BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Lately published, fcap. 8vo, cloth, 1s. THE COUNTY COURTS ACT 1875, WITH PRACTICAL NOTES, PRECEDENTS OF AFFIDAVITS, PARTICULARS, AND BILLS OF COSTS; FORMING A CONCISE VIEW OF THE NEW PROCEDURE. CROSBY LOCKWOOD & CO. THE COUNTY COURT STATUTES FROM 1846 TO 1875, THE REPEALED SECTIONS BEING CONDENSED. WITH THE SECTIONS OF THE DEBTORS' ACT, 186 THE JUDICAT RE AFFECTING COUNTY COURTS, AND THE NEW CONSOLIDATED ORDERS, 1875. Forms, Fees, and Costs. PRACTICAL NOTES AND COPIOUS INDEX. BY G. MANLEY WETHERFIELD, SOLICITOR, Author of " Liquidations and Compositions," " The Mayor's Court, London," London: CROSBY LOCKWOOD & CO., 7, STATIONERS' HALL COURT, LUDGATE HILL. PREFACE. THE plan of this book is very simple. It is to gather into one handy volume all the materials of Statutes, Rules, Orders, Forms, Fees and Costs, that are required for practical and daily use by solicitors and advocates bringing or conducting causes in the County Courts. With regard to the Statutes, fourteen in number, which have been passed since the foundation of the Courts in 1846, a method has been adopted which it is hoped will be as serviceable as it is simple. Every statute is printed, but to save the reader much trouble and some risk of confusion, those sections which are repealed and therefore useless have been omitted, the marginal notes being, however, retained for the sake of clearness and continuity, while in every case a reference is given to the statute by which they are so repealed. Until these numerous Acts, amending and again amending each other, are consolidated into one Statute by Parliament, it seems impossible to do more than is here attempted. To render the collection of Statutes still more complete, those sections of the Debtors' Act, 1869, the Judicature Act, 1873, and the Friendly Societies Act, 1875, that closely affect the County Courts have been printed herein. The New Consolidated Orders are given ver |