ブルズ THE Real Property Statutes PASSED IN THE REIGNS OF KING WILLIAM IV. AND QUEEN VICTORIA, INCLUDING PRESCRIPTION-LIMITATION OF ACTIONS-ABOLITION OF FINES, ETC.-PAY- TRUSTEES AMENDMENT ACTS; AND TRUSTEES AND MORTGAGEES CLAUSES, ETC., ETC., WITH COPIOUS NOTES OF DECIDED CASES AND FORMS OF DEEDS. Seventh Edition, WITH MANY ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS. BY LEONARD SHELFORD, ESQ., OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, BARRISTER AT LAW. LONDON: H. SWEET, W. MAXWELL, AND STEVENS, SONS, & HAYNES, HODGES, SMITH AND CO., GRAFTON STREET, Dublin. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. THE Author has incorporated in the present Edition the cases reported since the last Edition, which are applicable to the subjects contained in this Work. Such cases are numerous and important. Several new Statutes and parts of Statutes, with new orders, and forms of affidavits adapted to such orders, are also inserted, with the view of rendering the Work complete, and more worthy of the extensive patronage which it has received. 3, BRICK COURT, TEMPLE, 18th September, 1863. 1. Claims to right of common and other profits à prendre not to be defeated after thirty years' enjoyment by showing the commence- ment; after sixty years' enjoyment, the right to be absolute, 2. In claims of right of way or other easement, the periods to be twenty 3. Claim to the use of light enjoyed for twenty years indefeasible, un- .. 5. In actions on the case the claimant may allege his right generally, as at present. In pleas of trespass and other pleadings, where party used to allege his claim from time immemorial, the period mentioned in the act may be alleged; and exceptions or other |