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" ... shall denote the person so entitled ; and the term " predecessor" shall denote the settlor, disponer, testator, obligor, ancestor, or other person from whom the interest of the successor is or shall be derived. "
The Exchequer Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts ... - Page 251
by Edwin Tyrrell Hurlstone, John Paxton Norman - 1862
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

Law reports, digests, etc - 1857 - 1052 pages
...successor' shall denote the person so entitled, and the term 'predecessor' shall denote settlor, deponer, testator, obligor, ancestor or other person from whom...interest of the successor is or shall be derived." Now, it may be useful to clear the way to the interpretation of this section, by stating what I consider...
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Irish Common Law Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined ..., Volume 12

Law reports, digests, etc - 1862 - 750 pages
...succession, as already mentioned, enacts that "the term 'successor' shall "denote the person so entitled, and the term 'predecessor' shall " denote the settlor,...interest of the successor is or shall be " derived." At the date of the settlement of 1844, in the future estate which was the subject of that settlement,...
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The Succession Duty Act: (16 & 17 Vict. C. 51) : with Introduction, Notes ...

Charles Wycliffe Goodwin - Inheritance and succession - 1853 - 146 pages
...denote the person so entitled; and the term '^^ Kf* ' "Predecessor" shall denote the settlor, dtsponer, testator, obligor, ancestor, or other person from...interest of the successor is or shall be derived. 4 , JL , „ r , r sitionsand 1 The most important enactments now in force as to the payment of legacy...
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The Jurist, Volume 17, Part 2

Law - 1854 - 570 pages
...or devolution, a " succession:" and the term "successor" shall denote the person so entitled ; and the term " predecessor" shall denote the settlor,...interest of the successor is or shall be derived. 3. Where any persons shall, at or after the time appointed for the commencement of this act, have any...
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The Legal Observer, and Solicitors' Journal, Volume 47

Law - 1854 - 532 pages
...adopted to denote the person entitled to any property chargeable with duty ; the term Predecessor to denote the settlor, disponer, testator, obligor, ancestor,...person from whom the interest of the successor is derived ; •mil the term Succession to denote any property chargeable with duty under the Act." "...
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The Law Relating to the Probate, Legacy, and Succession Duties: Including ...

Leonard Shelford - Inheritance and transfer tax - 1855 - 466 pages
..."suesor " " Predeces- ccssor" shall denote the person so entitled; and life policies , „ , , . „ , the term " predecessor" shall denote the settlor,...the interest of the successor is or shall be derived (/). Provision for No policy of insurance on the life of any person and certain shall create the relation...
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Law Chronicle: A Monthly Journal, Volume 4

Law - 1858 - 488 pages
...or devolution a ' succession ;' and the term ' successor ' shall denote the person so entitled ; and the term ' predecessor ' shall denote the settlor,...interest of the successor is or shall be derived." A testator in 1853 bequeathed £5,000 to trustees, in trust to invest the same in the funds and pay...
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Acts of the Parliament of South Australia

South Australia - Law - 1876 - 404 pages
...or devolution a '' succession," and the term " successor" shall denote the person so entitled, and the term " predecessor" shall denote the settlor,...interest of the successor is or shall be derived. 22. Where any persons shall, at or after the coming into operation of this Act, have any property vested...
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Report of Cases in Chancery: Argued and Determined in the Rolls ..., Volume 24

Great Britain. Court of Chancery, Charles Beavan - Equity - 1858 - 776 pages
...the term ' successor' shall denote the person so entitled ; and the term < predecessor' shall denote settlor, disponer, testator, obligor, ancestor, or...interest of the successor is or shall be derived." The 10th section fixes the rate per centum at which the duty is to be levied. In this case, Sir Charles...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

Law reports, digests, etc - 1859 - 1076 pages
...or devolution, a ' succession' ; and the term 'successor' shall denote the person so entitled, and the term 'predecessor' shall denote the settlor, disponer,...other person from whom the interest of the successor or shall be derived." Taking this section by itself, there cannot, I think, be any reasonable doubt...
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