REPEAL OF FORMER BY-LAWS. Sec. 22.--By-law Nos. 191, 235, 241, 277 and 287 are repealed. BY-LAW CONCERNING AUTOMATIC SAFETY VALVES FOR SEWERS. (PASSED 21ST JULY, 1899, NUMBER 239). AUTOMATIC SAFETY SEWER CONNECTIONS. 1. The City, by resolution of its Council, is authorized to place automatic safety valves at the connection of sewers for the drainage of any land situated within the limits of its territory. This work, however, shall not be commenced before it has been declared necessary by a report of the Road Committee accompanied by a detailed statement from the City Surveyor, containing the name of the proprietor, the lot or cadastral sub-division, the name of the street, the probable cost of the work to be performed, and by a certificate to the effect that such work is necessary in order to prevent the floods resulting from the public sewer existing in any street where such land is situated. EXPENSES—BY WHOM BORNE. 2. The expenditure to be incurred for the manufacture and putting in of said safety valves shall be borne and paid one-half (1/2) by the City, and the other half (1/2) by the proprietors of such lands. STATEMENT OF COST. 3. As soon as one or more safety valves will have been put in, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the City Surveyor to prepare a statement of the proportion of the cost thereof payable by the proprietors, and to give notice to the latter, by registered letter, of the day when they may examine said statement and make their objections in regard thereto, before the same is executory, which notice shall be given at least eight (8) days before the day fixed for the hearing of the interested parties. STATEMENT TO BE FILED WITH CITY TREASURER. 4. After disposing of the objections, the City Surveyor shall sign said statement, a copy of which he shall deposit with the City Treasurer, and such statement shall thereupon become binding for all persons therein named, who shall be liable towards the City for the payment of the sums respectively set forth in said state ment. INSPECTION OF SAFETY VALVES. 5. It shall be lawful for any officer of the Road Department, duly authorized to that effect by the City Surveyor, to enter upon any such land in order to inspect the said safety valves and report as to the state and condition of the same. COST OF MAINTAINING AND REPAIRING. 6. The cost of repairing and maintaining said safety valves shall be payable by the City, which is hereby authorized to appoint any persons or officials of the Road Department to do the work required for that purpose on said lands. PENALTY AND FINES. 7. Any person preventing the placing, inspection, maintenance or repair of said safety valves shall be liable to a fine, with or without costs, or imprisonment; if it be a fine, without costs, he shall be liable to imprisonment; in default of immediate payment of said fine and costs, said fine or imprisonment to be at the discretion of the Recorder's Court; such fine not to exceed forty dollars ($40.00), and such imprisonment not to last more than two (2) months; said imprisonment to cease on payment of said fine. The continued infraction of this by-law shall constitute a separate offense day by day. The costs to include those connected with the execution of the judgment. BY-LAW CONCERNING HEALTH. (PASSED 21ST DECEMBER, NUMBER 105). SOAP AND CANDLE FACTORIES WITHIN THE CITY. PROHIBITED PENALTY. Sec. 24. The erection, use or working, within the limits of the said city, of soap and candle factories, and factories of a like nature, wherein any animal or other offensive matter is rendered, or prepared for manufacture, is hereby prohibited under the penalty hereinafter provided. TO BE CLEANSED AS OFTEN AS REQUIRED BY BOARD OF HEALTH. The said Council shall give a notice, to be signed by the City Clerk, to any person carrying on any of the above named factories or establishments in the said city, either personally or to a reasonable person of such establishment to the effect that such person shall abandon and relinquish the use or working of such factory or establishment; and six (6) months after such notice shall have been given, the use or working of such factory or establishment shall be abandoned and relinquished under a fine of one hundred dollars ($100) for the first offense, and in default of immediate payment of such fine and costs by the offender, an imprisonment not exceeding two calendar months, unless the fine and costs shall have been paid before the expiration of this delay; and a further fine of fifty dollars ($50) per day is imposed and shall be paid for each and every day the said offender shall continue to carry on such factory or establishment in violation of this by-law; and in the case where, after such notice shall have been given, the said factory or estabblishment is disposed of by sale or otherwise in favor of other parties, such disposal of the property shall not have the effect of invalidating such notice which shall remain in full force against any subsequent purchaser or holder; and this section shall not be held to exempt in any way the owner of the factory or establishment from the operation of any of the by-laws which may be enforced by the Board of Health of the said city." (As amended by by-law No. 135, passed 27th February, 1883.) CLEANING OF SOAP AND CANDLE FACTORIES. Sec. 25. The owner or occupant of any tallow chandler shop, soap or candle factory, tannery, stable, chemical works, glue factory, bone factory, or any other unwholesome or nauseous house or place whatsoever shall cleanse the same, from time to time, as often and in such manner as may be required by the Board of Health. DWELLING HOUSE AND DRAINS. Sec. 26. Every person who shall build, rebuild or alter any house or building of any description within the said City shall give to the Board of Health at the Health Office, a written notice thereof, together with the plan or description, showing the following particulars, that is to say: the level or intended level of the lot, yard or court yard, of the cellars of lowest floor, the fall, material form, construction and situation of the drainage of, or in connection with such house or its appurtenances, and the means of ventilation proposed to be introduced in the same ; and also the outfall or outlet of every such drain, and the size, form, situation and construction of the privies, water-closet and cesspools, the sinks, waste or other pipes to be constructed or used for the drainage of, or in connection with such house or building; and no such drain, privy, water-closet, sink, waste or other pipe, or cesspool, shall be built constructed, or used or any means of ventilation introduced, until the particulars so required to be shown have been approved of by the said Board, unless the said Board does not signify its approval or disapproval within forty-eight (48) hours after the receipt at the said office of the aforesaid notice and particulars; and furthermore no such cellar, drain, system or manner of ventilation, privy, water-closet, cesspool, sink, waste or other pipe, or any or the appurtenances thereof shall be closed or covered up from view until a certificate be furnished by the health officer that such cellar, drain, system or manner of ventilation, privy, water-scloset, cesspool, sink, waste of other pipe and all the appurtenances thereof have been approved by the Board of Health. DUTY OF BUILDERS AS TO DRAINS AND VENTILATION. UNHEALTHY LOTS TO BE RENDERED HEALTHY. Sec. 27. Whenever in the opinion of the Health Officer a lot of land cannot be rendered healthy by drainage, the said lot of land shall not be built upon until the Board of Health is satisfied that efficient means have been taken to render the said lot healthy. BUILDINGS UNFIT FOR HABITATION TO BE VACATED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. Sec. 28. Whenever it shall be certified to the Board of Health by one of the health officers, that any building, or part thereof, is unfit for human habitation, by reason of its being so infected with disease as likely to cause sickness among the occupants, or that by reason of its filthy condition, its want of repair or its defect in ventilation or drainage, it has become dangerous to health, the said board of health, may issue an order and cause same to be affixed conspicuously on the building and to be served upon the owner, agent or lessee, requiring all persons therein to vacate such building for the reasons to be stated in the said order; and such building or part thereof shall, within such period as shall be assigned by the said Board of Health to be vacated. POWERS OF OFFICERS TO ASCERTAIN THE SANITARY CONDITIONS OF ANY BUILDING. Sec. 20. Any member or officer of the Board of Health shall have power to ascertain whether, in or upon any building, hotel, house, lodging house, or dwelling, now or hereafter to be erected in the city of Montreal, or on any lot of ground or premises in the said city, the ventilation, drainage, closets, privies, trapping of the waste pipes and sinks, and the condition off the cellars and any other arrangement on which health depends, are in such a state as not to be prejudicial to the health of the inmates; and if not found in such sanitary condition, according to the judgment of the said Board of Heaith, the said Board shall have power to order the owner of such building or premises to make such work or repairs, as in their judgment may be deemed necessary, and to assign the period within which such work or repairs shall be done. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE OF DRAINS TO BE CARRIED OUT BY ROAD COMMITTEE. Sec. 3 of this by-law No. 114, passed August 12th, 1878. The power and authority conferred in the said by-law No. 105 upon the Board of Health and the health officer as regards the construction, repairing or maintenance of drains shall henceforth be exercised and carried out by the Road Committee of the said Council and the City Surveyor, anything contained in the said by-law to the contrary notwithstanding. UNHEALTHY AND POORLY CONSTRUCTED DRAINS. Sec. 30. Whenever any existing private drain shall have been proved to the satisfaction of the Health Officers to be injurious to health by reason of its construction or condition, the said Board of Health is hereby empowered to order that said drain be taken up and reconstructed of such material size and with such fall and in such direction as the said Board of Health may determine upon; and thereupon, within eight (8) days after notice shall have been given to the owner of the said drain or occupant of the property through which said private drain passes, the said owner shall cause the said drain to be constructed according to the resolution of the said Board of Health, and failing to do so, the said owner shall incur the penalty provided in section 56 of this by-law. Sec. 31. No person shall allow steam or any injurious substance to be sent into any public drain in the said City. INSPECTION AS TO SANITARY CONDITIONS. Sec. 32. It shall be the special duty of the members and officers of the Board of Health to inspect and inquire into the sanitary conditions of all colleges or schools, both public and private, and all appurtenances thereto; they shall examine the ventilation of such schools during the hours of instruction and the drainage and ventilation of the offices connected therewith; and whenever the sanitary condition in these or other respects, be found defective, the Board of Health shall order the commissioners, trustees or others having control over such colleges or schools or colleges, or the proprietor, lessee or occupant of the said schools, to remedy the defects to the satisfaction of the Board of Health within such delay as the board may assign. BOARD OF HEALTH-POWERS. Sec. 33. The Board of Health shall exercise the same powers in reference to factories, work-shops, public halls and meetingrooms, dormitories and all other places where numbers of persons are brought together. PENALTIES AND FINES FOR VIOLATION. Sec. 56-Any person violating or contravening any of the provisions of the present by-law, for which a penalty is not already hereinbefore provided, or disobeying the orders of the said Board of Health, or of any member of the said Board, or of any health officer as aforesaid, or refusing to comply with such orders, or opposing or obstructing the same in any manner whatsoever, or preventing any member of the said Board or any health officer as aforesaid from entering into any house, or an any premises or assaulting them in the execution of the powers and duties imposed upon them, shall be liable to a fine, and in default of immediate payment of the said fine and costs to an imprisonment to be fixed by the Recorder's Court, at its discretion; and any person who shall violate the present by-law shall be liable to the penalty mentioned |