and in case of its continuance shall be liable to forfeit the permit as a penalty for such violation. (7) In a wholesale drug store located in a building no part of which is occupied as a residence, the following substances may be kept, if the City, by its Inspector of buildings or any other official appointed to that effect, approves of the same after survey, and in the quantities named, or less, if the said Inspector or other official appointed to that effect deems that the conditions shown by the survey warrant a diminution, but in no greater quantity except as hereinafter stated. COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS WHICH SHALL NOT BE STORED ABOVE THE GROUND FLOOR. (8) The following combustible materials shall not be stored above the ground floor in any building used as a drug store: Acids in Carboys. Alcohol in barrels. Acetone in barrels. Ether in excess of 50 lbs. Collodion in excess of 50 lbs. Turpentine in barrels. Disulphide of carbon in excess of 50 lbs. Naphtha or other petroleum oils in barrels. Coal tar oil in barrels. Aniline oil in drums. Glycerine in excess of 200 lbs. Sulphur in barrels. Pitch in barrels. Rosin in barrels. Tar in barrels. Burgundy pitch in excess of 50 lbs. Sodium in excess of 1 lb. (9) The City, by its Inspector of Buildings or any other duly authorized officer, may at any time grant supplementary permits for larger quantities than those mentioned in the foregoing Schedule "A," in places where buildings may be located and may have been so especially constructed and arranged for lessening danger, that life and property are more secure than by by t the storage of the above specified maximum quantities in buildings of the usual location and type. (10) No accumulation of broken wood, paper or other combustible cases or packages shall be permitted in the cellar or other part of the premises where goods are unpacked. Such matters shall be removed at the close of each day or kept in a yard or other safe place. (11) No rags or cotton waste shall be used for cleaning around pans or floors where oil is customarily drawn from barrels. No oiled rags or cotton waste shall be kept in any other position than inside a metal receptacle. (12) Sand or infusorial earth shall be provided for absorbing wast oil from floors, and accumulations of oil soaked sand or earth shall not be permitted. (13) Smoking shall be strictly prohibited in cellars and packing rooms of drug houses, and the owner or proprietor shall take all possible precaution against. PENALTY. Section 34.-Every person offending against any of the provisions of this By-law shall be liable to a fine with or without costs, and in default of immediate payment of said fine with or without costs, as the case may be, to an imprisonment to be fixed by the Recorder's Court, at its discretion; but such fine shall not exceed forty (40) dollars, and the Imprisonment shall not be for a longer period than two (2) calendar months; the said imprisonment, however to cease at any time before the expiration of the term fixed by the Recorder's Court upon payment of the said fine, or fine and costs, as the case may be; and if the infraction is repeated, such repetition shall, day by day, constitute, upon summons or arrest, a separate offence. REPEAL. Section 35.-Any by-law or part of by-law contrary to, or inconsistent with any of the provisions of this by-law, are hereby repealed. Section 36.-Any section or clause of this by-law inconsistent with any of the statutes of Canada or of the Province of Quebec shall be null and without effect. BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDINGS AND TO PREVENT ACCIDENT BY FIRE. (PASSED APRIL 6TH, 1877. NUMBER 107). OCCUPYING STREETS WITH BUILDING MATERIAL, DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION OR REPAIRING. Section 9. On application being made to him by such builder, for permission to occupy part of the street or highway in front of the lot whereupon such intended building or alteration is to be erected or made, the City Surveyor may allot such part of said street or highway as he shall deem necessary and sufficient for the purpose of receiving and depositing the building materials; provided the space so alloted shall not, in any case, exceed one-third (1/3) the breadth of such street or highway, exclusive of the sidewalk which shall at all times be kept clear for passengers, except in special cases when the City Surveyor shall deem it necessary for the safety of passengers to temporarily close the same; and the part so allotted and no other part of such street or highway shall be used for the purposes aforesaid; the City Surveyor on issuing such permit, shall at the same time, grant to such builder a minute in writing of such allotment, in which minute shall be specified the conditions upon which such allotment is made, that is to say: RULES TO BE OBSERVED, LIGHTS TO BE PROVIDED AT NIGHT. (1) That such builder shall place at twilight in the evening, suitable and sufficient lights upon the said building materials, and keep them burning through the night until said materials are removed; SPACE ALLOWED. (2) That the said materials shall not exceed six (6) feet in height nor extend lengthways beyond the lot to be built upon: TO BE FENCED IN IF REQUIRED. (3) That the said materials shall, if required by the City Surveyor, be enclosed with a fence and a planked walk outside of the same for passengers, not less than two (2) feet in width. WATER COURSE TO ВЕ КЕРT CLEAR. (4) That the gutter or water course alongside the sidewalk shall be constantly kept clear and uninterrupted. BUILDER NOT TO DRESS STONE, ETC., ON SPACE (5) That the permission thus granted shall not be held as authorizing such builder to prepare mortar or cut or dress any stone or timber in the space thus alloted MATERIALS NOT TO BE LAID ON SIDEWALKS. (6) That the said materials shall not be laid on any portion of the sidewalk except upon a written permit from the City Surveyor. BUILDER LIABLE FOR DAMAGES TO SIDEWALK. (7) That the said builder shall be liable for any injury caused to the sidewalk by the works in connection with the buildings in progress of erection, and in default by him to remedy the defect, the City Surveyor may cause the necessary repairs to be made at the cost of such builder. MATERIALS TO BE REMOVED UPON THE CITY SUR- (8) That such materials and all rubbish arising therefrom shall be removed by the said builder when so ordered by the City Surveyor, and in case of refusal or neglect on the part of said build-, er to remove the same after the order of the City Surveyor, the latter shall cause said materials to be removed at the expense of said builder. BUILDERS RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES. (9) That the said builder shall be responsible for any damages that may occur to persons, animals or property by reason of any carelessness on his part or that of his men in connection with the said materials. WOODEN BUILDINGS FOR STORAGE OF ICE ETC. NOTE-Part of section 28 (5) as amended by By-law No. 166. Section 28.-Wooden buildings may also be erected to be used exclusively for the storage of ice; provided the roof and sides thereof be entirely covered with corrugated sheet iron. |