Names of Members. Fearing Albert, Fearing, Henry L. Fenno, Isaac, Fenno, J. Brooks, Fessenden, Sewell H. Field, Benjamin F. Fisher, Francis, Fisher, Francis K. Fisher, Jabez, Fisher, Warren, Jr. Fiske, George J. Fitch, Jonas, Flagg, Augustus, Folger, George H. Follett, Dexter H. Folsom, Charles E. Forbes, John M. Forbes, Robert B. Foster, John, Foster, John H. Fowle, William B., Jr. Frazer, Amherst A. Freeland, Charles W. French, James, Frothingham, S., Jr. Gaffield, Thomas, Gage, Addison, Galloupe, C. W. Gardner, Francis, Gardner, Henry J. Gardner, John, Gardner, John L. Gay, Phineas E. Gibbs, Nathan B. Gilmore, Cassander, Gilmore, H. H. Gilmore, Sanford, Glidden, John A. Glidden, William T. Glover, Henry R. Glover, Joseph B. Goddard, Thomas, Goddard, Thomas A. Gookin, Samuel H. Gordon, George W. Gorham, James L. Gould, Frederick, Gove, George G. Gray, George H. Gray, Gorham, Gray, Joseph H. Greenough, W. W. Gregory, F. E. Groom, Thomas, Grover, William O. Guild, Chester, Guild, Curtis, Guild, Frederick, Habich, Edward, Hale, George S. Place of Business. 25 Commercial st. 170 State st. 66 Franklin st. 82 Federal st. 26 Federal st. 21 Tudor's Building. 23 Central wharf, 23 Central wharf, 1 Commerce st. Occupation. Merchant. Ship Chandler. Wholesale Clothing Dealer. Ag't Bost. & Sandwich Glass Co. Commission Merchant. Commission Merchant. Chickering's Building, Treas. Spencer Rifle Co. 1 Winthrop square, 383 Federal st. 110 Washington st. 3 Merchants' Exch. 61 Blackstone st. 10 India st. 36 City Exchange, 40 City Exchange, 115 Broad st. 25 Central wharf, 38 City Exchange, 124 State st. 152 Devonshire st. 78 Washington st. 59 Franklin st. 10 Merchants' row, 70 State st. 74 State st. 8 Liberty square, 24 Franklin st. 41 State st. 22 Congress st. 22 Fulton st. 38 India wharf, 61 Pearl st. Fulton, c. Cross st. 61 Pearl st. 114 State st. 114 State st. 100 Hanover st. 30 Central st. 146 Federal st. 36 Central wharf, 60 Franklin st. 2 Merchants' Exch. 38 Pearl st. Dry Goods Importer and Job'r. Paints and Oils. Merchant. Wines Imp. and Com. Merchant. Treas. Bear Valley Coal Co. Glass Merchant. Hardware Dealer. Dom. Goods Com. Merchant. Iron and Steel Merchant. Boot and Shoe Dealer. Iron and Steel Dealer. Shoe and Leather Dealer. Merchant. Merchant. Curled Hair and Feathers. Dry Goods Importer and Job'r. Union c. Hanover st. President Blackstone Bank. Names of Members. Hall, Andrew T. Hall, Charles B. Hall, Francis A. Hall, Jacob, Jr. Harding, George W. Harding, William C. Harding, William F. Harding, W. H. Hardy, Alpheus, Harris, Horatio, Harris, Nathaniel, Hart, William T. Harwood, Daniel, Haskell, William T. Hastings, Henry, Hastings, Walter, Haughton, James, Haven, Franklin, Heard, John T. Heath, A. H. Heathfield, Thomas D. Henshaw, Joseph L. Hersey, Alfred C. Hersey, Caleb W. Heywood, Charles, Higginson, George, Hill, Hamilton A. Hill, Noble H. Hill, William H. Hitchcock, John, Hittinger, Jacob, Hilton, William, Hobart, Aaron, Jr. Homes, Paraclete, Homer, William F. Horton, William H. Hooper, Henry N. Hooper, Samuel, Hough, Benj. K. Houghton, W. S. Hovey, G. O. Hovey, Solomon, Howe, Estes, Howe, John C. Howe, J. Murray, Howe, J. N. Howe, Thomas, Howes, Osborn, Iasigi, Joseph, Ives, D. P. Place of Business. 114 Milk st. 65 State st. 114 Milk st. 24 Lewis wharf, 67 Federal st. 67 Federal st. 15 Traveller Build'g, 71 Franklin st. 181 State st. 18 India st. 8 Kilby st. 10 City wharf, 17 Pearl st. 90 Milk st. 50 India st. 167 Congress st. 26 Pearl st. 28 State st. 1 Chatham Row, 15 Federal st. 130 Commercial st. 5 Merchants' Ex. 67 Commercial whf. 125 Pearl st. 217 State st. 10 Union Building. 55 Merchants' Exch. 57 Milk st. 49 Cornhill, 13 Pearl st. 101 State st. 167 Congress st. 40 State st. 39 State st. 69 Blackstone st. 43 Long wharf, 39 State st. 26 Central st. 80 Milk st. 50 Commercial st. 13 Exchange st. 25 Commercial whf. 7 Commercial whf. 2 Central wharf, 83 Broad st. 36 Central wharf, 47 Milk st. Occupation. Mer. and Pres. Tremont Bank. Treas. Copper Falls Mining Co. Auction and Com. Merchant. Wholesale Provision Dealer. Treas. Merrimac Woolen Co. Dry Goods Dealer. Shoe and Leather Dealer. Shoe and Leather Dealer. Wool Merchant. Merchant. Pres. Warren Ins. Co. Crockery and Paper Hangings. Silk Goods. Copper Dealer. Merchant. Merchant. Shoe and Leather Dealer. Paints and Drugs. Commission Merchant. Commission Merchant. Capitalist. Merchant. Wholesale Druggist. Merchant. Importer of Fancy Goods. Place of Business. 102 Milk st. 31 Franklin st. Occupation. Dealer in Glass Ware. Domestic Goods Imp. and Job'r. 16 South Market st. Soap and Candle Manufacturer. 153 Pearl st. 33 Summer st. 102 Pearl st. 45 Summer st. 219 State st. 76 Pearl st. 148 Devonshire st. 17 Milk st. 102 Pearl st. 5 North Market st. 223 Washington st. 26 India st. 32 India wharf, 158 State st. 26 Union Building. 31 Central wharf, 61 Commercial whf. 168 Devonshire st. 10 Union Building, 60 State st. 93 Broad st. 9 Merchants' Row. Commission Merchant. Commission Merchant. Dom. Goods Com. Merchant. Dom. Goods Com. Merchant. Pickles, etc., Manufacturer. Shoe and Leather Dealer. Tr. Michigan Central R. R. Wholesale Grocer. Commission Merchant. Commission Merchant. Ship Broker. Actuary Ms. Hos. Life Ins. Co. Wholesale Clothing Dealer. Hide and Leather Dealer. Dry Goods Dealer. Names of Members. Macomber, J. F. Maguire, Francis, Manning, Charles, Manning, Francis C. Manning, Joseph E. March, Andrew S. Marsh, B. L. Marsh, J. Frederick, Marsh, Lucius B. Marshall, J. F. B. Marvin, Theophilus R. Mather, Henry B. Nash, N. C. Ordway, John A. Page, Harrison P. Names of Members. Peters, George H. Rice, J. Willard, Safford, James O. 108 Milk st. 49 Franklin st. 35 Commercial st. 17 Blackstone st. 45 Summer st. 45 Summer st. 70 State st. Merchant. Flour and Com. Merchant. Commission Merchant. Hide and Leather Dealer. Shoe and Leather Dealer. Hollow Ware and Stove Merch. Chocolate Dealer. Perfumer. Commission Merchant. Hide and Leather Dealer. Printer. Dom. Goods Com. Merchant. Agent Bay State Iron Co. Commission Merchant. Agent Revere Copper Co. Paper Dealer. Dealer in Dye Stuffs. Dom. Goods Com. Merchant. Proprietor American House. Boots and Shoes by Auction. Dry Goods Com. Merchant. Dom. Goods and Com. Mer. Commission Merchant. Leather Dealer. Dry Goods Importer and Job'r. Dry Goods Importer and Job'r. |