ICE HOUSES. Section 90.-No person shall use any ice-house or building for storing ice in quantities, for sale and distribution in this city, until the same shall have been inspected by the said Inspector and the party who intends to use such ice house, shall have obtained from the said Inspector a certificate that the building and internal arrangements are such as to offer all possible guarantee of safety against accidents. SMOKING IN STABLES AND WORKSHOPS PROHIBITED. Section 82.-No person shall smoke or have in his possession any lighted pipe or cigar in any ropewalk, stable or any workshop wherein straw, shavings, or other such combustible materials are to be found. STORAGE OF ASHES. Section 83.-All ash holes or ash houses for the storage of ashes shall be built of stone, brick or iron. ASHES NOT TO BE DEPOSITED IN WOODEN BOXES. Section 84. No person shall deposit ashes in any barrel or other wooden or combustible vessel, or on any wooden floor, or in close proximity to any wooden partition or any woodwork whatsoever. SHAVINGS NOT TO BE SCATTERED IN STREETS. Section 86.-No person in removing any chips or shavings shall scatter or strew them in any street. FIRE NOT TO BE CARRIED IN STREETS. Section 87.-No person shall carry fire in or through any street or lot or other public or private place except the same be placed or covered in some close or secure pan or other metal vessel. FIREARMS AND FIREWORKS. Section 89 -No person shall discharge any gun, fowling piece, or firearm, or set fire to any fireworks in any street or square, or nearer than eighty (80) yards to any house or building in the said City. BY-LAW CONCERNING THE SALE OF BUILDING STONE AND LIME (NUMBER 26.) STONE AND LIME SOLD BY THE TON. Section 1.-All rough stone or lime which will in the future be sold, bought or delivered in this City for building, by weight, and not otherwise; the standard of two thousand (2,000) pounds, avoirdupois, per ton, with its multiple part and proportion, as established by law, will be considered in all cases, as the weight which shall be used for the sale and delivery of said articles in the said city. STONE AND LIME, MUST BE WEIGHED BY LICENSED WEIGHER. Section 2.-Any one who will bring in this City stone and lime to be sold, as above, will be obliged to have it weighed by one or several licensed weigher, which will be named by the City Council. Provided that the said weigher or weighers are not engaged in the commerce of stone and lime, as above. STONE AND LIME, DELIVERY CARRIAGES MUST BE REGISTERED AND WEIGHED. Section 3.-No stone and lime shall be sold or delivered in the said City, unless in carriages or vehicles which have been weighed, numbered stamped and registered as hereinafter provided. STONE AND LIME, WEIGHT AND NUMBER MUST BE ON DELIVERY CARRIAGE. Section 4. The owner of any of such carriages and vehicles employed for the sale and delivery of stone and lime in said City, as above, will have any such carriages or vehicles weighed by such public weigher or weighers, who will certify and register the weight and the number of such carriages or vehicles, also the name and address of its owner, and will cause to be stamped or painted on such carriage or vehicle its true weight and number; and for this object, such public weigher or weighers are hereby authorized to collect twenty-five (25) cents. STONE AND LIME, RIGHTS TO DEMAND RE-WEIGHING. Section 5.-Said public weigher or weighers or buyers of said stone and lime can have such carriages or vehicles weighed or stamped over again each time that he or they have reason to suspect that it has underwent some changes of such nature as to modify its "tare" since it has been weighed or stamped, as above provided, however, that in such case if the "tare" should be found correct, such person demanding such new weighing would be obliged to pay the cost of such; but if not found to be correct, then the owner or driver of such carriage or vehicle must pay the cost of such re-weighing. STONE AND LIME, REGISTER OF WEIGHT TO BE MADE. Section 6.-It shall be the duty of such public weigher or weighers to way each load of stone and lime which shall be presented to be weighted and to register in a book, and also to deliver to driver a certificate of the contents of the load, its rough weight, of its number and date of such weighing: For each load of stone drawn by a one horse two (2) wheel vehicle, or any other corresponding winter vehicle.. Four (4) cents. For each load of stone drawn by a two (2) horse four (4) wheeled vehicle or any other corresponding winter vehicle. Ten (10) cents For each load of lime. . Ten (10) cents. Section 7 is hereby revoked by By-law No. 69, passed by the City Council on April 28th, 1874. STONE AND LIME, PENALTY AND FINE. Section 8.-Every person offending against any of the provisions of the by-law shall be liable to a fine, and in default of immediate payment of said fine and costs, to an imprisonment; the amount of said fine and the term of said imprisonment to be fixed by the Recorder's Court, at its discretion; but such fine shall not exceed forty dollars ($40) and the imprisonment shall not be for a longer period than two (2) calendar months; the said imprisonment however, to cease at any time before the expiration of the term fixed by the Recorder's Court, upon payment of said fine and costs; and the said offender shall be liable to the same penalty for each and every day that such violation or contravention shall last, which shall be held to be a distinct and separate offence for each and every day as aforesaid. BY-LAW TO REPEAL BY-LAWS NOS. 268 AND 267 CONCERNING PLUMBING, DRAINAGE AND VENTILATION OF BUILDINGS. (Adopted 13 of June 1904. Number 318) MASTER PLUMBERS TO BE LICENSED. Sec. 1. No person shall engage in or work at the business of plumbing as "Master Plumber," unless such person has taken a license therefor in accordance with the following provisions of this by-law. A firm may engage in or work at the business of plumbing, provided a member of such firm has obtained a license . as plumber and a corporation may engage in or work at said business provided such corporation has in its employ, as manager or superintendent, a licensed plumber. MEANING OF WORD "MASTER PLUMBER." Sec. 2. The word "Master Plumber," used in this By-law, shall be deemed to mean a person who keeps a plumbers' shop and and undertakes plumbing works which he executes himself or by his employees, and who has passed an examination and obtained a license as such. MASTER PLUMBERS MUST PASS EΧΑΜΙΝΑΤΙΟΝ. Sec. 3.-Every person who, not having obtained a license as Master--Plumber, executes plumbing, drainage, or ventilation works, in the City, shall pass an examination before the Board of Examiners, and, after having received a certificate of competency, shall register his name and address at the office of the Health Department. BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PLUMBERS. Sec. 4. There shall be a Board of Examiners of plumbers, consisting of the Inspector of Buildings or his Assistant, the Sanitary Engineer (who shall be a member of the Board ex-officio), the Superintendent of the Water-Works, a licensed master plumber of at least ten (10) years practical experience and a plumber of at least ten (10) years experience, bearer of a certificate of competency under section 3 of this by-law. The two (2) latter members shall be appointed by the Council for the term of two (2) consecutive years and shall receive as compensation for their services a sum not exceeding five (5) dollars per day of actual service. DUTIES OF BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Sec. 5. The said Board of Examiners shall appoint a chairman, and designate the time and place for the examination of all applicants desiring to engage in the business of plumbing within the City of Montreal. Said Board shall examine said applicants as to their practical and theoretical knowledge of plumbing, house drainage and plumbing ventilation, and shall submit the applicant to some form of practical tests, and if satisfied of the competency of the applicant, shall so certify and issue a license, authorizing him to engage in the business of plumbing in Montreal, either as a master or a journeyman plumber. FEE FOR LICENSES OF MASTER PLUMBERS. Sec. 6. The fee to be paid for a license for a master plumber shall be that provided in By-law concerning assessments, taxes and licenses. ALL PLUMBERS MUST BE LICENSED. Sec. 7. No person shall have the right to put up a sign of plumber within the City limits, if he does not possess a license as masterplumber, issued by the Board of Examiners of Plumbers appointed by the Council of the City of Montreal. REGISTER OF PLUMBERS. Sec. 8. Every plumber shall be required to register his name and place of business at the office of the Board of Health, and to give notice at the said office in case of the removal of his place of busi ness. OFFICIALL LIST OF PLUMBERS. Sec. 9. An official list of such plumbers, recognized by the Board of Health shall be posted, once a year during the month of May, and copies thereof shall be furnished to those who may ask for the same. ALL PLUMBERS TO CONFORM TO THIS BY-LAW Sec. 10. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry on the trade of plumbing in the City of Montreal unless licensed in accordance with the provisions of the said by-law concerning assessments, taxes and licenses and registered as above. PLUMBERS TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE. Sec. 11.-Every licensed master-plumber shall be help responsible for all the acts of his agents or employees, and any licensed plumber who neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of this by-law, may have his license suspended or cancelled by the Board of Health, in which case he shall be debarred from obtaining a permit to do any work during such length of time as the said Board may deem proper. PLUMBING TO BE DONE ACCORDING TO RULES. Sec. 12.-All plumbing, house drainage and ventilation works in the City, shall be made and constructed in accordance with the following rules, which shall be binding on all parties concerned. PERMITS FOR DRAINS. Sec. 13. No drains shall be made, or plumbing work done in any building, the cost of which shall exceed twenty-five ($25) dollars until a permit to do so has been obtained from the Sanitary Engineer. ALTERATION TO DRAINS OR PLUMBING. Sec. 14. No alteration of drains or plumbing work in any building affecting its sanitary conditions the cost of which shall exceed ten ($10), dollars shall be undertaken before giving notice to the Sanitary Engineer. Forms of application and specification for the drains and plumbing work of a new building and for alteration of the same in old buildings, will be supplied by the Health Department. PIPES, DRAINS AND PLUMBING TO BE INSPECTED. Sec. 15. Pipes, drains and plumbing work shall not be covered or concealed from view, until approved by the Sanitary Engineer of the Board of Health, who shall examine the same within one legal working day after a written notice that they are ready for inspection. MATERIALS TO BE OF GOOD QUALITY. Sec. 16. The material used shall be of good quality and free from defects, and the work shall be executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. ARRANGEMENT OF SOIL PIPES. Sec. 17. The arrangement of the soil, waste and ventilation pipes shall be perpendicular and direct as possible, and no change of direction shall be made by angles less than forty five (45) degrees. |