parliament, in the year 1906, by ALCIDE CHAUSSÉ, at the Department of Agriculture. PRICE $2.50 CODE OF BUILDING LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL CONTAINING THE BY-LAWS RELATING TO BUILDINGS, PLUMBING, DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE, STREETS AND ROADS, HYGIENE, ETC., THE PROVINCIAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS CON CERNING PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND INDUS TRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS AND A GREAT AMOUNT OF CONDENSED INFORMATIONS AND USEFUL TABLES By ALCIDE CHAUSSÉ ARCHITECT Inspector of Buildings of the City of Montreal; Member of the Province of Quebec Association of Architects, Chamber of Commerce, Chambre Syndicale de la Construction, Board of Examiners of Plumbers of Montreal, American Statistical Association, American Society of Municipal Improvements, American Public Health Association, Comité Permanent des Congrès Internationaux des Architectes, British Fire Prevention Committee, National Fire Protective Association, International Society of State and Municipal Building Commissioners and Ins pectors; Hon. Mem. Montreal Builders' Exchange; Corresponding Member of the Société Centrale des Architectes Français, American Institute of Architects, Société Centrale d'Architecture de Belgique, Société Nationale des Architectes de France, Architekten-Verein zu Berlin (Germany), Sociedad Cen tral de Architectos of Madrid (Spain); Associate Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, Etc., Etc. MONTREAL THE GUERTIN PRINTING COMPANY 1674 Notre Dame Street. 1906. HARVARD UNIVERSITY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE This Code of Building Laws and Regulations is intended for the use of Architects, Engineers, Builders and all persons connected with the building trades, and contain many features not to be found in similar publications. Among the subjects considered are the Montreal Municipal Laws on the Erections of Buildings, the Provincial Laws and Regulations, useful extracts from the Civil Code and many tables of value compiled expressly for this book and of daily use to all engaged in building operation in the City of Montreal. It is a complete hand book for the Lawyer, the Architect, the Property Owner, the Engineer, the Builder, the Plumber, the Electrician, the Mechanical Engineer, etc. So that this work may approach perfection as near as possible I will thankfully acknowledge any suggestion which may improve its usefulness. (No. 192) as amended by By-Laws Nos. 208, 244 and 258. By-Law to regulate the construction on Notre Dame street (No. 207) as By-Law to regulate the construction on St. Lawrence street (No.322)... 84 By-Law to regulate the construction on Sherbrooke street and Parc Lafon- Regulations respecting Industral Establishments. By-Laws of the Board of Health of the Province of Quebec PART VI. Lois et Ordonnances Provinciales French text of all Provincial Laws and Regulations as in Part III |