and noble nature-occupied an entrenched camp. I must conclude, your loving friend, RICHARD The assault was led by the Bideford and Barnstaple GRENVILLE.” contingent, who arrived on the ground first. Hopton was defeated, and one thousand stand of arms taken. As a consequence of this, our siege was again raised, the Cavaliers being forced to flee with such haste that they left behind them three great guns and some powder. Sir Ralph's headquarters were at Saltash, of whose powerful women I have before written. We hired a Newcastle ship to batter him at that place, but the master of it failed of his bargain, and meanly betrayed his trust. This letter was written at a place called Fitzford, a mansion close adjoining the ancient town of Tavistock, and not, I am told, above a mile or so from Crowndale, the birthplace of Sir Francis Drake. A very scornful and haughty reply was the return given by the garrison to this missive. They told him they should have only answered him with silence, save that he intended to publish his own letter; they declared their satisfaction that he had become an open foe, rather than remained a preAgain we had some weeks after this of compara- tended friend. They somewhat shielded the King tive quiet, and no news was sent from this town to from the blame of the war, alleging that his misthe Parliament, the commanders being "more de-chievous counsellors had rendered him cruel to his sirous to serve their God and country than to cackle subjects. One or two sentences of this letter were like hens on the laying of every egg.' Yet in one of both pithy and trite. "As for our proposing condithe sallies that took place, Colonel Digby, of the tions of peace, we shall most gladly do it, when it malignants, received a rapier wound in the eye, and may advance the public service; but to do it, to the the conduct of the siege fell into the hands of Sir enemies of peace, though we have been thereto Richard Grenville, that champion his young rela- formerly invited, yet hath it pleased the Disposer of tive, whom I captured with his colours, was so proud all things to preserve us from the necessity of it, of, but to whom the people of this town feel no and to support us against all the fury of the engreat love. raged enemy. The same God is still our rock and refuge, under whose wings we doubt not of protec tion and safety, when the seducers of a king shall fall and die, and that name which by such courses is sought to be perpetual in honour shall end in ignominy." The letter concluded thus: "Whereas you mind us of the lost condition of our town, sure it cannot be you should be so truly persuaded of it, as they are of your personal, who subscribe themselves, and so remain friends to the faithful." Now a great calamity befel us, in the death of our esteemed and noble commander, Colonel William Gould, a man of high authority and of great force of character. All of us who could be spared attended the service, when one of our chaplains, the Rev. Stephen Midhope, improved the occasion of his death. Colonel Wardlaw is incapacitated by disease, incurred during this war, so that the command is put in commission to the Mayor, Colonel Crocker, and LieutenantColonel Marten, till a commander-in-chief is appointed by the Parliament. On the 15th of March, before Colonel Gould's death, Sir Richard Grenville sent a letter into the town addressed to the colonel, officers, and soldiers of the fort, and to the town itself. The Tonkins have much to tell me of this gentleman, and so have many of our officers and men who belong to the place. For he was supposed to be favourable to the Parliament, and, indeed, declared himself for it, and was even offered the government of Plymouth by them. And, though I esteem it a possible thing for men to wisely turn from a bad unto a good cause, yet for a man who has been in a good cause to turn therefrom unto a bad, is surely worse than foolish. Men do generally abhor a turncoat, and the feeling of the town towards this Sir Richard is unmistakable, amounting to bitter hatred with many, and scorn and contempt in almost all the rest. "Skellum Grenville," 99.66 Renegado Grenville," are his common names amongst us, unless worse ones are used. In his letter he excused himself for turning from one party to the other, and gave certain reasons for doing so-viz., the non-payment of his men in the service of the Parliament, and the sectaries that infested the Protestant religion, and made the war an occasion of their own advancement. He ended by counselling the town to lay aside its rebellion against the King, and propose a peace. Thus," said he, "my affection urgeth me to impart unto you, out of the great desire I have, rather to regain my lost old friends by love than by force to subject them to ruin, and on that consideration 66 In Sir Richard's letter was enclosed a book entitled "The Iniquity of the Covenant." We were summoned to the burning of this volume,, which took effect in the market-place of the town, which is situate near unto the great church. It was done by the common hangman, and by order received from the Council of War. An immense crowd of townspeople and soldiery gathered at this burning. It was a beautiful spring day, the air soft and balmy, the sunshine fresh and bright, and the flames leaped up sportively amongst the leaves of the book, but the faces of many of the older men and women were gloomy and anxious, and the children were chidden when they indulged in merry play. Proclamation was then made that all those who had any of these books, and did not bring them forth, should be held and dealt with as enemies to the State and town. To Colonel Marten was now given the authority, and we had reason to rejoice that we had over us a commander of so much decision and vigour. He acted upon the offensive, to prevent the enemy from taking up close quarters again, but the Cavaliers drew their circle around us nearer and nearer. Colonel Gould had been a rigid man, stern and severe to offenders against God's laws: he purged our army from swearers, drunkards, and abominable livers, causing the town and garrison to be very careful in observing the Lord's day and days of humiliation, and to be frequently present at the ordinances of the Lord of hosts. And now our new Colonel was of equal decision in these matters, and with more daring and energy, which suited us well. For we were tired of being inactive, and greatly desired to do some mighty act that should deliver us from our persistent foe. We were well pleased to hear that the town has gotten the name of "Tough old Plymouth" from the malignants, and we are the last, to the shame of these two counties, it must be owned, that adhere to the Parliament in either Devon or Cornwall. Colonel Marten first determined to make an assault upon St. Budeaux. This is a little village north-west of the town, where there were stationed 500 Cavaliers. They had garrisoned the church tower, and made various other preparations for defence. Colonel Marten ordered a party of 600 to advance upon this place, while at the same time he sent some horse to Plympton, as if we were to encounter the besiegers there. This was but a feint. Our men got separated, which was disastrous at first, but our foot rallied, captured the church tower, spite of its defenders, took two officers and fortyfour other prisoners, as well as some powder, horses, and arms. And now there was swift exchange of shot and sword. Only three days later we beat up the enemy's quarters at Newbridge, on the way to Plympton. Here our forlorn-hope disobeyed orders in their too great zeal, and fell on while yet the reliefs were a mile behind. They beat the Cavaliers from hedge to hedge, and captured a breastwork in advance of the bridge. But, their powder being spent, they were compelled to retreat before the enemy's main strength. Yet only two men were wounded. This was on the 19th of April. On the 21st another small skirmish took place, an attack being made from Prince Rock upon the malignants at Pomphlet Mill, but some prisoners and, what we needed more, some provisions, were brought in. Our next encounter was at Trenaman's Jump. We issued from Hopton's work, an old fortification of our besiegers, opposite our fort of Maudlyn. We were one thousand foot and a hundred horse, with four hundred musketeers and twenty-five horse, to prevent a flank attack; these were stationed in the ways about the village of Compton. We had here a signal triumph, through the mercy of God, for we beat the enemy thoroughly, and brought back one hundred prisoners, notwithstanding attempts were We only lost one man, and he made at a rescue. an unskilful soldier. But our next adventure, as it has an especial interest for me, will, I know, be of as especial an interest to the readers of this at Brier Grange, and I must endeavour, therefore, to be the more particular in my narration thereof. Colonel Marten thought it good to make an effort for Mount Edgecumbe, now in the hands of sturdy Royalists. This fair mansion, situate in extensive and beautiful grounds, is on the western shores of the bay, and whoever possesses it has large power to further or hinder the entrance of ships into Plymouth Sound and Millbay Pool, as well as the parts of the sea more closely commanded by our fort. Captain Haynes was ordered across from Cremill Point to Mount Edgecumbe, our Colonel himself following us with twenty horse. We were three hundred. The Colonel first despatched the following summons to the mansion : "To prevent the effusion of Christian blood, I do hereby require you immediately to deliver Mount Edgecumbe House unto me for the use of the King and Parliament. And you shall have fair quarter, which, if you shall refuse, I have acquitted myself from the guilt of the blood which may be spilt in obtaining my just desire. "ROBERT MARTEN. "Passage, May 15, 1644. "To the Governor of Mount Edgecumbe House, these." Our landing was effected at the Warren. At this place there were mounted three small guns, which used greatly to annoy our boats going to Stonehouse. In this expedition I was given the command of a detachment, for, besides our captain and a lieutenant, there were no other officers to be spared to this duty; and my men captured these guns at the outset with much ready bravery, the gunners retreating to the house. The Colonel's summons produced no result; he therefore ordered us to press onward, leaving a party to watch the garrison of Mount Edgecumbe, which was defended by musketeers. We assaulted Maker Church tower, and took it, wherein was a barrel of powder. This church standeth on a height overlooking the sea, and has a most fair prospect on every side. It has been much used for years past as a beacon and signal tower, on account of its commanding situation. I could but reflect, amidst the bustle and turmoil of our action, what a rude contrast was presented to the exquisitely lovely scenery around. I could but remember how much Lettice would like to be here with me, in happier times, for the hawthorn bushes were white and fragrant around us, and I saw how the bluebells nestled in the glades of the park as we passed; their little blue heads dancing to the soft, warm courting of the spring breezes; and the heights were golden with the furze blossoms, and the fragrance of them was warm and sweet; while the sky was dotted here and there with larks, who, as they rose and fell in the bright clear air, sang as if nothing could ever come and destroy God's peace and goodwill to man. And if I had other thoughts, of her who was herself a human blossom of this most charming southern land, if I longed to be roaming here with her in. peaceful days, when no cruel fate should divide us, and when my words of love might be tenderly breathed forth to her in a scene that was little short of an earthly paradise, surely I shall be forgiven. Our thoughts are swifter than our actions, else I should not have had time to muse thus, in the midst of deeds that required quick intelligence and the oversight of others. Next we marched through a series of God's pictures, lying all around and above us on sea and earth and sky, to a fort at Cawsand, a fishing village lying nestled in the shores of the bay of that name, and so on through flowery meadows and lanes to Millbrook, another village further west. This place was entrenched and garrisoned by two hundred and fifty men, but we carried it. Thence we marched to Inceworth, where the fort was abandoned on the approach of our victorious forces. But our captures, unfortunately, could not be held. For the Cavaliers, enraged at our successes, got speedily together, and came down upon us in force from their head-quarters on the Cornish side of the Tamar at Saltash; so that Colonel Marten, thinking he had given them enough for one day, and not wishing to lose his booty, retreated. We had taken two hundred prisoners and twelve pieces of cannon-a great loss for them and a great gain for us. On the road back he assaulted Mount Edgecumbe, but here we were repulsed. We burnt the banqueting-hall and out offices, but the main building of stone resisted our attacks. We found on our return that while we were out the besiegers had attacked our outworks with a thousand horse and foot, but had been gloriously beaten back. 66 The next morning our Colonel had me before him, and was pleased to praise me much for my great bravery and modest behaviour therein on the previous day. The Lord needs such officers as you, Ensign Holbeck, in His army," he was good enough to add; " and I have great pleasure in promoting you to a lieutenancy, in the place of Lieutenant Morris, who was so unfortunately wounded and captured by the enemy at Trenaman's Jump." "God send young Morris back to us again, Colonel Marten!" I said, respectfully; for I was unwilling to take what I hoped he had not permanently left. releases them from the obligation to serve him. And also that our jealousy for the Constitution of England is a godly jealousy, deserving of commendation; and that as no man has these rights now, but by the careful work of the ages that are past, since this nation was a kingdom, so no man has a right lightly to let them slip from his grasp, but should cherish and maintain them for this nation's inheritance in the future. Our Colonel smiled. "I like you none the worse, Ensign. for those words," he said; "rest assured I will not deprive him of his reward either, if we are so happy as to see his face again." From this I gathered that young Morris would be above a lieutenant on his return to us, and, in that case, I was well pleased to receive and enjoy my promotion. Dick and I have many earnest discourses on these and various other subjects, yet sometimes he will very playfully and merrily interrupt our talks to propose some music, or some game, or some other diversion, into which no one can enter more heartily, or throw more gaiety and fun than he. "I was never so happy in my life, Ben," he said to me one day, "as since I took our dear old sergeant's advice, to fear God, and know no other fear.' I used to have a fear of death, a dread of life even, and now I know nothing inside but peace for a foundation. I don't mean to set myself up as faultless, you know that, Ben, but I pray to be kept from wilful sin, and when I know I have sinned through unwatchfulness, I go straight to God for forgiveness for the sake of Christ; and I feel I am forgiven, and I hope I try harder next time to struggle against sin, because of God's forgiving love. It is just like when I was a little child, and did amiss and ran to mother and told her, and she forgave me. I felt clear and happy again; and yet I always wanted to be a better child, because she loved me so." I nodded, for I could not speak; his words, so honest, so earnest, went home to my heart. "Do you remember that text in the Bible, Ben, There is forgiveness with Thee, that Thou mayest be feared'? I understand it now. I often wonder why preachers talk so much of the terrors of unbelief; I should be won quicker by the joys and goodness of belief. The ground of my fearing God and knowing no other fear' is, that I am forgiven." CHAPTER XVI.-Tonkin's Ironsides. N being promoted to I enjoyed these talks with Dick, and I hope I my new lieutenancy, profited by them. It was not very long before I received many kind he began to pray with his men in his quarters, and congratulations, and invited me and my company to join them. He read none more cordial a chapter to them, or got any of them who could do than that from my so (but these were not many) to read the chapter true friend, Dick Tonkin. themselves, and then he simply expounded it; and I Dick's health had never have often thought I derived more good from these been so sound since his little services than from the stated ones I attended. wound, but his temper was And, one by one, Dick's men and my men, among as sweet and his manner whom was Tom, began to kneel and pray aloud as playful as ever. Only I amongst their comrades, their hearts being touched sometimes noticed that there by the Spirit of God. And I used to feel as if our was behind all this a more dear old sergeant must be glad if he knew, and that serious tone of thought, and I am perhaps God permitted him to know. sure he took his stand amongst us as one of those officers who were actuated, not by mere necessity for employment, or love of adventure, but by a real firm belief in the justice of the Parliamentary cause. He studied, in his moments of leisure, various papers and pamphlets written by godly men, who were well disposed toward their country, and for that reason dared speak their minds. Dick has shown me some of these writings, which show that if a monarch is unfaithful to his vows towards his people, he ceases, in fact, to be their monarch, and Various books got amongst us at this time, some written by Richard Baxter, a godly man in the Eastern counties, and some versions in rhyme of the Psalms, such as the Scots are accustomed to use in their form of worship; and now we added to our services the singing of hymns, which became very popular amongst the men, and led to an increase of our numbers from other companies and regiments. While Sergeant Gurney was alive there had been something of this kind in his quarters, more particularly amongst the non-commissioned officers and elder soldiers. But this grew especially with The name got wind, and was not unwillingly appropriated; we loved to be called "Tonkin's Ironsides." Mrs. Tonkin's face was very beautiful to look at when I told her of this, and the tears would not stay in her eyes, but trickled softly over her cheeks, they came so fast; and she was forced to hide for a little her happiness and holy pride from my sight. "God be praised! My dear, my precious son. Ben, I gave him to the Lord from the beginning," she said tenderly; and then I did not wonder any longer. Early in July we were fighting again, but, Prince Maurice being repulsed, drew off his forces, and left us under a blockade by Sir Richard Grenville, with 3,000 men. Various skirmishes, mostly in pursuit of food or stores, had taken place between the attack on Mount Edgecumbe in May and the withdrawal of Prince Maurice. Once our party brought in 9 guns, 150 prisoners, 100 cows and 500 sheep, which latter set us in good heart again, our victuals having run very low. 46 Hearing of this made me reflect on the words of my sister Lettice in regard to prisoners, and especially female prisoners, whom this war has introduced to a position they would never have occupied otherwise, and exposed to the deprivation of their liberty for political offences. At this part of the siege those in authority were very much straitened for money, so that our pay as soldiers was far in arrears, and my sister Lettice's present proved a great boon to me. It is not difficult to understand that the merchants and traders of the town, especially those who were dependent upon traffic with ships, were far behindhand in their receipts. Nevertheless, we were now well enough supplied with provisions, and never likely to suffer as we had done in our early experience as a besieged place; for by forays and skirmishes we had learned how to provide for ourselves and those within the walls, who were not able to procure food without our help. Our beef is now only threepence-halfpenny a pound, and we learn that our cheese, coal, and meal are cheaper here than in London. But what I had such good reason to dread has come to pass our water leat is cut off. I have had many sad forebodings on this subject, many arguments with and against myself, as it were, which were hard indeed to bear. For I could not believe, if I gave any information, but that the whole matter from beginning to end would be wormed out of me by curious questions, and how could I endure to implicate Lucy's father? Now that the thing is passed out of my power, I see ways that I might have adopted to guard against our thirst, without endangering the freedom of Mr. Woollcombe. and I call myself a fool many times a day, but it does not restore the leat to us. I punish myself by restricting as much as I can my use of the fluid which circumstances have rendered so precious to us. This is the first time in my life that I have learned to properly appreciate this great blessing, which God has given to man so freely and so unsparingly in this favoured land. Now during the time since the scarcity began may be seen strange sights at almost every hour of the day, for the heat makes people thirsty, and they go about, young and old, rich and poor, with every kind of vessel in their hands, begging water from the favoured owners of wells. At another time we killed a fine young captain, Arundell by name, in a skirmish, when fifty horses were taken by us. This gallant young officer was the son of the Governor of Pendennis Castle, in Cornwall, and his father bears the nicknames of Old Tilbury" and "John for the King." He was shot in the entrenchments by Captain Braddon. Some of our prisoners were sent to Lydford, and imprisoned there by Sir Richard Grenville in the castle of that town. Three of them were executed without trial for high treason by the same remo.seless foe of a cause he once espoused. LieutenantColonel James Hals, of Efford, near this town, is in prison there yet, greatly to the grief of his friends, who know not how matters will fare with him after such sad examples. Sir Richard Grenville is notorious for his cruelty. One of our men, but lately returned to us, described how upon one occasion he compelled one of two prisoners that were taken It is fortunate there are so many of these, which, to hang the other, while he sat the while on horse-indeed, the names of the streets of this town themback close by beholding the spectacle. After this, selves signify, as Westwell, Tinewell, Well, Buckwell, our men have a natural horror of falling into his &c. Besides which there are various conduits, but power. these are dependent upon the leat, and dry enough now in this warm summer weather. But we have had abundance of rain, so that the purpose of the malignants to let us die of thirst has been frustrated considerably, for whilst we can catch rain-water for washing purposes, and drink of the wells, we shali live to fight them more than they desire. (To be continued.) It We have had some further trouble on account of Mr. Collins. A relation of his has been accused of sending clothes to him, and not only has she committed this offence (for which I could hardly find it in my heart to punish her), but she has betrayed to the enemy what store of powder there is, and incited the malignant commanders to an assault. is also proved that she invited Cavalier-Major Harris to stay at her house if the town should be taken, and declared the Protestant religion in Plymouth to be decaying. For all these offences she is, though quite a lady, brought to the Castle and con ined therein. IT RATE'S ORDEAL. BY EMMA LESLIE. Author of "Harry Lawley," "Constancia's Household," &c. The Long-desired Situation. CHAPTER III.-In London. T was night when Kate reached London, but her uncle was waiting for her at the railway-station, and she and her luggage were soon stowed away in a cab, and they were rattling through the brilliantlylighted streets. To Kate's unaccustomed eyes it was like fairyland for a few minutes, and she thought she had indeed been fortunate to obtain a place in one of these grand shops. But she soon found there were streets in London almost as dimly lighted as their own village streets at home, and shops much less grand and imposing than those she had first seen. At last the cab stopped, and Kate saw, to her disappointment, that it was not a broad, fashionable thoroughfare, and the shop, with its piles of buns and loaves of bread, was by no means imposing, but rather oldfashioned in its appearance, and the whole street was the same, although there were a great number of people about, and everybody seemed in such a hurry that Kate made up her mind there must be a fire, or some accident must have happened, near at hand. All this passed through her mind, as her box was being lifted from the roof of the cab, as she stood on the pavement looking up and down the busy, old-fashioned street, that was so unlike what she had fancied her new home would be. Her cousin Marion was behind the counter in the shop, and there seemed to be a constant stream of customers coming and going. "This is the best bun house in London," whispered her uncle, as he took her hand and led her in. The old lady, who was likewise serving, left her post when she saw Kate and her uncle, and led the way into the cosy parlour behind the shop. She seemed pleased with Kate's appearance and manner, and asked her a great many questions about her home and her mother. "We are very quiet, old-fashioned people, ourselves," she said, "although we live in London, and I am very particular about the young people I have to help me in the shop, and never allow them to make friends among the customers. Be civil to all, but nothing more than that to anyone, my dear; that is my rule, and you must remember to obey it. Marion knows I am more strict about this than anything else, and so I hope you will remember it, too." "Yes, ma'am, I will," said Kate; and then the old lady asked the servant to bring up some supper, and went back to the shop, that Marion might come in and speak to her father and cousin. "I am to give you some supper and then take you |