The Exchequer Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber ... Easter Term, 19 Vict., to [Hilary Vacation, 25 Vict.] Both Inclusive. [1856-1862], Volume 7T. & J.W. Johnson & Company, 1864 - Law reports, digests, etc |
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action aforesaid agent agreed agreement alleged amount apply appointment arbitrator assignment authority award bankruptcy bill of lading BRAMWELL canal cause charge claim Commissioner contract count Court of Exchequer covenant creditors damages declaration deed defendant defendant's delivered Dudley Canal duty E. C. L. R. vol entered entitled estoppel evidence Exch executed executors fact fendant fraud George Bankes grant ground held Henry Bankes indenture intended John judgment jury land learned Judge lease liable Loop Line Lord MARTIN master ment mentioned mortgage negligence notice opinion owner paid parties passengers payable payment person petitioner plaintiff plea POLLOCK possession purchase question Railway Company reason received recover respect Richard Twining rule shares Sir Henry Peyton statute Stoke Prior surveyor Taylor tenant term testator therein thereof Thomas Taylor tion transfer trial trustees verdict Vict WILDE William Chambers William John Bankes witness