This edition has been prepared under the general editorship of MAX. A. ROBERTSON, ESQ., OF THE INNER TEMPLE AND THE MIDLAND CIRCUIT, BARRISTER-AT-LAW. Printed by WILLIAM GREEN & SONS, Edinburgh July 1906 WITH A GENERAL INTRODUCTION BY SIR F. POLLOCK, BART. LONDON AND EDINBURGH SWEET & MAXWELL, LTD., AND WM. GREEN & SONS TORONTO THE CANADA LAW BOOK COMPANY THE AUTHORS OF THE PRINCIPAL ARTICLES IN THIS VOLUME ARE AS FOLLOWS: [Square brackets indicate that the article has not been revised by the original author. In these articles square brackets throughout the text indicate new matter added to the original article.] General Introduction.-SIR FREDERICK POLLOCK, Bart. Abdication.-J. P. Wallis. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.] Abduction; and Abominable Crime.-W. F. Craies. Aborigines.-Sir Thomas Barclay. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.] Abortion.-W. F. Craies. Abridgment.--The late A. W. Donald. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.] Abstract of Title.-W. H. Gover. Accession of Property.-J. R. M'Ilraith. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.] Accession of Sovereign.-J. P. Wallis. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.] Accessory.-W. F. Craies. Accident Insurance.-W. Blake Odgers, K.C. Accommodation Bill.-D. M. Kerly. [Max. A. Robertson.] Accommodation Works.-Alfred A. Hudson. [R. Geoffrey Ellis.] Accomplice.-W. F. Craies. Accord and Satisfaction.-D. M. Kerly. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.] Account Duty.-Sir Francis Gore, Solicitor to the Inland Revenue. Account, Settled.-W. Blake Odgers, K.C. Accounts and Inquiries.-Charles Burney, one of the Masters of the Supremie Court. Accounts, Falsification of.-W. F. Craies. Accounts Stated.-The late T. J. Bullen. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.] Accountant.-The late T. M. Stevens. [Max. A. Robertson.] Accumulations.-H. W. Law. [C. Johnston Edwards.] Acquiescence.-D. M. Kerly. [Max. A. Robertson.] Act of Parliament.-Paul Strickland. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.] Act of Settlement.-Sir W. R. Anson, Bart. Act of State.-J. P. Wallis. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.] Actio personalis moritur cum persona.-The late A. W. Donald. [R. Geoffrey Ellis.] |