HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF SOUTH CAROLINA; EMBRACING MANY RARE AND VALUABLE PAMPHLETS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS, RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF THAT STATE, FROM ITS FIRST DISCOVERY TO ITS INDEPENDENCE, IN THE YEAR 1776. COMPILED, WITH VARIOUS NOTES, AND AN INTRODUCTION, PREFACE. In presenting these volumes of "Historical Collections of South Carolina," to his fellow-citizens, the Editor flatters himself, that he has done them an essential service. All the works he has republished, have been long since out of print; and most of them are not to be found in any public or private library in this country. With great care and diligence, and at considerable expense, the works have been now brought together in one body; and the Editor hesitates not in saying, that the accomplishment of this plan will place the early history of his native state in its true and proper position. It is no detraction to affirm, that those who, within the last half century, have written the history of South Carolina, have suffered many errors to creep into their respective works. The faults may scarcely be attributed to them; for, in truth, until within a few years since, the materials for a correct history of the State were not to be had in this country. About three years ago, the Editor first determined to engage himself in collecting such documents and papers as would supply the deficiency complained of. At first, his object was merely to engage those leisure moments which he could spare from his professional avocations; but he had not progressed far in his undertaking, before he found, that, by extending his labours, he might add to his own private pleasure the gratification of a |