| Edward Harley - 1730 - 428 pages
...woithy to be PRAISED : fo (hall I be fayed fiom mine Enemies. 6 In my DISTRESS I called upon the LOUD, and cried unto my GOD : He heard my Voice out of his...Temple, and my CRY came before him, even into his Ears. 14 He lent out his Arrows, and SCATTERED them ; and he fhot out Lightnings, and difcomfued them. 10... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...me. " 6. I will fing unto the LORD, becaufe he hath " dealt bountifully with me. " 6. In my Diftrefs I CALLED upon the LORD, and " CRIED unto my GOD: He..." of his Temple, and my CRY came before him, even " jnto his Ears. «* 17. For thou wilt feve the AFFLICTED People, but ** wilt bring down HIGH LOOKS.... | |
 | Patrick Delany - 1740 - 388 pages
...tempeft which fcattered his enemies, and delivered him, ftands thus : Pfal. xviii. Ver. 6. In my dijlrefi I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God. He heard my voice out of his temple : my cry in his prefence entered into his ears. Ver. 7. And the earth trembled and Jhook, and the foundations... | |
 | James Blair - 1740 - 428 pages
...the Snares of Death prevented me. In my Diftrefs I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God : and he heard my Voice out of his 'Temple, and my Cry came before him, even into his Ears. So likewife whenever we fet about any Bufinefs of Importance or Confequence, it is then highly feafonable... | |
 | United Brethren in Christ - Hymns - 1754 - 828 pages
...call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praifed : fo (hall I be fafe from my enemies. In my diftrefs I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God : He...temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears. He bowed the heavens and came down, and darknefs was under his feet: He rode upon the cherubim-. and... | |
 | John Flavel - Presbyterian Church - 1770 - 518 pages
...of a fingle faint is fometimes followed with wonderful effects, Pfal. xviii. 6, 7. " In my diftrefs I called upon the " Lord, and cried unto my God :...voice out of his " temple, and my cry came before Kim, even into his ears : then " the earth fhook and trembled ; the foundation alfo of the hills *'... | |
 | Hugh Blair - English language - 1787 - 482 pages
...Pfalm, where an appearance of the Almighty is defcribed ? " In my diftrefs I ." called upon the Lord ; he heard my voice •" out of his temple, and my cry came before " him. Then, the earth fhook and trembled ; ." the foundations alfo of the hills were " moved ; becaufe he... | |
 | Bible - 1788 - 598 pages
...afraid. 5 The forrows of hell compafled me about : the fnares of death prevented me. 6 In my diftrefs I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God ; he...temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears. 7 Then the earth fhook and trembled ; the foundations alfo of the hills moved and were fhaken, becaufe... | |
 | Missions - 1797 - 610 pages
...prevented me. In my diftiefs I called upon the Lord, aod " cried unto my God : he heard my voice Ait of his temple, and my cry «' came before him, even into his ears. Then the earth fljook and treoi« bled."— LelTer inconveniences and trials will be eafily ftirmounted by the love... | |
 | Sir Adam Gordon - Sermons, English - 1795 - 462 pages
...the right UJe of tke CbUrch, or I'emfle of God, &c. PSALM xviii. PART OF THE 6th VERSE. . •• — He heard my voice ' out of his temple, and my cry came before Him, - . : • IN the firft part of the Sermon upon this fubjedr, it was plainly declared, from the teftimony... | |
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