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Mr. Oke's Magisterial Works.

Oke's Magisterial Synopsis; a Practical Guide for Magistrates, their Clerks, Solicitors, and Constables; comprising Summary Convictions and Indictable Offences, with their Penalties, Punishments, Procedure, &c., alphabetically and tabularly arranged: with a Copious Index. Twelfth Edition, much enlarged. By THOMAS W. SAUNDERS, Esq., late Recorder of Bath, and now one of the Metropolitan Police Magistrates. In 2 vols. 8vo. 60s. cloth. 688. half-calf. 70s. calf.

"The new edition now before us has been brought out under the superintendence of Mr. Saunders, the Recorder of Bath, whose name is so well known in legal literature. Mr. Saunders has for so many years made many of the subjects which fall within the scope of magisterial jurisdiction his special study, and we are not at all surprised that he should have been selected to carry on the work of Mr. Oke."—Law Journal.

Saunders's Summary Jurisdiction Act, 1879, and recent legislation relating to Magisterial Procedure, arranged as a Supplement to the 12th Edition of Oke's Magisterial Synopsis. 8vo. 5s. cloth.

Oke's Magisterial Formulist; being a complete collection of Forms and Precedents for practical use in all Cases out of Quarter Sessions, and in Parochial Matters, by Magistrates, their Clerks, Attornies and Constables. By GEORGE C. OKE, Author of "The Magisterial Synopsis," &c. Sixth Edition, enlarged and improved. By THOMAS W. SAUNDERS, Esq., late Recorder of Bath, and now one of the Metropolitan Police Magistrates. 8vo. 38s. cloth. 42s. half-calf. 43s. calf.

"In selecting Mr. Saunders to follow in the steps of Mr. Oke, the publishers exercised wise discretion, and we congratulate both author and publishers upon the complete and very excellent manner in which this edition has been prepared and is now presented to the profession."-Law Times.

Oke's Handy Book of the Game Laws; containing the whole Law as to Game Licences and Certificates, Gun Licences, Poaching Prevention, Trespass, Rabbits, Deer, Dogs, Birds, and Poisoned Grain, Sea Birds, Wild Birds and Wild Fowl, and the Rating of Game throughout the United Kingdom. Systematically arranged, with the Acts, Decisions, Notes and Forms. By J. W. WILLIS BUND, M.A., LL.B., Barrister-at-Law, Author of "The Law relating to Salmon Fisheries in England and Wales," &c. Post 8vo. 14s. cloth.

"A book on the Game Laws, brought up to the present time, and including the recent Acts with regard to Wild Fowl, &c. was much needed, and Mr. Willis Bund has most opportunely supplied the want by bringing out a revised and enlarged edition of the very useful Handy Book of which the late Mr. Oke was the Author."-The Field.

Oke's Handy Book of the Fishery Laws; containing the Law as to Fisheries, Private and Public, in the Inland Waters of England and Wales, and the Freshwater Fisheries Preservation Act, 1878. Systematically arranged, with the Acts, Decisions, Notes and Forms. By GEORGE C. OKE, author of "The Magisterial Synopsis" and "Formulist," "The Laws of Turnpike Roads," &c., &c. Second Edition. By J. W. WILLIS BUND, M.A., LL.B., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, Chairman of the Severn Fishery Board. In One Vol. Post 8vo. 5s. cloth.

Oke's Laws as to Licensing Inns, &c. 1874; containing the Licensing Acts of 1872 and 1874, and the other Acts in force as to Ale-houses, Beer-houses, Wine and Refreshment-houses, Shops, &c. where Intoxicating Liquors are sold, and Billiard and Occasional Licences. Systematically arranged, with Explanatory Notes, the authorized Forms of Licences, Tables of Offences, Index, &c. By GEORGE C. OKE, late Chief Clerk to the Lord Mayor of London. Second Edition, with all the Cases decided to the present time. By W. CUNNINGHAM GLEN, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Post 8vo. 10s. cloth.

"The arrangement in chapters adopted by Mr. Oke seems to us better than the plan pursued by the authors of the rival work."-Solicitors' Journal.

"Mr. Oke has brought out by far the best edition of the act."-Law Times.

"We are sure that lawyers who have licensing cases and magistrates who have to administer the new act will be very glad to hear that Mr. Öke has published a treatise on the subject."

Law Journal.


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