Parliamentary Papers, Volume 54H.M. Stationery Office, 1874 - Bills, Legislative |
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Common terms and phrases
14 days 14 Once 20 days 37 Vict action actually remained Amount appear April Barony Beer Retail Certificate Board of Governors Borough Chancery CIRCUIT Clerks Convictions not Recorded Convictions Recorded Court of Chancery COURT TOWN dated days ditto Days he actually Days he remained Default of Payment defendant District Lunatic Asylum ditto ditto ditto Division Drunkenness Dublin Castle Earl of Kimberley entered for Sums granted grocers honour House of Commons Ireland Issued Judgment Debt Justice Letters Patent Licensing Act Lord Lieutenant ment Debt Metropolitan Police District Number entered Number of Convictions Number of Days Number of Persons Office paid Parish party Pauper Lunatics Peace Preservation Ireland Persons Imprisoned Petty Sessions plaintiff plaintiff's claim Recorded upon Licence remained in Prison RETURN rules Section sold and delivered spirit drinking Sum in respect taken to Prison Total Number writ of summons
Popular passages
Page 11 - Claims by or against an executor or administrator as such may be joined with claims by or against him personally, provided the last-mentioned claims are alleged to arise with reference to the estate in respect of which the plaintiff or defendant sues or is sued as executor or administrator.
Page 9 - All persons may be joined as defendants against whom the right to any relief is alleged to exist, whether jointly, severally or in the alternative; and judgment may be given against such one or more of the defendants as may be found to be liable, according to their respective liabilities.
Page 32 - ... stating that judgment has been recovered, and that it is still unsatisfied, and to what amount, and that any other person is indebted to the judgment debtor, and is within the jurisdiction, to order that all debts owing or accruing from such third person (hereinafter called the garnishee) to the judgment debtor, shall be attached to answer the judgment debt...
Page 25 - Any verdict or judgment obtained where one party does not appear at the trial may be set aside by the Court or a Judge upon such terms as may seem fit. upon an application made within six days after the trial ; such application may be made either at the assizes or in Middlesex.
Page 31 - No proceeding by audit a querela shall hereafter be used; but any party against whom judgment has been given may apply to the Court or a Judge for a stay of execution or other relief against such judgment, upon the ground of facts which have arisen too late to be pleaded; and the Court or Judge may give such relief and upon such terms .as may be just.
Page 13 - Neither party need in any pleading allege any matter of fact which the law presumes in his favour or as to which the burden of proof lies upon the other side, unless the same has first been specifically denied...
Page 34 - Where any person who is under no disability, or under no disability other than coverture, or being under any disability other than coverture, but having a guardian ad litem in the...
Page 19 - In any case in which issues arise in an action other than between plaintiff and defendant, if any party to any such issue makes default in delivering any pleading, the opposite party may apply to the Court or a judge for such judgment, if any, as upon the pleadings he may appear to be entitled to. And the Court may order judgment to be entered accordingly, or may make such other order as may be necessary to do complete justice between the parties.
Page 13 - ... order, the solicitor for the plaintiff shall, within seven days after the commencement of the action, and the solicitor for the defendant shall, within seven days after appearance and before any pleading is delivered, file with the registrar...