London, (the act of God, the queen's enemies, fire, and all and every other dangers and accidents of the seas, rivers, and navigation, of whatever nature and kind soever, excepted,) unto order or to assigns, he or they paying freight for the said goods... The Exchequer Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts ... - Page 386by Edwin Tyrrell Hurlstone, John Paxton Norman - 1862Full view - About this book
 | Geography - 1867 - 878 pages
...port of ... with the said cargo) in the space of .... months, limited for the end of the said voyage, the act of God, the Queen's enemies, fire, and all...and navigation of whatever nature and kind soever exeepted. In consideration whereof the said .... A Co. for themselves, thoir executors, and administrators,... | |
 | Great Britain - 1798 - 932 pages
...ration in the bill of lading be rtcommended to be generally adopted, viz. " The an of God, the king's enemies, fire, and all and every other dangers and accidents of the leas, river?, and navigation of whatever nation and kind foever, exçepted ;" but in rtfpeft to the... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Edward Hyde East - Law reports, digests, etc - 1809 - 660 pages
...457. per keel, P er Ccnt ' P rima g e i > n P ort charges and pilotage, (the act of God, the king's enemies, fire, and all and every other dangers and accidents of the feas, rivers, and navigation of whatever nature and kind foever, during the faid voyage, always excepted... | |
 | Charles Abbott (Baron Tenterden) - Maritime law - 1810 - 674 pages
...; and of late the exception is usually made in the following words ; fu The act of God, the King's enemies, fire, and " all and every other dangers and...navigation, of whatever nature and kind '* soever, exctpted? ) But in the case of ships homeward bound from the West-India islands, which send their boats... | |
 | John Emmanuel Mordente - Spanish language - 1810 - 398 pages
...order and well conditioned, at the aforesaid port of London ^the act of God, .the king's enemies, lire, and all and every other dangers and accidents of the seas, rivers, and navigation, of whatever nature v and kind soever, excepted) unto Messrs. Lackington, Allen, and Company, or to their assigns, he or... | |
 | Great Britain. Courts - Law reports, digests, etc - 1811 - 720 pages
...captain, for two cafes of cutlafles, to be carried from England to Surinam, " the aft of God, the king's enemies, fire, and all and every other dangers and accidents of the feas, rivers, and navigation, of what, ever nature and kind foever, excepted." The Ranger failed in... | |
 | Edward Christian - Bankruptcy - 1814 - 838 pages
...the following, (The act of God, the tlon ' king's enemies, fire, and every other danger _and accident of the seas, rivers, and navigation, of whatever nature and kind soever excepted.) Abbot, 175. Where the consignee assigns the bill of lading to ano- ^' ther as his partner... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, William John Broderip, Peregrine Bingham - Law reports, digests, etc - 1820 - 644 pages
...Michaelmas term, 1819,) it appeared, that the be delivered " ' * ' safe, " the act of God, the king's enemies, fire, and all and every other dangers and...and navigation of whatever nature and kind soever, save risk of boats, so far as ships are liable thereto, excepfed." The goods having been dispatched... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of King's Bench - Law reports, digests, etc - 1820 - 650 pages
...delivered in the like good order and well conditioned for the said plaintiffs, the act of God, the king's enemies, fire, and all and every other dangers and...the seas, rivers, and navigation of whatever nature or kind soever, save risk of boats, so far as ships are liable thereto, excepted; and that in consideration... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas - Law reports, digests, etc - 1820 - 648 pages
...(London sittings in Michaelmas term, 1819,) it appeared, that the safe, " the act of God, the king's enemies, fire, and all and every other dangers and accidents of the teas, rivers, and navigation of whatever nature and kind soever, save riik of boati t so far as ships... | |
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